The signal for the VAZ 2107 injector does not work

The signal does not work on the VAZ 2107: repair from A to Z

The sound signal, also called a horn, plays an important role in ensuring safety on the road, as it makes it possible to attract the attention of other road users. The article discusses the situation when the signal does not work on a VAZ 2107: causes of malfunctions, methods of elimination, the possibility of its repair and replacement.

Possible malfunctions: signs and causes

In order to understand the reasons why the horn does not work, you need to understand the VAZ 2107 signal circuit:

The circuit consists of the following components:

  • sound devices;
  • mounting block;
  • jumpers for contacts installed in place of the relay;
  • signal switch.

The sound signal is activated by a button located in the center of the steering wheel.

There is a contact ring on the steering wheel, and a spring-loaded contact in the area of ​​the steering column switches. Modern alarm devices are equipped with an adjusting screw for adjusting the volume and a built-in relay (in the mounting block, the relay outputs for the sound signal are short-circuited with a jumper).

  • no sound when pressing a button;
  • The sound does not turn off or turns on randomly;
  • hoarse, quiet or intermittent sound.

The audio system carries low voltage current, so the quality of the connections is important. If there is a large amount of oxides and rust on the contacts, then the passage of current becomes difficult. Klaxons require a powerful current of at least 4-5 A.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of connections and terminals, otherwise repairs will be needed constantly. Since the car body acts as a minus, and oxidation settles on the plus, special attention should be paid to stripping the terminals on the positive red wire.

The negative branch of the chain is the longest, so it is most likely to have a break. To determine the cause of the malfunction, you need to connect the gray-black wire coming from the signaling device to the body, and the positive wire directly to the battery. Then the ignition is turned on. If the sound appears, it means there is a break in the minus value. If there is no sound and the positive terminals are cleaned, then the device has failed.

If the sound signal on a VAZ 2107 does not work, the following malfunctions are possible:

  • fuse is blown;
  • contacts and terminals have oxidized;
  • the relay has failed;
  • the connections on the jumper, if present, have oxidized;
  • the paddle on the steering column relay broke;
  • development of a slip ring.

After diagnostics, the faults found should be eliminated (video author - Alex Life).

Methods for troubleshooting

If a fuse or relay has failed, they must be replaced with new parts. If the slip ring is worn out, then it is unlikely that you can repair the steering wheel, since the slip ring is difficult to find on sale. In this case, the most reasonable thing is to replace the steering wheel.

If the horn makes hoarse sounds or turns on intermittently, you should use a multimeter to check whether the battery is charging and the voltage is flowing to the terminals. If everything is fine with the power supply, the reason may be in the sound device itself. There is a screw on the horn body to adjust the volume. It should be rotated until the wheezing disappears and the sound becomes loud.

If adjusting the volume does not help eliminate the wheezing, you will have to disassemble the device to clean the contacts. You can also replace the membrane. Sometimes hoarse sounds appear when starting the engine. In this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the breaker contacts and the top plate. The contacts should be thoroughly cleaned and the plate replaced if necessary.

Signal interchangeability

If the alarm device cannot be repaired, it must be replaced with another one.

All modern horns can be divided into two types: pneumatic and electromagnetic (video author - Russia 24).

In the first type of sound signals, the air flow moves from the compressor through a pipe, which, under the influence of vibration, begins to make sounds. Pneumatic devices differ in the shape of the tube and the power of sound. The frequency range of the audio signal covers several audio zones. Several pipes can be installed, but they require a powerful compressor.

The operation of an electromagnetic device is based on an electromagnet, which is connected to the main element of a horn of this type, a membrane. The core winding is connected to a power source (battery) using a breaker. The horn button is connected to ground. When you press it, the core rod begins to move, thus exerting an effect on the membrane. The result is a powerful sound.

Electromagnetic horns differ in the design of the sound emitter:

  1. Disc horns (“pancakes”). They are manufactured in two versions: non-separable and collapsible. In addition, it can be closed or open.
  2. Snail sounds. They are curved, making them difficult to install. The open end of the socket should point forward. “Snails” make it possible to get a very loud sound.
  3. Horns have a tube that looks like a straightened snail. Outwardly they look like a horn or a trumpet. They are convenient to install under the hood, but their sound power is weak.

When choosing a sound device, you should pay attention to several nuances:

  1. Before purchasing, you should evaluate the capabilities of the battery. It is important that its charge is sufficient to power the buzzer, as it consumes a large amount of energy.
  2. You should check with the seller whether the horn needs additional power or a compressor.
  3. High frequencies produce a subtle sound. Low frequencies are suitable for bass lovers.
  4. It must be remembered that trucks have a 24 V on-board network, and passenger cars have 12 V. It should be noted that the use of “quacks” and special signals is prohibited.

