Chevrolet Niva knock sensor: where is it located, replacement

Car problems are unpleasant for every driver. If a metallic clanging occurs in the engine (we are talking about a Chevrolet Niva car), first of all pay attention to the knock sensor. Most often, its breakdown causes power unit failures.

You will learn from the article how to replace the knock sensor on a Niva Chevrolet, its functions, location, signs of inoperability, causes of failure, and testing methods. The information will help you make the right decision during an emergency.

Problems with engine detonation on a Chevrolet Niva car

The problem of detonation is also familiar to the Chevrolet Niva. Coming from an SUV family, the Niva has the peculiarity of frequent trips not only off-road, but also in hills and mountainous areas. Therefore, when climbing at low speed and in high gear, you sometimes hear the sound of a metallic clatter. This phenomenon can lead to the following types of problems:

  • Engine failure resulting from the action of a destructive force on the cylinder head and crank mechanism;
  • Burnout of the cylinder head gasket (cylinder head), which occurs when the temperature rises to critical values ​​during detonation. Often the first one to become unusable and requires immediate replacement;
  • Piston burnout. Corrosion of the piston crown appears and with frequent exposure to this phenomenon, it leads to burnout.

Therefore, it is necessary to control the operation of the engine when moving up at low speeds and in high gear. Detonation can contribute to the failure of the cylinder block, pistons and crankshaft of a Chevrolet Niva, which can only be corrected by replacing them with new ones, which will be practically very expensive.

The true reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon on the Chevrolet Niva

All cars are susceptible to this phenomenon. The main reasons that lead to this effect are:

  • Circumstances under which the Chevrolet Niva is operated. This is exactly the case when climbing a steep hill at a speed below 40 km/h and in fourth gear;
  • Quality of the fuel mixture. If the octane number is low, then detonation is guaranteed. A high number ensures detonation resistance;
  • Design characteristics of the motor. These include: the condition of the spark plugs and their location, the shape of the combustion chamber, the compression ratio and the shape of the piston.

What methods of protection are provided in Shnivy against detonation?

Chevrolet Niva is equipped with a knock sensor. It is designed to protect the motor from this effect, as well as to display the process of its occurrence in the form of a light alarm. The sensor is a sensitive element made of piezoceramic material. On the Chevrolet Niva it is located in the area of ​​the cylinder block. The operating principle of the sensor is as follows:

  • When the phenomenon of engine detonation appears, the amplitude of its vibrations increases;
  • The built-in controller on the instrument panel corrects the ignition timing, which helps to dampen the phenomenon;
  • The signal to the controller is supplied by a sensor, which generates an incoming voltage signal that occurs under certain engine vibration parameters;
  • The controller is also capable of displaying a sensor malfunction in the form of a light alarm on the instrument panel. The alarm is represented by the inscription “CHEK ENGINE”, familiar to all drivers, which is highlighted in red.

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How to replace a faulty knock sensor on a Chevrolet Niva

From time to time, malfunctions occur on any car. One of the causes of malfunctions that cause problems may be the occurrence of detonation. This can be seen by the engine running for a long time after the ignition has been turned off. It usually occurs due to explosive ignition of fuel in the cylinders.

There is a general principle of operation of an internal combustion engine:

  • The fuel-air mixture enters the cylinder and is ignited by a spark from the glow plugs at the moment when the piston remains a few degrees before reaching top dead center. Complete combustion occurs at the moment when the piston reaches the top point, creating maximum pressure.
  • If a detonation effect occurs, then ignition occurs much earlier, when the piston is still in the middle of the compression stroke. Therefore, during combustion, a force acts on it in the opposite direction, reducing engine power and leading to increased wear of parts.

If an indication of errors in engine operation appears on the instrument panel, this does not mean that the problem lies precisely in a faulty sensor. But if corresponding problems also arise when driving, then its urgent replacement is necessary. It should be done in accordance with the table.

· Switch the multimeter to DC voltage measurement mode

Connect the connectors to the sensor output

· tap the sensor with a small hammer. In this case, the voltage should change.

· If the voltage does not change, then the sensor is most likely faulty

The cost of a knock sensor on a Niva is 500-600 rubles, so you shouldn’t delay replacing it so as not to spend much more on engine repairs.

From time to time, malfunctions occur on any car. One of the causes of malfunctions that cause problems may be the occurrence of detonation. This can be seen by the engine running for a long time after the ignition has been turned off.

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It usually occurs due to explosive ignition of fuel in the cylinders. It appears gradually, you can notice it when going uphill at low speed when the gear is in high gear.

