
1. Gear shift fork (1) for axial shift of the clutch in the gearbox, having two sections (4, 5) of the fork arms lying opposite each other and interconnected by a transverse section (3) of the fork, characterized in that the sections (4 , 5) the fork arms and the cross section (3) of the fork are formed from wire or rod (7, 8).
2. Gear shift fork according to claim 1, characterized in that the rod element (78) has multiple bends.

3. Gear shift fork according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that at least two rod elements (7)8) are combined to form the gear shift fork.

4. Gear shift fork according to claim 3, characterized in that in the transverse section (3) of the fork, the first rod element (7) and the second rod element (8) are connected to each other and are located in such a way that a gap (9) is formed between them .

5. A gear shift fork according to claim 3, characterized in that in the fork arm section (4, 5) the first rod element (7) and the second rod element (8) are located next to each other.

6. The gear shift fork according to claim 3, characterized in that in the section (4, 5) of the fork arm, the first rod element (7) and the second rod element (8) are spaced apart relative to each other.

7. The gear shift fork according to claim 3, characterized in that the first and second rod elements (78) are formed from a single piece of wire, physically representing a single structural element.

8. The gear shift fork according to claim 3, characterized in that each of the first and second rod elements (7)8) is formed from one piece of wire and they represent two structural elements.

9. Gear shift fork according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that there is a sliding shoe (12) at the end (10, 11) of the shift fork arm (1).

10. Gear shift fork according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the rod element (7,8) at the end (10, 11) of the gear shift fork arm section (1) has a bend.

11. A gear shift fork according to claim 9, characterized in that the end (10, 11) of the fork arm section is bent substantially so as to have a U-shape.

12. The gear shift fork according to claim 11, characterized in that the curved (10, 11) end of the fork arm section forms a sliding eye (13).

13. Gear shift fork according to claim 12, characterized in that the sliding eye (13) is curved.

14. The gear shift fork according to claim 10, characterized in that the curved end (10, 11) of the fork arm section is provided with a sliding shoe (12).

15. Gear shift fork according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the rod element has a substantially circular and/or polygonal cross-section.

16. Gear shift fork according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the rod element is made of metal and/or plastic.

17. A gear shift fork according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the rod structure (P) in the transverse section (3) of the fork is firmly connected to the shift rod (2).

How the VAZ 2110 gearbox works

Volkswagen Passat Das graue Auto Logbook Replacing the gear shift cable
Before repairing, it is advisable to understand the operating principles of the gearbox installed on the VAZ 2110 model. The operating principle of the gear unit is as follows:

  • The device contains a primary shaft consisting of a gear block. They are in constant mesh with the gears designed to move the car (drive gears);
  • A drive gear is installed on the second shaft, on which the synchronizers are located. The bearing and oil sump are also installed here;
  • by means of a flange, the driven gear of the main gear is connected to the two-satellite differential;
  • elements of the device also include rods, ball joints, levers and switching mechanisms;
  • so that the speed does not “take off”, the unit is equipped with a jet thrust, the ends of which are fixed to the power unit and support.

Self-adjustment of the scenes on the VAZ 2110

  1. Loosen the clamp.
  2. Engage reverse and position the lever as you would like it to be in that position.
  3. Then tighten the clamp and check how the rocker works, whether you are satisfied with the current position of the lever and the operation of the rocker.
  1. Turn on first speed.
  2. Loosen the rocker clamp.
  3. Turn the rocker drive counterclockwise until the gearshift lever begins to rest against the plastic reverse speed stop.
  4. Tighten the clamp and check how everything works.

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Mechanism - shifting - gearbox - transmission

Gearbox synchronizer for GAZ-53A.  

Tuning the gear shift knob

The gearbox shift mechanism consists of forks 3, 7, 8 (see Fig. 96), mounted on sliders 27 - 29, a lever / shifter pressed by a spring 2 to the spherical surface of the cover 26, ball retainers 25, which prevent spontaneous switching on and off of gears , a lock that prevents the simultaneous engagement of two gears, and a spring fuse that makes it difficult to engage reverse gear.  

