Connection diagram for tachometer VAZ 2107 – Devices 2107 – DRIVE2 – Tires for special equipment, tires for loaders

03/31/2021 10,366 VAZ 2107

Author: Ivan Baranov

The driver can learn about the main operating parameters of the vehicle thanks to the dashboard. This device is equipped with basic sensors and indicators that indicate the operation of certain devices. One such device is the tachometer. For what reasons does the tachometer on a VAZ 2107 carburetor not work and how to replace the device - detailed instructions are described below.



The tachometer is not one of the “vital” devices of the “seven”, but its malfunction causes certain inconvenience. In addition, the situation when the VAZ 2107 tachometer jumps is a sign of problems in the ignition system or fuel supply to the engine. Therefore, at the first sign of a malfunctioning tachometer, you need to understand the causes of the breakdown and eliminate them immediately.

The connection diagram for the tachometer on a VAZ 2107 with a carburetor engine is slightly different from that used on models with an injector. But in general, the causes of the malfunction and the methods for eliminating them are similar.

Connecting a tachometer on carburetor and injection models

The connection diagram for the VAZ 2107 tachometer on an injection machine differs in that in this case the device reads data on engine speed not from the ignition coil, but from the engine ECU. In general, the connection procedure and operating principle are no different. The device has three terminals, two of which are connected to the “plus” from the ignition switch and “ground”, and to the third - a wire from the ignition coil or engine ECU.

Where to start troubleshooting

To troubleshoot, you will need a multimeter or “tester”. If the tachometer on a VAZ 2107 (injector) does not work, you should first look to see if the “Check Engine” warning light is on. If this is the case, then you can find out the cause of the breakdown by reading the error code from the controller. If the lamp does not light, you can skip this point.

Next, on the injection and carburetor models, you should check the condition of the electrical wiring going to the tachometer. The insulation of the wires must not be damaged, the tachometer must have good contact with ground, power and terminal “K” of the ignition coil or the engine ECU output. In addition, there may be a break or poor contact inside the device itself. In this case, it will have to be replaced.

If everything is in order with the wires and contacts, the problem is in the Hall sensor (on the injection “seven”), the ignition or fuel supply system.

Checking the ignition system

The VAZ 2107 tachometer circuit is the same for all models, the only difference is where it gets the data from. In the carburetor “seven”, information about engine speed is read from the ignition coil: every two spark discharges on the spark plugs is one engine revolution.

The tachometer may malfunction if the insulation of high-voltage wires is broken or the ignition coil is faulty. In this case, interruptions in engine operation and “floating” speed are also possible. In addition to the wires and coil, it is necessary to check the condition and adjustment of the breaker contact and the capacitance of the capacitor on it.

Faulty wires and, as a result, unstable engine operation, cause the tachometer to “jump” on injection VAZ models.

Hall Sensor

The tachometer on the VAZ 2107 (injector) reads information about engine speed from the computer. The latter, in turn, receives data from the Hall sensor. Poor contact at the sensor terminals or its malfunction leads to interruptions in engine operation and fluctuations in the tachometer needle. If the contacts can be cleaned, the sensor itself cannot be repaired. It is designed in such a way that the possibility of its repair is excluded. The faulty sensor must be replaced with a new one.

Fuel system malfunction

The cause of interruptions in engine operation and jumps in the tachometer needle can be either low-quality fuel or problems in the injection system. On carburetor models, disassemble the carburetor and clean the jets.

Most often, a “jumping” tachometer is the result of a clogged idle jet. The VAZ 2107 tachometer (injector) can “jump” if there are problems in the injection system. In this case, it is necessary to flush the injectors.

To check and clean the injection system, you need a special stand and equipment. It is better to entrust such work to service station specialists.

Malfunction of the gas distribution mechanism

When the tachometer needle begins to “jump” at high speeds, the problem may be associated with a malfunctioning gas distribution mechanism. In this case, it is necessary to check the tension of the timing belt connecting the crankshaft to the camshaft.

In addition, the speed may “float” due to a malfunction of the engine itself. Here it is worth checking the compression in the cylinders or contacting an auto mechanic.

If you delay diagnosis and repair, serious damage to the piston system may occur, which will require expensive complex repairs.


VAZ-2110 tachometer connection diagram

  1. tachometer VAZ;
  2. trip computer;
  3. ECM;
  4. crankshaft position sensor;
  5. ignition module.

Tachometer VAZ 2110 - with four outputs: if it is on a car with injection, it is connected not to the ignition (input 2), but to the ECM controller with an additional output provided for this (input 1) - and in this case it reads the number of revolution pulses directly from the controller. It receives a signal about the position of the shaft.

