How much antifreeze is in the VAZ 2109 cooling system

How to change coolant

Important! Before you begin the replacement process on the VAZ 2109, you must disconnect the “-” terminal from the battery.

Replacement should only be carried out when the engine is cool.

You can change the coolant only when the engine has completely cooled down!

Draining process

  1. To drain the cooler, place your car on a horizontal platform. If there are no such conditions, then try to make the front of the car slightly higher.
  2. Move the heater control lever all the way to the right.

    Heater lever position

  3. Remove the ignition module with bracket.
  4. Unscrew and remove the reservoir cap.

    Unscrew the lid of the antifreeze tank

  5. Place a container under the drain plug, the volume of which should be approximately 10 liters to drain the old cooler.
  6. In order to drain the old cooler, unscrew the plug located on the engine cylinder block.

    Unscrew the plug on the cylinder block

  7. Drain the old coolant completely.
  8. Wipe the engine if liquid gets on it.
  9. Unscrew the drain plug located on the radiator and drain all waste fluid from it into a previously prepared container.

    Radiator drain plug

Filling process

  1. We tighten the drain plug located on the radiator and the plug on the cylinder block.
  2. Loosen the clamp holding the coolant drain hose and disconnect it from the throttle fitting.
  3. The hose must be held by hand.
  4. We pour new coolant into the tank and wait until it appears in the hose. Fill approximately 4-5 liters.

  5. Reinstall the hose onto the fitting.
  6. Install the clamp and tighten it.
  7. We pour coolant into the expansion tank until its level rises to about 0, a total of 7-8 liters should be required.
  8. Screw the tank cap tightly until it stops.
  9. We put the ignition module in its place.
  10. We start the car and warm up the engine to operating temperature.
  11. We turn off the car and check the antifreeze level.
  12. If necessary, top up. The level should be around about.

How to drain fluid from the system

Please note that when replacing antifreeze on a VAZ-2109 (injector), it is necessary to drain all liquid from the system. To do this, you need to install the car in such a way that its front part is much lower than the rear - due to this, all the liquid from the radiator will flow to the drain holes. The stove tap must be open. The procedure for draining the liquid is as follows:

  1. Wait until the engine cools down to 35-40 degrees. Otherwise, you can get a burn, and if you consider that antifreeze contains a large number of chemical reagents, then poisoning.
  2. Place a container of at least 10 liters under the drain hole on the radiator. The generator must be covered with a bag.
  3. Unscrew the plug and drain the liquid. Do not forget that it will flow normally only if the plug on the expansion tank is unscrewed.
  4. Then you need to drain the liquid from the engine block. To do this, use a key number 13 to unscrew the plug, which is located on the front of the engine block.

Coolant change process

The first mandatory conditions when replacing antifreeze in a VAZ 2109: the procedure is carried out only on a completely cooled engine and before starting it, the “-” terminal must be disconnected from the battery.

The tools used to replace antifreeze can be an open-end wrench set to “13”, a screwdriver and a container for draining antifreeze, the volume of which is at least 8 liters.

To replace the antifreeze, you must place the car on a horizontal platform and begin work in accordance with the following step-by-step instructions:

  • Open the hood and unscrew the cap covering the expansion tank.
  • In the car interior, set the heating knob to the extreme right position.
  • Remove both plugs completely, placing an empty container underneath in advance.
  • Wait until all the antifreeze has drained from the cooling system.

Flushing the cooling system can be carried out using several types of liquids at once, including:

  • distilled water;
  • acidified water;
  • special means for flushing the engine cooling system.

Flushing the cooling system is carried out either in warm weather outside or in a warm box.

The algorithm for filling antifreeze is quite simple and can be completely implemented on its own, even by those car enthusiasts who can be considered inexperienced:

  • We tighten the drain plug and loosen the clamp holding the antifreeze drain hose.
  • Fill at least 4-5 liters of coolant into the tank.
  • Install the hose onto the fitting.
  • Install and tighten the clamp.
  • Pour antifreeze into the reservoir until it stops at the MAX mark.
  • Screw the tank cap tightly and put the ignition module in its original place.
  • Warm up the engine to operating temperature and check the antifreeze level.

Replacing coolant on a VAZ 2109 with an injector has some of its own features, namely the use of a throttle assembly.