Gearbox of the GAZ-53A car.  

The gearbox shift mechanism must ensure proper engagement of the gears and prevent the gear from switching off on its own, engaging multiple gears at the same time, and engaging reverse gear when the vehicle is moving forward.  

Lubrication points for the clutch and gearbox with divider for KamAZ vehicles.  

Adjusting the gearbox shift mechanism involves changing the length of the intermediate rods to match the position of the gearshift lever to the corresponding position of the gearbox gears.  

Adjusting the gearbox shift mechanism involves changing the length of the intermediate rods to match the position of the gearshift lever and gearbox gears.  

Adjusting the gearbox shift mechanism (for cars with remote control) consists of changing the length of the intermediate rods in order to coordinate the position of the gearshift lever and gearbox gears.  

Measures to eliminate the causes of the accident include: checking the technical condition of drilling rigs, gearbox shift mechanisms of T-170 B tractors; conducting extraordinary briefings to all employees of the drilling crews of seismic crew No. 2; removal from work of persons who do not have appropriate professional training.  

The length of the rods associated with lever 4 (Fig. 61) of the control of the main clutch is set so that at the moment when the main clutch is completely disengaged, the UCM clutch is also disengaged, the UCM carrier is braked and the gearbox shift mechanism lock is fully opened.  

Moving the movable gears and setting them to the desired position is carried out using a gear shift mechanism. The gear shift mechanism of the creeper is fundamentally the same as the design of the gearbox shift mechanism.  

The controller serves for command control of the gear shift mechanism. The mechanism is located directly in the gearbox cover and has a number of power cylinders equal to the number of strokes of the gearbox shift mechanism. Each of the forks is mounted on a corresponding rod connected to one of the pistons. When compressed air is supplied to one of the cavities of the power cylinder 2, the piston 5 is displaced, and the return spring is compressed accordingly. When air escapes into the atmosphere, the spring returns the rod to the neutral position. The gear shift mechanism contains a block of eight electro-pneumatic valves, six of which provide air supply to the corresponding cavities of the power cylinders of five forward gears I - V and one reverse gear, and two (6 and 7) control the clutch.  

Transfer case with reduction gear.  

For this purpose, the transfer case switching mechanism has a special locking device that does not allow downshifting without engaging the front axle drive. The switching mechanism itself is located in the side cover and consists of sliders and forks, which are driven by two levers located in the driver’s cab. The operating principle of the transfer case shift mechanism is similar to the gearbox shift mechanism.  

At diagnostic sites and TO-2 posts, it is advisable to carry out all the basic adjustment work on transmission units. The most common way to adjust the free play of the clutch pedal (for most domestic cars is 30 - 50 mm) is by the gap between the ends of the levers and clutch release bearings (1 5 - 4 mm), changing the length of the rod by rotating the nut or fork of the rod. For hydraulically driven clutches, the free play of the pedals is additionally adjusted by changing the gap between the pusher and the master cylinder piston. Adjusting the gearbox shift mechanism involves changing the length of the intermediate rods to match the position of the gearshift lever and gearbox gears.  

Checkpoint diagram

  • the second one flies out most often because the gear teeth do not mesh well with the clutch that turns on the speeds;
  • The tips of the gear teeth and clutch are already worn out, so the speed is difficult to engage. If you don’t intervene, it will soon fly out;
  • as an option, when it knocks out on bumps, the clutch dies.


In order to be able to fix problems yourself, you need to understand a little about how exactly the switching mechanism works, which is why there are cases when some speed does not turn on or goes out. And also know how to fix it on your own.

The article is written taking into account a manual gearbox with synchronizers, i.e. an ordinary “handle”, which is installed on almost all cars from Nine to Zonda. The materials for this article were collected from many professional sources.

First, we will explain what a gas booster is and why it is needed. Imagine that you are driving 60 km/h... Suddenly a fancy Sky with neon lighting “flies up” to you from the left and starts honking and accelerating. Of course, your action is to move on and I’m not in a hurry. But suppose you decide to answer the “challenge”. You need to shift from 5th gear to 2nd. If you simply depress the clutch, engage 2nd gear and release the clutch, the car will jerk very strongly, and the clutch with the gearbox will have a hard time. Why is this happening?