The feasibility of self-repair

Self-repair is possible if the driver is well versed in electrical engineering. Car enthusiasts who do not have such skills can replace a fuse, relay or clean the terminals.

If the contacts are not oxidized, but burned out, then it is easier to install a new signaling device. If you know how to make a signal on a VAZ 2107, you can do the repairs yourself - this will give you the opportunity to gain experience in electrical repair work and save money at the service station.

If the signal on a VAZ 2107 is lost, it should be repaired as quickly as possible, since its malfunction increases the risk of an accident.

In addition, according to traffic rules, operating a car without a sound signal is prohibited. Therefore, it is impossible to pass a technical inspection with a faulty horn.

Video “Checking and repairing the VAZ 2107 signal”

This video demonstrates how to diagnose and repair the horn on a VAZ 2107 (the author of the video is DamirBikmetov).

VAZ 2107 signal does not work

The VAZ 2107 signal does not work, such a nuisance is sometimes observed, although this should not be surprising, the car is designed in such a way that various parts that have served their service life periodically fail. A car horn, or as it is also called a “horn,” is a device that synthesizes sound. The first, and the simplest and most common reason is a breakdown of the switch; also, the relay, which is responsible for turning on the sound signal, may burn out.

First of all, when the VAZ 2107 signal does not work, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the breakdown and check the relay, contact terminals, and the integrity of the electrical wires of the circuit. The contacts are easily restored by regular cleaning, and the wiring and sound relay, in extreme cases, can always be changed. Sometimes the VAZ sound signal does not disappear completely, but works periodically, or begins to make an incomprehensible wheezing sound. In this case, you should check the power supply and battery.

If everything is normal with the voltage, then you need to pay attention to the device itself. On the signal housing of the VAZ 2107 there is a special screw with which you can make sound adjustments. It must be rotated until the signal stops wheezing and becomes loud.

If these manipulations with the position adjusting screw do not correct it, you will have to disassemble the horn to get to its breaker. It is necessary to thoroughly clean all contacts on it, and, if possible, replace the membrane. Sometimes the VAZ signal works adequately, but begins to wheeze only when the power unit is started in the car. In this case, you need to check the top plate and the condition of the breaker contacts; they may need to be replaced. If the contacts of the breaker are simply burnt out, it is easier to install a new signal than to repair it; it seems that this solution will be the most correct. One way or another, there is no point in postponing the repair of the sound signal, because in addition to the inconvenience when driving a VAZ car, the car will not pass a technical inspection at the traffic police.

VAZ 2107 steering wheel signal does not work

Tips for motorists

From a road safety perspective, the horn plays an important role in preventing road accidents. On a VAZ-2107 car, depending on the modification, two sound signals of different tones can be installed behind the radiator of the cooling system, or one sound signal, which will be installed behind the front radiator trim.

To put it into operation, a horn button is installed on the steering wheel, and in the mounting block there is a fuse F7 (20A) and a horn relay RS-528. But on some VAZ-2107 cars this relay will not be installed, and in its place there will simply be stand jumper.

If there is no sound signal, troubleshooting should begin by checking the fuse . You need to look not only whether it has burned out or not, but also the condition of its contacts. The horn relay, if your car has one, can be checked quite simply; when you press the horn button, it should click; if the click is not heard, you will have to replace it.

The sound signals themselves can be checked without removing them from the installation site. To do this, disconnect the wires going to it and connect the horn directly to the battery . If there is no signal, a possible malfunction may be burning of the contacts located inside the audio signal housing or a violation of its adjustment. You can adjust the tone by turning the adjusting screw located at the back of the horn housing and gently turning it in one direction or the other.

Another reason for the signal not working may be the power button itself . You will have to remove it and check the condition of the contacts. Malfunctions that arise in the operation of the sound signal on a VAZ-2107 car can easily be corrected by the driver himself.

Cars are equipped with two sound signals: one high-pitched and the other low-pitched. The sound signals are located in the engine compartment and are mounted on a bracket attached to the left radiator shield.

↑ Scheme for switching on sound signals on a VAZ 2107

1 — sound signals; 2 — mounting block;

3 — sound signal switch on the steering wheel; P3 - relay for turning on sound signals; A - to terminal “30” of the generator

↑ Determining audio signal faults

The causes of sound signal malfunctions may be the following:

  • the switch does not work or is stuck,
  • The sound signal or the signal activation relay is damaged.

↑ What to do if the sound signal does not work?

To detect a malfunction, check the reliability of the wire connections, the condition of the switch and relay contacts. If necessary, clean the contacts. Replace faulty horn, switch or relay with new ones.

