The VAZ robot AMT has been updated. Now we know everything about him!

AMT robotic gearbox diagram

AMT robotic gearbox diagram

It just so happened that there were a lot of complaints about AMT. Like, the driver and passengers nod when switching, the car becomes dull, and so on. The VAZ team listened and even offered several new firmwares, but the global update was announced only now.

No fundamental changes to the actuators were required. However, there are still innovations in the hardware - the control controller now has not one, but two boards, and, of course, a different transmission control program. So owners of robotic cars will not be able to simply come to the dealer and reflash the box.

What did they change?

The “traffic” mode, or, as it is officially called, the Creeping mode function, which appeared this year, has been retained. The driver simply takes his foot off the brake pedal and the car begins to roll forward. The speed in first gear is 7–8 km/h, in second gear it is 14–15 km/h. When you engage reverse, this mode also works - the car crawls at a speed of 5–6 km/h.

In this case, the Creeping mode function is turned off automatically under one of three conditions: if you open the driver's door while driving, if you move the selector to neutral or tighten the parking brake handle. That is, suddenly the car won’t move on its own.

The new AMT control program has reduced the gear shift time: from first to second and from second to third - by as much as 30%. They promise that the synchronizers will hold up.

The new AMT control program has reduced the gear shift time: from first to second and from second to third - by as much as 30%. They promise that the synchronizers will hold up.

What it is

AMT – Automatic-manual transmission, literally deciphered . It is based on conventional mechanics. Only the correct gear shifts on a manual transmission are carried out by the driver, and in it - the electronic unit. It “sorts out” speeds based on its operating algorithm. Therefore, depending on the quality of the unit’s firmware, the operating characteristics of the AMT box depend - fuel economy, vehicle response, shift speed, etc.

This transmission combines the reliability of a manual transmission, the efficiency and convenience of automatic transmissions. An important factor in choosing a robot is its price. It is an order of magnitude cheaper than a machine gun. For this reason, many car manufacturers are moving away from classic automatic transmissions towards robotic gearboxes.

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