This effect is classified as glow ignition and does not indicate malfunction of the engine.

  • The fuel-air mixture enters the cylinder and is ignited by a spark from the glow plugs at the moment when the piston remains a few degrees before reaching top dead center. Complete combustion occurs at the moment when the piston reaches the top point, creating maximum pressure.
  • If a detonation effect occurs, then ignition occurs much earlier, when the piston is still in the middle of the compression stroke. Therefore, during combustion, a force acts on it in the opposite direction, reducing engine power and leading to increased wear of parts.

Typical breakdowns

Be sure to listen to how the engine operates as the load increases - if even the slightest metallic clatter appears, be sure to make a diagnosis.

Otherwise, you may experience the following problems:

  • Burnout of the gasket under the cylinder head. When detonation occurs, the engine temperature increases.
  • Destruction of the pistons, as they all corrode.
  • Very often, elements of the crank mechanism and cylinder head are destroyed.

If you are driving your car up a hill and the gear is in high gear, be sure to monitor the engine. If you subject the engine to heavy loads, you will contribute to the appearance of detonation knocks. As a result, many elements of the car will fail, and this is the first step towards a major overhaul.

What are the main elements it consists of?

The detonation controller is a complex assembly containing the following elements:

  • connector where the power cable is connected;
  • threaded connection to the block;
  • sensitive element.

The sensor is made in a closed housing and cannot be repaired if it breaks. If there are any problems, the entire part should be replaced.

Verification methods

It is easy to check the inoperability of the DD yourself without dismantling it by conducting preliminary testing.

How to do it:

  • put the engine at idle speed (about 2000 rpm);
  • lightly tap with a hammer near the sensor.

A drop in engine speed (which will be audible) will indicate the serviceability of the part . If the speed remains unchanged, then the piezoelectric element is tested additionally. To do this, the DD will need to be removed by unscrewing the mounting bolt and disconnecting the block.

Then use a voltmeter or multimeter .

The procedure is as follows:

  • connect the tester to the DD contacts;
  • set constant voltage mode;
  • Using light taps on the sensor, monitor the meter readings.

Voltage fluctuations of up to 0.2 volts are a sign of the operating condition of the DD . If there are no voltage surges, it means it is damaged and must be replaced.

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Where is it located?

Many people wonder where to find this knock sensor?! The location of the knock sensor is in the engine compartment of the Niva, namely on the cylinder block near the oil filter.

The location of the sensor is determined by the fact that this is the most sensitive area for detecting various engine detonations. This helps to quickly localize the problem in order to avoid engine breakdowns.

Where is the knock sensor located?

Depending on the make of the car, the location of the sensor may vary, but it is always located on the engine body. The part itself is very small, about the size of a matchbox.

Part installation features

An important feature of installing the sensor is the presence of an electronic ignition system in the car. If it is not there, then there is no sensor. Older models do not have a knock sensor. It is also not installed on carburetor engine systems.

Replacing the sensor on a VAZ, video:

Price and article

Below is a table with prices for knock sensors for Niva from manufacturers that have proven themselves well in the market.

Manufacturervendor codePrice, (rubles)
LADA (original)21123855020200-400
"Road map"21123855020250-360

Is it possible to avoid detonation?

Pay attention to where the knock sensor is located on the Chevrolet Niva. It is located in the center of the engine block. The distance from the sensor installation location to the 1st and 4th cylinders is the same, thanks to this it allows you to capture all detonation knocks that appear in the internal combustion engine.

And in order to eliminate the possibility of detonation, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • When you drive your car uphill or off-road, you need to downshift. It is desirable that the engine operates at a frequency of 2500..3500 rpm.
  • Monitor the condition of the spark plugs - the quality of ignition of the mixture depends on them. It is better to occasionally check the compression in each cylinder.
  • It is not recommended to use gasoline with a low octane number. It is advisable to fill the tank only with fuel recommended by the car manufacturer.

About the location of the knock sensor

An important point for diagnosing an accurate signal is the location of the measuring element. The DD is located where the source of detonation is located - on the engine. It is bolted directly to the cylinder block in the center so that the distance between it and the cylinders (first and fourth) is equal. This will make it possible to identify any detonation knocks that occur during engine operation.

Knock sensor location

Another way to find the DD under the hood of a car is to follow from the ECU to the sensor along the wire connecting them, laid in a corrugated tube.

Engine operating principle

Detonation very often occurs when going uphill. In this case, the car is moving slowly, and the speed is increased. But do not worry, since this phenomenon is called glow ignition, and it does not indicate that the engine is not working properly.