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To avoid this, it is necessary to add gas, i.e. press the gas a little before releasing the clutch. This is done very quickly: the foot hits the gas pedal, in our case quite deeply, almost to the floor, and instantly releases it. Immediately the clutch is released, and the right foot presses on the gas again, but this time to accelerate. The purpose of accelerating in this case is to raise engine speed to 5000 rpm or a little higher. If you do everything correctly and then quickly release the clutch, you will not feel anything at all, and the car will begin to smoothly accelerate when you press the gas again.

The clutch pedal must be pressed sharply, this disengages the clutch, disconnects the rotation of the crankshaft and the input shaft of the gearbox; Hold the steering wheel with your left hand, and with your right hand move the gear shift lever to the first or second gear position (when it is necessary to engage second gear, we will consider below). Comment. The first (second) gear may not engage immediately; there is no need to try to push it in by force. Move the gear shift lever to the neutral position, release the clutch pedal, depress the clutch pedal all the way again and repeat engaging the first (second) gear. At the same time, the gears of the gearbox have turned and the gear should engage easily; again carefully inspect the road through the mirrors and left shoulder, make sure it is safe once again; If you can start moving, then release the parking brake lever down; lightly press the gas pedal with your right foot; feel the crankshaft speed increase slightly.

This position is recommended when driving on mountain roads. This makes better use of engine power and increases the engine braking effect. The transmission automatically shifts between first and second gears. Third and fourth gears are locked.

2.32 Gear shift

The main forces are: the rolling resistance force of the wheels, the air resistance force, the inertia force and the lifting resistance force. The movement of the car is ensured when the adhesion force between the wheels and the road is equal to or greater than the traction force. If the traction is greater than the traction force (the ten has more traction force than most other domestic cars), then the drive wheels will slip. In this case, a large load is placed on the clutch and gearbox, which can quickly fail. Fans of a sporty driving style should especially remember this. On the 10, the gearbox is not from a Mercedes.

  1. Under the bottom of the VAZ 2110, find and slightly loosen the nut on the bolt that tightens the clamp that secures the rod designed to control the gearbox;
  2. Use a screwdriver to slightly move apart the grooves in the end of the rod and the resulting gap on the clamp itself. This is necessary to ensure easy movement of the rod in relation to the gear selection rod. Place the rod in the neutral position;
  3. Release the shift knob from the cover in the cabin;
  4. Align the lever using a special template. This is done like this: install a template in the window of the rear speed lock bracket lining. After this, insert the lever axis stop into the groove of the template, pressing it without unnecessary force in the transverse direction;
  5. Then adjust the axial play of the rod in the rear direction, and its axial play by turning to the left;
  6. Install the clamp, not reaching a few millimeters from the end of the rod. Then tighten the clamp thoroughly with the bolt.

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Difficulty engaging second gear, video

5 convenient gear shift knobs from AliExpress

The owner of the ten may encounter the same problems as when turning on the first speed. In any case, malfunctions are due to the following reasons:

  • abrasion of gear teeth. At the first stages, the speed turns on poorly, but over time it will start to crash. Therefore, surgical intervention is required;
  • there is insufficient adhesion of the gear to the gear shift clutch;
  • the speed is switched off when hitting uneven road surfaces. In this case, the problem is the clutch.

Sometimes, to eliminate the knockout of the second gear, it is enough to replace the clamp. If replacement does not achieve the desired result, then a major overhaul is required.

Adjustment in this case will not solve the problem. Carrying out repair work yourself is quite difficult. Unlike adjusting and replacing oil seals, major repairs require professional skills.