How to add fluid to the system

The procedure for replacing antifreeze on a VAZ-2109 is simple; all you need to do is follow all the requirements. When pouring fluid into the system, you will need to park the car so that the front is higher than the rear. In this case, the liquid will flow to the lowest point, which will be the heater radiator. In this simple way you will be able to get rid of air jams in the system as much as possible. Filling with liquid is done only after thorough rinsing: to do this, fill and drain distilled water several times.

Next, after closing all the drain holes and making sure that there are no leaks, you can fill in clean antifreeze. But keep in mind that when driving in the warm season, it is allowed to dilute it with distilled water in a 50/50 ratio. In this case, the liquid will not freeze at temperatures down to -20 o C. After refueling the system, you need to start the engine and let it warm up to operating temperature. The plugs should go away on their own, but to speed up the process of getting rid of them, you can put on gloves and squeeze out all the thick pipes.

In this article we will look in detail at how to drain antifreeze on a VAZ 2109 and completely replace it. We’ll also look at how to fix a leak.

It is necessary to change antifreeze or antifreeze according to the manufacturer's instructions or if the vehicle is operated at low temperatures. Any brand of antifreeze has a certain operating temperature, when reduced, the process of its crystallization can begin. To carry out the work, we need a lift, overpass or inspection hole.


The procedure for replacing antifreeze can be divided into four main stages:

  • Draining the old coolant;
  • Flushing the system;
  • Filling with new antifreeze;
  • Checking the functionality of the system.

Now we will go through each stage separately.

Expansion tank

Draining old coolant

  1. To work you will need a pit or overpass. In garage conditions this is not a problem.
  2. The procedure should only be started with a cold engine. Do not add new coolant if you just turned off the engine a couple of minutes ago. Otherwise, there is a risk of cracks in the cylinder block.
  3. Remove the negative terminal from the battery.
  4. Place a prepared container with a volume of about 10 liters under the car.
  5. Remove the cap from the CO expansion tank.
  6. Using a socket or a 13mm wrench, unscrew the drain plug from the cylinder block.
  7. Hold the plug so that the coolant pressure does not blow it away. There is no point in losing such an element.
  8. When all the liquid has come out, screw the lid on.
  9. Drain the coolant now from the radiator by unscrewing the plastic plug. The liquid will flow into the prepared container.
  10. Screw the drain cap on by hand. No tool required here.

Drain procedure


If you find traces of contamination in the drained antifreeze, the liquid has acquired a rusty tint, it is better to rinse the system thoroughly. If you ignore this recommendation, the new antifreeze will not last long, so you will soon have to change it again.

  • For washing, use special compounds or ordinary water. It is better to use distilled water, but if you really want to save money, take tap water;
  • Pour CO flushing liquid into the system through the neck of the expansion tank;
  • Start the engine, raise the speed a little and let the engine run for about 10 minutes;
  • Turn off the engine and repeat the draining procedure according to the instructions that you read above. Only now the system will not contain antifreeze, but a flushing composition;
  • Repeat flushing as necessary until the water coming out of the drain holes is clear.

Flushing the system

Flushing is just a recommendation and not a mandatory procedure. But those who regularly flush the system claim that it works more reliably and longer this way. So decide for yourself what to do.


To fill in new antifreeze, you don’t have to do anything complicated. You just need a special watering can. Many containers in which antifreeze is sold are not particularly convenient for pouring directly from them. Use a funnel to avoid spilling coolant.

It is extremely important to know exactly how much antifreeze is in the cooling system. The coolant for the VAZ 2109 requires 7.8 liters. Therefore, antifreeze should be purchased in 8-liter containers.

  1. Take a watering can and insert it into the neck of the expansion tank. This way you won’t spill precious grams of antifreeze.
  2. Check that all drain plugs are securely tightened. Otherwise, the coolant will simply spill out onto the floor and you will have to buy new coolant.
  3. Start gradually pouring in new antifreeze.
  4. Stop periodically for 1-2 minutes so that the liquid has time to distribute throughout the system.
  5. After filling the system, add coolant to the middle of the expansion tank level.
  6. Next, the most important thing is to get rid of the air that has entered the cooling system.
  7. Air accumulates in the upper pipe. To remove it, you just need to squeeze the upper pipe several times. Squeeze until you feel liquid appear inside.
  8. Bleed the cooling system. To do this, use a screwdriver or a size 8 wrench to unscrew the clamp that holds the return hose to the CO expansion tank (return).
  9. Now close the fitting with your finger, onto which the return line is put, so that air cannot escape from there.
  10. Next you need to blow into the expansion tank. Just imagine that you are trying to inflate the tank like a balloon.
  11. This will create pressure and coolant will begin to flow from the expansion tank into the CO, and excess air will escape through the return.
  12. As soon as antifreeze begins to flow out of the return line, the procedure can be stopped.
  13. Replace the return line and tighten the clamp.
  14. Reconnect the negative terminal of the battery, close the cap of the expansion tank and check the quality of the work done.