VAZ 2107 tachometer does not work

: 27.08.2018
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Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about the possible reasons why the tachometer on a VAZ 2107 does not work. The tachometer on a car plays a very important role and therefore cannot be delayed and urgently repaired or, in extreme cases, replaced.

So, to begin with, you must understand that the VAZ 2107 has two types of engines, namely carburetor and injection. Accordingly, the tachometer connection diagram on these machines is different. Well, let's first look at the carburetor seven.

Tachometer on a VAZ 2107 carburetor engine

On the carburetor seven, three wires come out from the tachometer. Two wires are plus and minus (power) and the third wire is connected to the ignition coil. If the tachometer is out of order, then in order to understand the reason you need to get to the terminals that go to the tachometer and disconnect it.

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You will need three wires to connect the tachometer directly to the battery plus and minus, as well as to the ignition coil, terminal K. Then you need to start the engine and see if the tachometer does not work, then the fault must be looked for in the ignition system or in the tachometer itself.

But, if the tachometer works, then the problem is in the wiring that goes to the tachometer.

Tachometer on a VAZ 2107 injection engine

Above we looked at tachometer malfunctions on the carburetor seven, now it’s time for the injection one. On the injection seven, there are no longer three, but four wires going to the tachometer. The two wires are plus and minus, the plus comes from the ignition switch, and the minus goes to the ground of the car. The third wire goes to the input of the control unit. The fourth is connected to the crankshaft position sensor. The best option to determine the malfunction of the tachometer on the injection seven is diagnostics. In this case, using the error codes, you can determine the reason why the tachometer does not work. Well, without diagnostics you can only check the contacts on the blocks. It also happens that the tachometer needle starts to twitch, this is mainly due to the fact that the owners change the standard wiring to a more modern one. And given the fact that the resistance is different, such a nuisance appears. Well, that’s all for today, we have looked at the main reasons for the failure of the tachometer on the VAZ 2107 for now. January 21, 2021 753


Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

Often the cause of device malfunction is the use of unsuitable high-voltage cables. In particular, most often this problem arises as a result of replacing them with silicone ones. The use of silicone high voltage cables may cause the instrument pointer to vibrate.

As for malfunctions in which the tachometer does not work at all, the procedure for identifying them may differ depending on the type of engine:

  • On carburetor engines, three wires are connected to the device. Two of them are power, and the third is connected to the coil. To determine the cause of device failure, go to the back of the control board and disconnect the terminals connected to the device. Then, using the remaining three wires that should work, connect the device directly to the battery and coil. After starting the unit, the device should work (then the reason lies in the system); if not, look for the reason in the ignition system or in the device itself.
  • As for injection engines, in this case the tachometer connection diagram is slightly different; 4 wires are used here. Two of them are powered, one goes to the ECU and the other goes directly to the crankshaft sensor. The best solution would be to run computer diagnostics. You can also try checking the condition of the contacts on the connectors or replacing the DPKV with a working one (the author of the video is Mini-Schumacher).

What does the tachometer on the VAZ 2107 work from?

This material will be somewhat philosophical, as we will try to understand why the VAZ 2107 tachometer jumps and its needle behaves inappropriately. Even if the quality of the engine does not change, there is still a feeling that something is wrong, the car is broken.

The sight of an arrow jumping from side to side is somehow very annoying. What to do, how to get rid of this? Of course, there will be some features if you have an injector installed.

However, even if there is a carburetor in the power system, the design of the tachometer turns out to be similar.

Why does the tachometer jump on a VAZ 2107?

If you are a little familiar with classic or contactless ignition systems, then you know that in them the tachometer is connected to the “K” terminal of the coil, or to a switch. This is where the impulse appears, which is necessary for the correct operation of the device. The speedometer is driven by a cable (if we are talking about a carburetor).

If you have an injector in the fuel system, then first of all look to see if the “Check Engine” warning light is on. If yes, then you need to do diagnostics to determine the exact malfunction. If not, then the diagnosis will not bring any results.

This step is relevant if you have an injector and a carburetor. Carefully inspect all electrical wiring, not only those parts that relate to the device, but also those lying nearby. The main thing is that there is no damage to the insulation, as this can lead to a short circuit.

Using a multimeter, check if there is ground on the tachometer. Very often, poor-quality contact becomes the reason why the VAZ 2107 tachometer jumps. Of course, if there is no minus in the entire dashboard, then you will not have a car, but a New Year’s garland - all electrical appliances will begin to turn on and off at their own discretion.

Ignition system

As mentioned earlier, the ignition system of the VAZ 2107 car and the tachometer needle are interconnected; they cannot exist without each other. And if the arrow twitches, and all the above tips did not help, you should pay attention to the condition of the ignition elements. First of all, inspect the wires for damage or lack of contacts.