Nuances, video

It should be noted that the gearbox is a fairly stable component of the vehicle. Compared to other units, breakdowns occur much less frequently here. At the same time, you need to remember that for the normal functioning of the box, you should change the oil in a timely manner, and use products from trusted brands. In terms of their performance, the gearboxes are almost identical. If we are talking about front-wheel drive cars, which include the VAZ-2110, then you can use oil poured into the power unit. If we are talking about rear-wheel drive VAZs, then special oil is provided for them. Sometimes car owners notice an oil leak. This is caused by weak fastening of the box and crankcase. The problem is solved with the help of seals, as well as careful tightening of the bolts.

If problems arise with the box, first of all it is necessary to adjust the drive and replace parts that have failed as a result of physical wear.

If the car owner has the skills and experience, then repairing the gearbox of a VAZ-2110 car can be done with his own hands. In other cases, it is better to visit a trusted auto repair shop and eliminate the deficiencies after professional diagnostics.


If you haven’t coped with this task yourself or simply don’t want to bother with the work, you should contact a service station, which you can choose HERE.

Common gearbox problems

Owners of the VAZ 2110 car note several characteristic faults in gearboxes for this model. Some people do not engage reverse gear, others complain about overshoot, and so on.

Let's look at the most popular problems that the domestic "ten" box can boast of.

  1. First speed problem. It may fly out or be difficult to turn on in the car. There are several reasons:
  1. The synchronizer has failed;
  2. The latch spring has a defect, it has burst;
  3. The lever has become loose, causing the gears to switch spontaneously;
  4. The rod is out of order or the fork is faulty; they must be replaced.
  • Second gear problem. It often gets knocked out, or it’s difficult to switch to it. There may also be several reasons for such a malfunction:
  • The gear teeth do not cling well to the gear shift clutch;
  • The tips of the teeth are worn out and worn out, making it difficult to switch on the speed. Over time it will begin to fly out. Therefore, repairs are required;
  • If the gear is knocked out when hitting a bump, then there is nothing good about it - the problem lies in a failing clutch.
  • Having experience, relevant knowledge and skills makes it possible to deal with checkpoint problems with your own hands. If all this is missing, we strongly recommend that you contact a trusted service center, where they will carry out diagnostics, determine the true causes of the problem and return your gearbox to its previous condition. Yes, it will cost some money, but you can’t do without it. Nothing is eternal. Moreover, the “tens” gearbox.

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Fork - switching

The shift forks are connected to shift rollers, which can move in special holes in the upper half of the gearbox housing. The shift forks are held from axial movement along the shafts by locking screws. At one end of the shift rollers there are grooves for a locking device (locking) and clamps.  

The switching fork for preparing to start the backup unit is installed by the maintenance personnel, who monitor the operation of the pumping station using the control and alarm panel.  

The position of the doubler gear shift fork is adjusted so that when the accelerated gear series is engaged, the gap between the machined surface of the fork cheek and the end of the gear with internal teeth is 2 - 2 5 mm.  

The shift fork rod is usually located near the steering column. The rod can be rotated and moved axially by a lever pivotally connected to it, located directly under the steering wheel. At the lower end of the steering column there are two levers, which, due to the movement of the rod, alternately engage with it, as a result of which they turn, thereby turning the gear on and off.  

Restoring a moving gear by replacing a worn ring.  

The grooves for the shift forks of the movable gears are machined until traces of wear are removed, and the forks are welded and processed according to the width of the enlarged groove.  

Shift levers and forks, usually made of steel 18ХГТ and 40Х, may have the following defects: bending, cracks and breaks. The ball surface and lower end of the lever wear out. The thickness of the shift forks and the groove wear out.  

Replacing the crayon of the gear shift fork of a screw-cutting lathe.  

At the ends of the second and third gear shift forks, holes are drilled into which crackers are pressed; the crackers fit into the groove of the synchronizer carriage for shifting the second and third gears. The ends of the fourth and fifth gear shift fork end in a machined surface into which grooves are milled. The grooves of the fork accommodate the synchronizer ring for shifting the fourth and fifth gears.  

In the forging of the shift fork, the curvature of the tab relative to the base plane of the boss and the difference between the planes in size I must be checked within a deviation of 0 5 mm.  