It is not recommended to begin active operation of the vehicle without checking.


Checking for coolant replacement is easy, but this does not make the importance of this procedure underestimated.

  • Start the engine, let it run for a few minutes at medium speed;
  • As the new coolant heats up, coolant will begin to flow from the return into the expansion tank;
  • If the liquid spills out, you did everything right;
  • Make sure the thermostat, temperature sensors, and cooling fan are working;
  • When the engine temperature rises, the thermostat opens if it is working properly. Feel the bottom of the thermostat. If it is warm, everything functions perfectly;
  • Wait for the fan to automatically turn on, cool the system, and shut down. Again, this behavior indicates the performance of the sensor and fan.

As you can see, changing antifreeze (or antifreeze) on a VAZ 2109 car with your own hands is not at all difficult. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to pay someone to do a job that takes literally an hour of your time and does not require complex dismantling procedures.

Coolant The cooling system of the “nine” engine is a closed circuit through which the working fluid – liquid (coolant) – is forced to circulate. The main elements of the circuit are an expansion tank, two radiators, a centrifugal-type vane pump, a thermostat and pipes.

Replacing coolant on VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099

Welcome! Coolant - it is only needed for the cooling system and in other systems of the car it is not used anywhere else, thanks to it the engine is cooled during operation and thus the engine takes longer to boil (If the system is working properly, it practically does not boil at all), if the liquid is removed from system, it will work, but it will boil so quickly (in about 5-10 minutes) that you will have to constantly turn off the engine of the car and wait until it cools down at least a little, besides, you will not be able to find out the temperature of the engine without liquid , because the sensor that monitors the temperature usually reads the temperature not of the engine (It’s just that everyone is already accustomed to calling it that, although the temperature of the liquid and the engine may even differ) but of the coolant itself, and how will it determine the temperature if this liquid is not there, therefore For the future, under no circumstances should you drive a car if all the fluid suddenly leaks out, since you won’t drive far and will most likely ruin the car’s engine.

Note! To replace this fluid in a car, you will need: An empty container of at least 10 liters (Although you can take less, it is best to stock up on a 10 liter container to avoid spilling the liquid), as well as wrenches, and a clean rag to use. wipe your hands and if liquid gets on the car engine, wipe it off it; in addition, you may need hex keys and different types of screwdrivers!


When should you change the coolant? If you follow the manufacturer’s advice (we don’t recommend doing as the manufacturer says, but just take a note to yourself), then the fluid needs to be changed in cars of the Samara family every 50,000-75,000 thousand km. mileage, but in reality the liquid may become unusable earlier, factors such as the quality of the liquid (If it is fake, then 1000 km will be enough for it to change its color) and its expiration date (Each coolant has its own) are responsible for this. expiration date and after its expiration it must be drained and replaced with a new one, otherwise all the additives that are in it will stop working and the engine will firstly boil faster and secondly corrosion inside the parts will begin where the liquid leaks, the liquid has an anti-corrosion additive and thus when the shelf life of the liquid expires, then all additives cease to act as they should), by the way, when the liquid becomes unusable let’s talk, any liquid you probably paid attention to when purchasing has a color (Red, blue, etc.) .d.), if after a short period of use the liquid changes its color to reddish (a shade of rust), then the liquid is fake, it must be immediately replaced with a new one, in general, high-quality liquids have a very persistent shade and they retain their color for quite a long time and in the end they only darken, so if your fluid immediately changed color after filling it and driving the car for a short time, then you also filled it with a fake, which is best replaced with new fluid.

Note! When you come to a car store (Unlikely, but they can), we recommend that you check the fluid there for its quality, of course you will have to open it to do this, but if you first buy the fluid and later check it with the sellers, then you should not have any problems with the purchased fluid, You can find out in more detail about how you can check a liquid for a fake and find out how antifreeze and antifreeze differ from each other in the article: “Useful information about antifreeze and antifreeze on VAZ cars”, everything is described in detail there!

What to choose?

Today, when replacing coolant on domestically produced cars, people most often talk about antifreeze. But in addition to antifreeze, antifreeze is actively used for more modern cars.