Revs float on VAZ 2115

18 Oct
Failures in the fuel supply system and incorrect settings of computer engine control systems are the most common problems in modern cars. Thousands of drivers encounter such problems once a day at stations, but millions more operate cars with excessive fuel consumption and other problems, without even realizing that their car has a serious breakdown.

The very first and most important indicator of such a problem is uneven speed. If your car's idle speed fluctuates, you can be sure that it consumes 15-20 percent more fuel than what is written in the passport. If you notice such a problem, you should contact a professional service and have all the problems removed.

The most common causes of floating speed in a car

Diesel engines very rarely suffer from this problem. Floating speed in a diesel unit may indicate a breakdown of the injection pump system and other expensive and complex components. In carburetor gasoline power units, floating speeds indicate a bad carburetor setting or a breakdown of the electrical idle speed sensors.

More often, this problem appears in injection power units. And the most common reasons for unstable speed in a gasoline injection engine are the following:

  • clogging of the jets through which fuel enters the chamber;
  • a problem with the “brains” of the car - the computer that controls all engine functions;
  • breakdown of the air flow sensor and excessive enrichment of the consistency;
  • failure of the spark plug or high-voltage wire;
  • faulty electronic wiring of the motor, lack of power to the sensors.

Revs float on VAZ 2115

The more expensive your car, the more technological mysteries it contains, which can cause floating speed. We consider the quiet and measured operation of a modern car unit to be an advantage. But from time to time, behind this silence and comfort, you can miss a serious problem, which leads to the need to change expensive car components.

Once you have noticed floating speed at idle, be sure to contact a specialist and remove all possible causes of this phenomenon.

Checking the operation of sensors in a car engine

As the idle speed begins to show inconsistent data, a number of sensors should be checked. Do more ordinary tasks before work. Check the integrity and serviceability of spark plugs and wires. The most common method is to pull out the wires one by one while the engine is running. This makes it possible to find which candle is not working and perform the necessary actions to replace it.

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If the spark plugs are working normally, it's time to look at the sensors:

  • the main culprit for unstable speed is the idle speed sensor - it is checked by measuring the resistance in working and non-working states;
  • The throttle opening sensor also causes such problems from time to time - you can check it visually while the engine is warming up;
  • The mass flow sensor (mass fuel flow sensor) also often becomes the culprit of floating speed; it is inspected with the ignition on and the engine off by measuring the voltage at the contacts (should be about 1 Volt);
  • The EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) sensor, if present, should also be checked and cleaned.

You can get more complete information on checking sensors from the video below

After testing all the sensors and checking their functionality, you should start the car again, warm it up one hundred percent to working condition and look at the tachometer needle. If the speed is still floating, you should contact the experts. It will be impossible to solve this problem without the help of others; you need professional equipment.

Let's sum it up

By checking sensors and controllers, you can gain reliable knowledge about the condition of your car, as well as about possible problems even before their real consequences. If the problem with uneven revolutions has not been identified, the reason may be in the computer, in a violation of the program, or in a wiring breakdown in a place unknown to you. On carburetor engines, the cause of such failures may also be a Hall sensor, which is not recommended to be disassembled without the help of others.

Be sure to adjust the speed of your engine, because this affects not only the convenience of travel, but also the efficiency of operating the car. With the help of impeccable engine operation, good consumption is achieved, a smooth increase in speed and no risk of excessive or very rapid wear of the unit.


VAZ 2107 tachometer jumps: causes and consequences

This material will be somewhat philosophical, as we will try to understand why the VAZ 2107 tachometer jumps and its needle behaves inappropriately. Even if the quality of the engine does not change, there is still a feeling that something is wrong, the car is broken.

The sight of an arrow jumping from side to side is somehow very annoying. What to do, how to get rid of this? Of course, there will be some features if you have an injector installed.

However, even if there is a carburetor in the power system, the design of the tachometer turns out to be similar.

Design and purpose of the tachometer

The task of the VAZ tachometer is to visualize the crankshaft readings. The device shows how often the crankshaft rotates per minute, these readings are also called engine speed. Structurally, the VAZ 2107 tachometer is a milliammeter connected in one housing to an electronic part; these elements are installed on a printed circuit board.

As for the principle of operation, it measures the frequency of pulse transmission in the primary circuit of the engine ignition system. When the engine is running, the contacts in the distributor should close and open 4 times per revolution of the camshaft. Consequently, in one revolution, 4 voltage and current pulses are generated in the electrical circuit. As the crankshaft rotation speed increases, the pulse transmission frequency increases, which, in turn, affects the deflection of the instrument needle.

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