A worn-out nut for switching the spindle gear block in the gearbox of a screw-cutting lathe model 1K62 from the Krasny Proletary plant was replaced only with the spindle removed.  

The gap between the shift forks and the walls of the annular grooves of the gears should be 0 15 - 0 60 mm.  

Reject levers and shift forks in case of kinks and emergency bends.  

The sliding gear is moved by the shift fork 28 (see Fig.  

Sometimes it is necessary to prevent the shift fork from turning on the guide pin. Then the rolling pin is rigidly tilted in the body (options b, d, e), and the fork is connected to the rolling pin with a guide key or splines.  

Operating principle of a manual transmission

The mechanical gearbox includes:

  1. The box itself, which is a multi-stage gearbox;
  2. Clutch;
  3. Various shafts and gears.

If we explain the principle of operation of a manual transmission for dummies, then we can form it like this:

  1. Gears change the speed of rotation between the shafts. By changing the size of the gears, switching to an up or down gear occurs;
  2. Without a clutch, changing gears on the move is impossible. Its job is to separate the engine and transmission. This procedure helps you change gears without breaking the gears and shaft.

Each manual transmission (if it is not an innovative model) has a similar design. Toothed gears are located on the shafts (on their axes). Manual transmissions come with two or three shafts, and the housing is called a crankcase.

Primary shaft

The manual transmission was invented by Karl Benz, who created an imperfect model of this unit for his car in 1886. Gradually, this mechanism, which helps the vehicle adapt to different driving conditions, became more complex and is now the most popular in the world.

Features of manual transmission VAZ 2110

When switching the lever to the neutral position, an extraneous noise is heard. In this case, the issue may be the low quality of the lubricant or its absence. If after changing the oil the noise in the manual transmission does not disappear, the issue may be wear on the input shaft bearings, defects on the gear teeth, or misalignment of the shafts. In case of any of the listed malfunctions, the necessary elements must be changed.

10 Apr 2021 semeiadvo 293

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Fork - shifting - gear

The side cover is installed in the gearbox housing with the gear shift forks in neutral position and the gear selector knuckle in neutral position. In this position, the switch fist should be in line with the lock protrusions.  

True, the presence of a device connecting the lever on the steering column with the gear shift forks in the box slightly increases the cost of the transmission; however, placing the lever on the steering column has the advantage that it does not interfere with the driver's entry and exit from either the left or right side of the vehicle.  

All moving gears of the box have special annular grooves into which the gear shift forks fit. The drive shaft of the power take-off gearbox passes freely inside it.  

The synchronizer carriage 4 has a groove on its outer diameter into which the gear shift fork nuts fit. The internal hole of the carriage is slotted, consisting of three toothed rims.  

Remote gear shift mechanism MAZ-500.  

Ring 2, which has a recess for the gear shift fork, is attached to the protrusions 6 of the coupling flange with pins 5.  

The outer diameter of the synchronizer carriage is processed in the form of a ring, with which it fits into the slots of the gear shift fork legs. Eight holes are drilled perpendicular to the blind holes around the circumference of the ring for installing blocking pins, and the axes of these holes intersect. The holes for the locking pins on both sides are chamfered with an angle corresponding to the angle of the chamfers of the locking pins. The carriage has internal and external gears. Internal splines, made in the form of two crowns, are designed to move the carriage along the secondary shaft. In addition, these rims, in combination with the four rims of the secondary shaft, when engaging fourth or fifth gear, form a lock that prevents the gear from turning off automatically while the vehicle is moving.  

The pins 12 of the clutch fit into the inner annular groove of the holder 9, which has a recess on the outer surface for the gear shift fork. Clamps 14, consisting of balls and springs, hold the shift fork cage on the synchronizer body 11, protecting it from spontaneous movement.  

When assembling the gearbox of a VAZ car, pay attention to the installation of balls with springs for the gear shift fork rod clamps in the crankcase. The spring for the reverse fork rod clamp ball is different from the others in its elasticity and therefore is painted green or has a cadmium coating

Before installing the forks, their condition is checked by external inspection. The bent of the forks is determined on a surface plate and, if necessary, they are straightened under a press in a cold state. Breaks and cracks on the cover, forks, rod heads and gear shift lever, as well as wear exceeding the permissible level, are not allowed. Worn balls of clamps and locks, as well as weakened springs, are replaced with new ones. If necessary, replace bearings and shafts.  