If the signal strength decreases or wheezing appears, check to see if the battery voltage is low. If it is normal, then adjust the signal by turning the screw on its body in one direction or another until you get a loud and clear sound.

If the adjustment does not eliminate wheezing or the signal operates intermittently, then disassemble the signal and clean the contacts of its breaker.

When assembling the signal, it is necessary to install the same gasket between the membrane and the signal housing so as not to disturb the gap between the core and the armature.

A car horn is a very important detail that ensures traffic safety and helps prevent collisions with other cars and a collision with a pedestrian who suddenly runs out onto the road. Different car models use different horn designs, but in our article we will talk about the original VAZ-2107. From it you will learn on what principle the signal works, what modifications of it can be used in these machines, and also what to do in the event of a breakdown.

Malfunctions of the electrical signal circuit:

1) check the presence of incoming mass or voltage on the signal itself (on old systems, “plus” is constant, but the signal was controlled by “minus”). If there is a plus and a minus that appears, when you press the horn, replace the signals themselves (the signals are non-separable and must be replaced if they fail);

2) Check the supply voltage (fuse, relay, mounting block);

3) Power button on the steering wheel (contacts, adjustment of switches and three-lever), presence of mass on the steering column;

– the signal wheezes or disappears:

– the sound signal appears spontaneously when turning the steering wheel:

1) Incorrect adjustment of the steering column switch (too much “pressed” towards the steering wheel);

2) Ground circuit on the steering column (signal control wire);

It should be noted that on some KALINA and PRIORA models the signals are connected to the anti-theft system (signals the opening or closing of doors, acts as a security system and alarm), and some reasons for the malfunction of the signals may be associated with it.

Although the sound signal on a car plays a secondary role, driving a vehicle with a faulty signal is prohibited by traffic rules. Owners should regularly check the serviceability of the sound alarm, and this is especially true for outdated car brands, such as the VAZ 2107. If the signal on the VAZ 2107 does not work, then do not despair, sometimes it takes no more than 5 minutes to fix the breakdown. We will find out in detail what types of signal malfunctions occur on sevens.

The signal does not work on the VAZ 2107

Unread message from Olezhek » Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:55:07 AM

Well, first of all, take a tester and see if there is voltage at the terminals coming to the signal. results to us.

if there is a jumper, then you have an incoming minus to the signal and a constant plus, you need to put a relay instead of the jumper, the wire that goes to the signal, one of them, there will be a constant plus on it, we isolate it, the second wire, there will be a plus on it from the relay, we hook it to the pipe, we connect the second wire from the pipe to ground.

People believe nothing so firmly as what they know least about, and no one speaks with such self-confidence as writers of all sorts of fables - for example, astrologers, fortune tellers, palmists. Religion, superstitions. Michel Montaigne

Unread message morgusha » Tue Jun 30, 2009 21:16:36

In short, if I put a relay instead of a jumper, then when I press a button on the steering wheel. the relay clicks the signal does not buzz (((

Added after 2 minutes 53 seconds:

and if you measure the voltage on the contacts between which there is a jumper, then when you press the button nothing appears there. and voltage appears only on 2 side contacts and on the top. but on the bottom - no. Why nulf there is a jumper that closes the left contact and the bottom one.

Unread message from Olezhek » Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:55:09 AM

People believe nothing so firmly as what they know least about, and no one speaks with such self-confidence as writers of all sorts of fables - for example, astrologers, fortune tellers, palmists. Religion, superstitions. Michel Montaigne

Unread message morgusha » Wed Jul 01, 2009 13:15:17

Unread message from Olezhek » Wed Jul 01, 2009 13:35:24

because the usual beeper signal is weak, the one that does not buzz, and the six-tone signal requires the installation of a relay, and on the first cars they installed it, but then, as always, they simplified it and installed a simple beeper, but the CY remained the same, it happened to me too, and the first thing After I picked up the car from the dealership, I installed just such horns, I began to study the diagram and realized that it was a simple modification. As always, the improvements did not improve the car, but worsened it.

Yes, by the way, I didn’t understand something, from tens of them these are six-piece pipes.

Did I understand these correctly??

People believe nothing so firmly as what they know least about, and no one speaks with such self-confidence as writers of all sorts of fables - for example, astrologers, fortune tellers, palmists. Religion, superstitions. Michel Montaigne

Unread message morgusha » Wed Jul 01, 2009 22:18:40

I just bought a single horn from a dozen and installed it. and I took off the double and stood like that! Well, he seems to be writing normally!

Added after 46 seconds:

nope, not like in the photo. The regular one is the same as it was, only a single one. in the store it says VAZ 2110

Added after 32 seconds:

Olezhek, you know nothing about electrics.

Unread message from Olezhek » Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:47:11

hmm, then you simply didn’t have a permanent plus. and I thought that you set the pipes

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