Any internal combustion engine works according to the following principles:

  • A mixture of gasoline and air is supplied to the combustion chamber of the cylinders, where it is ignited by a spark on the spark plug. Moreover, the piston should be literally a few millimeters from top dead center. As soon as the piston reaches the top position, the greatest pressure is generated in the cylinder. At this moment, the entire air-fuel mixture will completely burn.
  • During normal operation of the knock sensor on the Chevrolet Niva, signs of this phenomenon will not appear. This device will help get rid of the manifestation of detonation. And it appears when the mixture begins to ignite much earlier than it should. This usually happens halfway to top dead center. And when the air-fuel mixture burns, a force is exerted on the upper part of the piston, which pushes it in the opposite direction. At the same time, the engine power is reduced, and significantly, and its parts wear out.

Knock sensor and its purpose

Knock sensors are used in gasoline-powered vehicles that have an injector built into their circuitry. They help reduce fuel consumption and allow engine power to be maximized.

The appearance of detonation in a Chevrolet Niva (which can also be attributed to the Niva 21214 SUV, a model similar in characteristics) is possible under increased loads. Heavy uphill climbing and swampy terrain create conditions for the power unit to fail. This occurs due to premature ignition of the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. The sensor neutralizes the imbalance between the moments of fuel injection and combustion, eliminating unpleasant metallic knocks.

The appearance of the knock sensor (DS) on a Chevy Niva car is quite simple. Motorists say: “You will find it easily!” This is a small round element with a mounting hole in the center for a bolt, and an electrical connector attached to it. The DD is connected to the electronic control unit (ECU) and consists of:

  • frame;
  • piezo crystal plate;
  • electrical connector.

Knock sensor
The principle of operation of the sensor is that a piezoelectric element located inside its housing converts mechanical vibrations from detonation into an electrical signal, which is supplied to the ECU. The frequency response of the signal has a certain meaning during standard operation. If its parameters deviate from the specified ones, the electronic unit will detect the discrepancy and adjust the engine operation. Thus, the DD on Chevrolet Niva and Niva 21214 is designed for timely detection of emerging detonation and its prevention. This significantly increases the service life of the vehicle.

Causes of breakdowns

Failure of the pressure sensor circuit occurs for various reasons . Any of them can cause engine detonation. A thorough examination and diagnosis will help determine which one.

It could be:

  • unsuitability of the piezoelectric element itself;
  • outgoing cable break;
  • sensor short to ground;
  • lack of contact in the connector block;
  • damage to the shielding braid.

Under no circumstances should you delay troubleshooting . The consequences of detonation can be very serious, namely, they will cause damage to the engine itself.

How is the car’s built-in protection against detonation implemented?

In order to monitor engine operation, a knock sensor is installed in the Chevrolet Niva. When problems occur, it sends a signal to the dashboard, where an alarm light sensor appears. The sensor design itself is a particularly sensitive piezoceramic element, which is located in close proximity to the cylinders. It reacts to the occurrence of increased vibrations that appear as a result of engine malfunctions. After which the ECU begins to send a signal to correct the ignition timing. In this case, the signal received by the controller produces an additional light signal on the instrument panel in the form of the CHEK ENGINE icon.

About the malfunction of the knock sensor

When the sensor fails, signs of a sensor malfunction are, first of all, the inclusion of a light indication on the “Check-engine” dashboard and detonating metallic knocks in the engine.

Instrument panel with illuminated “Check-engine” icon

Warning symptoms in vehicle operation: decreased engine power, increased fuel mixture consumption, and the appearance of smoky exhaust. The manifestation of the detonation effect on a Chevrolet Niva is an indicator that cannot be taken lightly. The item must be replaced as soon as possible. Otherwise, the engine itself will have to be repaired. To do this, you will need to make sure that it is the DD that is in a faulty state, because the reasons for the lack of a signal may lie in the following:

  • lack of contact in the connector;
  • broken wires;
  • Damage to insulation or braided shielding.

You can read below about how to check the knock sensor yourself. It's not difficult at all.


The Chevrolet Niva knock sensor is necessary to ensure smooth engine operation. This allows the engine to function normally in all operating modes. Using ignition timing and fuel injection configuration, maximum power can be obtained. Knock. This is one of the defects that can really damage the engine. This happens because the fuel mixture burns in the combustion chambers of the cylinder.

Knocking noise is very common when climbing a mountain. At the same time, the car moves slowly, and the speed increases. But don’t worry, because this phenomenon is called glowing, and then it does not mean that the engine is faulty.