The gearbox cover (Fig. 78) houses the gear shift mechanism, consisting of sliding rods, a lever and a gear shift fork.  

The fingers 4 of the clutch, passing through the figured cutouts of the housing, enter the internal annular groove of the shift ring 2, which is connected to the gear shift fork. The synchronizer body moves along with the clutch until the bronze conical ring comes into contact with the conical surface of the hub of the engaged gear. Due to the difference in angular speeds of the gear and the synchronizer body, the latter will rotate through a certain angle under the influence of friction forces, and the protrusions of the coupling will rest against the edges of the figured cutouts 3, preventing its further movement. As soon as the angular velocities of the gear and the secondary shaft with which the clutch is connected are equal, the protrusions of the clutch will come out of the grooves and its further movement will again become possible. The ring gear of the clutch will engage the internal teeth of the engaged gear, connecting it to the output shaft.  

To the protrusions 6 (see Fig. 69) of the coupling, which fit into the shaped slots 3 of the housing, the cage 2 of the gear shift fork is attached using pins.  

To the protrusions 6 (see Fig. 89) of the coupling, which fit into the shaped slots 3 of the housing, the cage 2 of the gear shift fork is attached using pins.  

Gearbox synchronizer for MAZ-200 and KrAZ-219 vehicles.  

To the protrusions 6 (see Fig. 89) of the coupling, which fit into the shaped slots 3 of the housing, the gear shift fork cage 2 is attached using pins 5.  

How to change gears on a VAZ 2110

The clutch pedal must be pressed sharply, this disengages the clutch, disconnects the rotation of the crankshaft and the input shaft of the gearbox; Hold the steering wheel with your left hand, and with your right hand move the gear shift lever to the first or second gear position (when it is necessary to engage second gear, we will consider below). Comment. The first (second) gear may not engage immediately; there is no need to try to push it in by force. Move the gear shift lever to the neutral position, release the clutch pedal, depress the clutch pedal all the way again and repeat engaging the first (second) gear. At the same time, the gears of the gearbox have turned and the gear should engage easily; again carefully inspect the road through the mirrors and left shoulder, make sure it is safe once again; If you can start moving, then release the parking brake lever down; lightly press the gas pedal with your right foot; feel the crankshaft speed increase slightly.

When starting off on a flat section of the road, you only need to overcome the rolling resistance force of the wheels and the force of inertia. Before you set off, you must: depress the clutch pedal (develop this habit, it will allow you to avoid many troubles); turn on the ignition; start the engine; carefully inspect the road you intend to enter through the rear-view mirrors, external and internal, and turn your head left and right to check the blind spot from behind and from the sides; Turn on the turn signal if you are sure it is safe. You should not turn on the turn signal if there are other vehicles or pedestrians nearby to whom you must give way; With your left foot, fully depress the clutch pedal and hold it in this position.

Three-shaft system design

The three-shaft system is equipped with three shafts:

  1. Drive shaft;
  2. Intermediate shaft;
  3. Driven shaft.

The driven shaft of a manual transmission is connected to the drive shaft using a bearing inside the first shaft and is positioned in such a way that the driven and drive axes are related to each other. In turn, this structure allows them to rotate independently of each other. The gears of the driven axle are not rigidly fixed in relation to the driven shaft, and the gears themselves have special delimiters - a synchronizer-clutch. Such delimiters, unlike gear blocks, are firmly attached to the driven shaft. However, this does not prevent them from moving along the Spitz along the axis.

The ends of the synchronizer clutch are shaped like toothed rims, which allows them to come into contact with the rims at the ends of the driven shaft gears. Currently, the gear unit is equipped with such synchronizers in all forward gears.