For the VAZ 2109 cooling system, it is quite possible to use antifreeze rather than antifreeze.

Coolant type Peculiarities
  • All cooling fluids are antifreeze, and antifreeze is a type of it, developed back in Soviet times as an alternative to foreign antifreeze;
  • Antifreeze is simply the name of a type of antifreeze, more adapted to the characteristics of car operation in the conditions of our country (then the USSR);
  • The price is more affordable when compared with other coolants;
  • More widely used among domestic car owners
  • There are a huge number of types of antifreeze in the world;
  • The difference between them lies in the base, color, composition and other parameters;
  • Antifreezes use special additives in their composition that ensure efficient operation of the cooling system and extend the service life of the coolant itself;
  • Antifreeze is more expensive, which is the most common reason for choosing antifreeze

Variety of assortment

Taking into account the characteristics of each of the presented types of coolant, certain conclusions can be drawn:

  1. If we take into account the quality characteristics, antifreeze is significantly superior to antifreeze.
  2. Antifreeze is more practical, given its adaptability to our cars. Its composition is developed with an eye to the local climate, car quality and road conditions.
  3. You can ask for antifreeze from any oncoming driver passing by if your VAZ 2109 breaks down.
  4. The characteristics of antifreeze are quite sufficient to ensure the normal functionality of the CO.

Practice shows that it makes no sense to overpay for antifreeze to fill the cooling system of a VAZ 2109.


DIY guide for replacing antifreeze in a VAZ-2109

It is better to drive the VAZ-2109 into a garage, in the basement of which there is a special inspection hole. But not every driver can afford such a luxury, so lifting the VAZ-2109 onto an overpass using a jack is quite enough. If this is not possible, simply place the machine on a level surface.

Replacing antifreeze in domestic cars consists of step-by-step actions:

  1. Find the terminals on the VAZ-2109 battery and remove them, armed with a key designed for 10. Then move the stove heater control lever to the right until it stops.
  2. Pull out the expansion tank cap.
  3. Carefully use wrenches to get rid of the crankcase protection fasteners; your task is to remove it.
  4. Place a container under the radiator after unscrewing the cap.
  5. Wait until the old antifreeze has completely drained into the canister. Screw the lid on the container and set it aside out of the way.
  6. Using a socket or a 13mm wrench, unscrew the drain plug located in the block. The antifreeze needs to be poured out from here too.
  7. Once the system has been cleared of all coolant, move on to the carburetor. Take a screwdriver and forcefully loosen the clamp securing the heating hose. Remove the hose.
  8. The VAZ-2109 injection engine has a throttle assembly, so it is necessary to loosen the screw on the antifreeze supply hose. Then disconnect the pipe.
  9. With the help of a friend, carefully fill in new antifreeze, and at this time the assistant should observe the fitting from where the pipe was removed. You need to install the pipe back as soon as the first drops of antifreeze appear, this means that the expansion tank is full.
  10. When the hose is mounted in the same place, add coolant to the maximum level indicated on the tank, install the terminals and start the VAZ-2109 engine. Leave the motor in the active position until the fan turns on; if this is not possible, at least wait until the thermostat opens. Pay attention to whether the heater is working correctly.
  11. If no problems or shortcomings are noticed, add more coolant, if necessary. Please note that at this time the engine must cool completely, otherwise hot antifreeze will burst out like a fountain when the expansion tank is opened, you and everyone nearby may get burned.

A set of tools and materials for replacing antifreeze VAZ-2109

To replace antifreeze in a VAZ-2109 yourself, you need to plan in advance and stock up on basic tools and materials:

  1. 10 liters of antifreeze, if there is any coolant left, it’s okay, you can store it until next time in a tightly closed container.
  2. Container for draining used antifreeze. If antifreeze has been used for a long time, a canister of up to 5 liters will suffice.
  3. Wrenches designed for sizes 8 and 10.
  4. Phillips head screwdriver.
  5. Marking head or key 13.

For a beginner, it is better to hire an experienced mechanic or at least a craftsman who understands the repair of domestic cars as an assistant.

Breakdowns and leaks of coolant from the reservoir

Modern car enthusiasts know that coolant leaks quite often occur on the VAZ 2109, which leads to serious overheating of the engine. Factors influencing antifreeze leakage are:

  • insufficient tightening of pipe clamps;
  • the appearance of cracks or abrasions in the pipes;
  • radiator malfunction;
  • the appearance of an air lock when filling antifreeze;
  • all sorts of breakdowns in the cooling system.