At least some gasoline engines operate on the following principles:

  • A mixture of gasoline and air is fed into the combustion chamber of the cylinder, where it is ignited by a spark at the spark plug. And the piston should be almost a few millimeters from top dead center. When the piston reaches its top position, the greatest pressure is found in the cylinder. At this moment, the entire air-fuel mixture will completely burn.
  • During normal operation of the knock sensor on a Chevrolet Niva, there will be no signs of this phenomenon. This device will help you get rid of detonation. And this happens when the mixture begins to burn much earlier, if necessary. This usually occurs halfway to top dead center. And when the air-fuel mixture burns, a force pushing it in the opposite direction will act on the top of the piston. At the same time, the engine power decreases, significantly, and its parts wear out.

On a Chevrolet Niva, the knock sensor error can be read using a special diagnostic scanner.

If there is a fighter, it will show an error code:

  • 0327. Extremely low signal from the knock sensor. Most likely, the circuit connecting the sensor to the control unit is open.
  • 0328. very high signal level. This may be caused by a malfunction of the device itself.

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The Chevrolet Niva is very specific because it is designed for driving on conditions where there are practically no roads. Therefore, any difficulties with this can simply be fatal. The risk of slowing down in the forest increases several times.

Be sure to listen to how the engine operates as it increases the load. Be sure to make a diagnosis if there is even a small iron crack.

Otherwise, you may experience the following problems:

  • Burning gasket under the cylinder head. When pressed, the engine temperature rises.
  • Destruction of pistons, as they are all corroded.
  • Elements of the crank mechanism and cylinder heads are often destroyed.

In this case, if you are driving your car uphill and the crossing is on, be sure to keep an eye on the engine. In this case, if you subject the engine to heavy loads, you will cause detonation shocks. As a result, many auto parts will fail, and this is the first step towards serious repairs.

Pay attention to where the knock sensor is located on the Chevrolet Niva. It is located in the center of the walk-behind tractor. From the location of the sensor, the distance to the 1st and 4th cylinders is uniform, thanks to which it allows you to catch all the knocks that occur in a gasoline engine.

Diagnostics and replacement of Chevrolet Niva phase sensors

And to eliminate the possibility of detonation, it is enough to adhere to several general rules:

  • When you drive your car uphill or SUV, you need to lower your gear. It is better for the engine to run at 2500-3500 rpm.
  • Watch the candles. The quality of ignition depends on them. It is best to check the compression in each cylinder from time to time.
  • Low octane gasoline is not recommended. It is best to only fill the fuel tank recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.

How to check the knock sensor?

Unfortunately, the knock sensor can also fail. In this case, a person without special knowledge will be able to notice this only by the lit indicator. No other obvious signs will be noticed. The car will continue to operate in the same mode and start without any signs of breakdown.

At this point, it is necessary to remember that this device is not mechanical, it is part of an electronic system, and therefore the breakdown is considered electronic.

A knock sensor malfunction can happen for a number of different reasons, including:

  • There has been a breakdown inside the sensor itself.
  • Closure.
  • The signal wire or braided shield is broken.
  • Damage to the engine control unit.

Thus, it will not be difficult to identify the breakdown. In order to determine it, it is necessary to conduct a test.

But those who are not looking for easy ways can always carry out this simple process on their own. Self-checking occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. First, we remove the protection in the garage. You will have to work directly with the engine block.
  2. Now we rule out a break in the signal wire and shielding braid. If it is torn or the braid is torn, you need to check the fastening of the plug and socket of the sensor. The integrity of the braid must be checked.
  3. If a break is excluded, the outlet itself is assessed. It is possible that its connection is faulty and requires replacement.
  4. You can detect faults in the device itself using a voltmeter. In this case, the car must be started and idling.
  5. You also need to check the condition of the device contacts.

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You can check it yourself in a slightly different way. For this you need a multimeter. This device is very often found among car enthusiasts.

Checking the knock sensor with a multimeter is carried out only after it is removed from the engine. When checking, they knock on it with something metal. This method is the simplest.

We set the range to 200 mV, connect the positive and negative wires to the sensor terminal and to the metal ring, respectively. Do not confuse ground and signal pin! Now you need to hit it with something metal, but not too hard. The sensor will have to detonate.

You can check the sensor with another device called an oscilloscope. It will allow you to study the signal more qualitatively.

Now you need to tap the sensor lightly. The device will show detonation.

If the sensor detonates, then it is working, and the breakdown must be looked for elsewhere. But if the knock sensor signal is low or there is no signal, then this is a malfunction.

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