With a rear-wheel drive car, the transmission of torque and speed to the drive wheels occurs through the driveshaft, and with a front-wheel drive car, with the help of CV joints and a gearbox. If there is no gear and the clutch directly engages the driven and drive shafts, the gearbox provides the highest possible efficiency. For reverse gear, the gearbox device is equipped with a gear that allows you to change the direction of rotation in the reverse order.

Recently, manufacturers of manual transmissions have given preference to helical gears. Unlike spur gears, such gears produce minimal noise during operation and are more wear-resistant. The shelf life of such gears is determined by the material from which they are made: high-alloy steel, hardened by high-frequency current and normalized to relieve stress.

Transmission gear selection mechanism for VAZ 2110, 2112, Priora

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Dear customers, in order to avoid errors when sending the gear selection mechanism for the VAZ 2110 gearbox, please indicate your car model and year of manufacture in the “Comment” line.

Any car of the VAZ family has a gear shift mechanism, which consists of a gear shift lever, a ball joint, a rod, a gear selection rod and a gearbox.

The gearbox is designed to change the torque developed by the engine in order to obtain different traction forces on the drive wheels when starting the car, accelerating, moving and overcoming road obstacles; changes in vehicle speed and direction; the possibility of driving the car at low speeds, which cannot be provided by the engine, and disconnecting the engine from the transmission for a long time when parked or when the car is moving by inertia (coasting).

The VAZ 2110 gearbox is a two-shaft, five-speed gearbox, which is combined with a differential and a main gear, and is activated by a lever located in the car's interior.

The gear shift mechanism is used to change gears in the box and is controlled by the driver using a lever from inside the car. To prevent spontaneous gear disengagement, a reaction rod is introduced into the gearbox control drive, one end of which is connected to the power unit, and a ball joint clip is attached to the other end.

The gear selection mechanism is made as a separate unit and is attached to the plane of the clutch housing.

1 – gear selection lever (forward); 2 – guide axis of locking brackets; 3 – axis of the gear selection lever; 4.11 – spring; 5 – retaining ring; 6 – reverse fork axis; 7.12 – blocking brackets; 8 – reverse fork; 9 – gear selection lever (reverse); 10 – gear selection mechanism housing

In the housing 10 (of the gear selection mechanism, two axles are mounted. On axis 3 there is a three-arm gear selection lever, two locking brackets 7 and 12. The other axis 2 passes through the holes of the locking brackets, securing them from turning. The gear selection lever arm 1 is used to engage gears forward gear, lever arm 9 is for engaging reverse gear, and the third arm is acted upon by the gear selector rod lever. A fork 8 for engaging reverse gear is installed on axis 6.

The oil level in the gearbox (gearbox) of VAZ 2110-2112, VAZ 2170 should always be “at the level”. After all, even a slight drop can ruin fifth gear. A gearbox is not an engine; the oil in it does not “burn” and disappears only due to leaky seals.

The VAZ 2110-2112 and VAZ 2170 gearboxes are filled with TM-5-9p oil from the factory, which is designed for a mileage of 70-80 thousand kilometers.

Transmission repair is necessary for the following symptoms: noise when shifting gears, difficult shifting on and off, spontaneous shifting of gears, transmission oil leakage.

In some cases, you can get by just adding oil. If the signs of malfunction have not disappeared, it is necessary to proceed to repairing the gearbox. The first option is to contact a service station. Repairing a VAZ 2110 gearbox is quite possible in your garage.

Other article numbers of the product and its analogues in the catalogues: 2110 -1703050, 21100170305000.

VAZ 2110-2111, VAZ 2112, VAZ 2170.

Any breakdown is not the end of the world, but a completely solvable problem!

How to independently replace the gearshift mechanism of a VAZ 2110 gearbox on a VAZ family car.

AvtoAzbuka online store, repair costs will be minimal.


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Advantages and disadvantages

Mechanical box

is not the only, but the most common type of gearbox. It has both obvious advantages and obvious disadvantages, of which there are still much fewer.

Repairing a gearbox is a rather complicated procedure and should only be entrusted to a specialist.