If there is still an antifreeze leak, then the first thing you should check is the pipe connecting the radiator and thermostat. If there is moisture at the junction of the tube and the thermostat, then there is a leak. In this case, the way out of the situation is to replace the gaskets.

Another serious problem is coolant leakage into the engine. A similar problem is diagnosed by checking the condition of the spark plugs. If a white coating forms on the spark plugs, it means that antifreeze is getting into the engine.

determine the coolant on a VAZ 2109

  • the appearance of sediment at the bottom of the expansion tank under the hood;
  • antifreeze loses its natural color and appears rusty;
  • the appearance of flakes in the coolant, which are especially noticeable at high temperatures;
  • the appearance of foam on the surface of the coolant, which indicates a loss of the basic properties of the coolant.

If these symptoms occur, you must immediately replace the coolant to prevent further damage to the engine, which could result in costly repairs.

Briefly about replacement

The process of replacing antifreeze on VAZ 2109 engines is carried out either once every three years, or once every 60 thousand km, or (advisable) when carrying out repair work on cooling system units. The operation route looks like this:

In this article we will look at how to drain and refill antifreeze on a VAZ 2109. Replacing antifreeze or other coolant is usually required in several cases. From time to time, we have already said that the properties of such technical fluids are lost over time and they need to be changed. Or you decided to fill your car with antifreeze from a different brand and a different color. Some other options are also possible, which will come from you personally. To replace, we will need the following tool: - a key set to “8” - a hexagon set to “12” - a container for old antifreeze Before you start replacing antifreeze or antifreeze, depending on what is in your car, it should be noted that these liquids are very toxic and You should be careful when working and do not allow these liquids to come into contact with your body, eyes or other organs. The replacement should be done on a pit or a lift, so it will be much more convenient for you to work, and to carry out work on a cooled car, in order to prevent burns, the coolant heats up very much. So let's start replacing the tholos on a VAZ 2109 - we will assume that you have already installed the car on a lift or inspection hole and it is convenient for you to work, you have already changed into work clothes and prepared all the necessary tools, now we open the cap and unscrew the cap of the expansion tank.

— after this, in the cabin you should open the heater tap by moving the heater tap handle to the extreme right position as shown in the figure.

— under the car you need to unscrew the bolts to remove the protection from the engine crankcase

-after the protection is removed, you should unscrew the radiator drain plug so that the coolant does not spill under the plug, you should place a previously prepared container where we will drain the used antifreeze.

— now that the antifreeze has been drained from the radiator, you should also drain it from the engine; to do this, unscrew the drain plug of the cylinder block after first installing the container for waste coolant in a new place.

— next we need to loosen the clamp and pull out the heating hose from the carburetor fitting

- now you should tighten all the drain plugs that were unscrewed earlier - after this you should start pouring antifreeze into the expansion tank until it begins to flow from the carburetor fitting. After this, pull the hose into place and tighten the clamp. After this, we look at the antifreeze level in the expansion tank and, if necessary, add it, naturally closing the expansion tank cap after that.

Moreover, it is worth noting that the cap of the expansion tank should be screwed tightly. Since it is under pressure and if the tightening is weak, antifreeze may begin to leak through it. After replacement, start the engine and warm it up to operating temperature, always turning on the fan. You should definitely check whether the fan turns on, because if the engine overheats, this will mean that you will have to make expensive repairs.

Replacing coolant (antifreeze) VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099

Today we will talk about the procedure for replacing antifreeze on a VAZ-2108. How often do you need to change antifreeze? Some change it once a year, some every few years, others according to mileage. I personally change it once a year on the eve of winter. It’s better to do it on time, without waiting for the antifreeze to lose its properties and start to freeze in winter, you can simply ruin the cooling system or, even worse, the engine block. By the way, the question is often asked - how much antifreeze is needed in a VAZ-2108 VAZ-2109. The answer is that 8.7 liters of coolant need to be poured into the cooling system of the VAZ-2109. True, when changing, it usually takes 7 - 7.5 liters of antifreeze. This procedure is similar to both the VAZ-2108 and VAZ 2109, 21099. Stock up on a 10-liter canister of antifreeze and let’s get started. The tools we need are a screwdriver, a 8mm wrench, and a 12mm hexagon. First, unscrew the cap on the expansion tank. To depressurize the cooling system.

Turn the stove tap to this position:

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