So, the advantages of manual transmission can be called:

  • minimum cost and weight;
  • good acceleration dynamics;
  • simplicity and clarity of design;
  • reliability;
  • low cost of maintenance.

Manual gearbox

rigidly connects the power unit to the drive pair, which allows you to achieve maximum driving efficiency on icy conditions and in off-road conditions. In addition, the manual transmission can be completely decoupled from the engine, allowing the vehicle to be started using external force (towing, pushing) without restrictions.

But this system also has certain disadvantages, including:

  • the need to constantly change gears, which is tiring when driving for a long time;
  • long-term development of correct gear shifting skills;
  • only step change of gear ratios;
  • relatively low clutch resource.

For these reasons, today the mechanic's box

is the main, but not the only popular gear shift system.

Repair work

In cases in which the adjustment did not bring the long-awaited result, you have to resort to repairing the gearbox on a VAZ yourself. One of the most common difficulties is knocking out the gears responsible for 1-2 speeds.

Be sure to ensure that each fastener is working properly when dismantling. Clamps - 3 springs, each of which varies in length from larger to smaller and is responsible for the gears assigned to them. The first and longest takes care of speeds 1 and 2 and so on.

How to disassemble and assemble a VAZ 2110 gearbox

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Transmission repair

Adjustment does not always achieve the desired effect. Therefore, the motorist will need to carry out repair work. Practice shows that most often the gears that are responsible for the first and second speeds are knocked out. When disassembling, the car owner needs to make sure that all fasteners are in good condition. We are talking about 3 springs. 1 design serves the first and second speeds, 2 - the third and fourth, and 3 - the fifth. The first clamp has the maximum length.

Before repairing a VAZ 2110 gearbox with your own hands, it is recommended that you carefully study the video material, as well as read the operating manual.

Let's look at the most common faults that occur in the 10th model gearbox. In fact, there are quite a lot of problems with the VAZ-2110 gearbox. First gear often doesn’t engage well (or crashes out) main reasons:

  • synchronizer wear;
  • latch damage. Most often the spring breaks;
  • The lever is not locked. This leads to spontaneous gear shifting;
  • the rod has become unusable;
  • The gearbox fork is damaged.

Getting to know the gearbox

To improve the operation of the system, you should place the regulators in the extreme position (0) and remove them. Then you will have to spend time removing the front cover and glass from the latches. After this, you need to get rid of all fasteners, in particular, 2 front and 1 rear screws.

Operation, repair and maintenance

The car's highest torque is in first gear. It is not difficult for the engine to rotate the wheels, but the speed of the car will not exceed 40 kilometers per hour. When such a speed is reached, the tachometer needle is usually in the red scale. Therefore, to move further, you need to switch to a weaker but faster gear. Then to the third, quadruple and so on. All switching must be done sequentially. The engine power is not enough to confidently accelerate the car at 20 kilometers in 3rd gear. Unless, of course, it's a 5.0-liter V-8.

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Every car owner is familiar with the VAZ-2110. Despite the fact that production stopped a long time ago, these models are still actively used in small provincial towns and villages. The car in all available trim levels was equipped with a manual transmission. Few owners think about installing a VAZ-2110 gearbox. However, it is very useful to know what this mechanism consists of, what “congenital diseases” it has, and how to repair it.

These marks are marked on the dipstick as the minimum and maximum values. Next, you will need to start the engine and wait until the oil light (or oil pressure light) goes out. After this, turn off the engine, check the oil level and, if necessary, remove excess or add more oil.

Installation and repair of VAZ 2110 gearbox

It also happens that transmissions go out. If they turn off while driving, then it is worth checking the condition of the engine mounts. Vibrations may cause gear shifts. If the speeds are not switched on as easily as before or if there are characteristic sounds, then this indicates worn out synchronizers. For repairs, you need to know exactly the structure of the VAZ-2110 gearbox.

The transmissions turn off on their own. This malfunction may be associated with wear or damage to the gear teeth, loosening of the second shaft nut, wear of the rods and deformation of the forks, as well as increased vibration of the motor during operation. To solve the problem, you need to replace the faulty elements and adjust the drive.

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