Batteries: how to choose an injector for a VAZ 2107

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The battery determines how quickly the car will start and how electrical appliances will operate when the engine is not running. Therefore, it is important to choose the right device. The article discusses the battery for the VAZ 2107 car: what parameters should be taken into account when choosing, what are the main faults.

Selection options

In order to choose a VAZ-2107 battery among the many offers, you should take into account several factors, namely:

  • Type;
  • Capacity;
  • Starting current;
  • Polarity;
  • Dimensional parameters;
  • Price category;

If you take all of the above into account, choosing a battery and installing it on a car to replace a worn one will not be difficult.

As for the type of battery, according to this parameter, batteries can be divided into:

  • Serviced;
  • Maintenance free;

Serviceable batteries are equipped with special plugs on the top cover.

In such a battery, it is possible to open each of the cans, check the electrolyte level and, if necessary, replenish it and bring the density to the required level. On the one hand, this is a positive quality, since periodic maintenance allows you to extend the service life. But on the other hand, such a battery is another element that requires attention.

In maintenance-free batteries, the case is sealed and they do not require any intervention from the driver, the only thing is that you will have to periodically recharge it.

All consumers of electricity in any vehicle receive it from two suppliers - the main and backup. Most of the time, the generator operates as a source, and we need the battery when we need to start the engine and during sudden surges in electricity consumption. The “life” of a battery cannot be called easy, both in heat and cold (especially in frost) it must regularly produce a large current. Constant “stress” breaks it down and we start thinking about buying a new battery. So how can you choose a battery for the VAZ-2107 without overpaying for unnecessary bells and whistles? Let's try to figure it out.

How does a battery work?

The battery can ensure the fulfillment of the main task - to power the starter and all consumers of electricity of the VAZ-2107 car, using chemical reactions. This method has been known for more than a hundred years. When charging from an external source or generator, chemical transformations of lead and sulfuric acid take place inside the battery, and when discharging, the process proceeds in the opposite direction. Over and over again, these processes are repeated, gradually wearing out the filler (active mass) and chipping it. Because of this, our battery stores less and less energy and, one “bad” day, we cannot start the engine. The life of a battery is shortened by deep discharges, short circuits, freezing of the electrolyte (this is when a discharged battery is left outside in the cold), overcharging when the relay regulator is “broken” and other reasons. How to prepare your battery for winter can be found here . A high-quality battery, with careful use, can last up to 7 years on a VAZ-2107. But, on average, they last from 3 to 5 years.

The plant recommends installing this battery on the VAZ-2107 - 6ST55. This brand means that the battery is needed as a starter (produces a high current during short starts), consists of six compartments (cans), the electrical capacity is 55 ampere-hours. Now, from this marking, only the electrical capacity is relevant when purchasing, the rest of the information is outdated.

Selecting the battery type

In stores you can find serviced and maintenance-free batteries.

If there are traffic jams, the battery requires a little more of your attention. You will have to monitor the electrolyte level and check the density. Please note the following - the plugs are hidden under stickers, which does not make the battery maintenance-free.

There are no plugs, access to the electrolyte is closed - this is a maintenance-free battery. The entire period of its operation is provided by internal resources. You only need to monitor the voltage in the on-board network. These batteries are significantly more expensive.

Don't forget about polarity

Batteries are produced with direct or reverse polarity. If you buy the “wrong” one, it won’t fit, the wires won’t be long enough. For our VAZ-2107 we need a battery with direct polarity, this is when the right is “minus” and the left is “plus”, when viewed from the side on which the terminals are installed. This polarity has its roots in the USSR and is used on most domestic cars.

What battery capacity is suitable for the VAZ-2107

This number in the marking is of great importance. The minimum required capacity for our harsh climate is 55 ampere-hours. The battery compartment can accommodate a maximum battery capacity of no more than 62 amp-hours. The higher this number, the longer in winter you can “turn” the engine, which means the greater the chance of a successful start. For injection engines, starting conditions are facilitated by a special starting program, so you can install a battery with a smaller capacity.

What does inrush current affect?

This parameter affects the power that the starter consumes when starting the engine. And everything depends on the internal “structure” of the battery - the thicker the conductive plates, the purer the electrolyte and the better the active mass, the higher the starting current will be. In cold weather, a high starting current is good, the starter spins faster, and the engine starts more confidently. The starting current of batteries can be from approximately 300 to 1000 amperes. The battery in the photo delivers 530 amperes at startup, which is quite enough for central Russia.

Battery related problems

While operating the Seven, the car owner may encounter problems with the battery. In most cases, they come down to charging problems. The most common reasons for lack of recharging are a broken belt or failure of the generator diode bridge, relay regulator, or battery charge circuit fuse.

How to install correctly on a car

Removal and installation of the power supply on the VAZ 2107 is carried out in most cases when recharging, replacing a part, or carrying out repair work in the engine compartment, if the presence of the battery will interfere. To install the battery you will need keys 10 and 13. When everything you need is at hand, you can begin installation:

  1. Open the hood and install the battery in the designated place.
  2. We first connect “+” and then “-” to the battery and tighten the fasteners. It is worth considering that the negative terminal is slightly smaller in diameter than the positive terminal.

What happens if you reverse the polarity?

Although the terminals for connecting the energy source have different diameters, sometimes there are situations when car owners manage to confuse the polarity. If the battery is connected incorrectly on a VAZ 2107, the diode bridge of the generator and the voltage regulator may fail, and some fuses may blow. An incorrect connection cannot be overlooked because it causes smoke and a burning smell. If such a problem occurs, you must immediately disconnect the terminals from the battery to avoid serious consequences.

The battery discharges quickly

One of the problems that manifests itself on the VAZ 2107 and other classic Zhiguli models comes down to the battery being discharged after parking, that is, literally overnight the power source is discharged to such an extent that it is unable to crank the starter. The reason for this phenomenon lies in insufficient battery charge or high leakage current. First you need to check the following:

  • integrity of the charge relay fuse;
  • reliability of fastening the terminals to the battery;
  • the voltage value at the battery and at the generator output;
  • condition and tension of the generator belt;
  • cleanliness of the voltage regulator terminals and the condition of the brushes.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the charge indicator lamp: it should go out immediately after starting the engine. If the lamp does not go out and the battery is discharged, there may be several reasons:

  • malfunction of the relay regulator;
  • wear or sticking of brushes in the brush holder;
  • failure of one of the diodes in the generator.

On the VAZ 2107, the battery charging circuit is designed in such a way that the charging indicator lamp is located along the generator excitation circuit. When, when starting the engine, the voltage supplied by the generator exceeds the voltage on the battery by 0.1 V, the lamp goes out. However, this does not mean that the required level of charge is supplied to the battery, since even if the light bulb goes out, the power source may be discharged. In this case, it is recommended to check the voltage at the battery terminals with a multimeter.

If the test showed values ​​in the range of 13.7–14.2 V, then there are no problems with the charge. In case of rapid discharge, a possible cause may be a large leakage current.

Battery leakage current is a parameter indicating the self-discharge of the energy source when the vehicle is parked with the engine turned off and consumers turned off. Depending on the strength of the leakage current, not only the battery may discharge, but also the wiring may catch fire.

On a “seven” with a working electrical part, the leakage current should not exceed 0.04 A. With such values, the car should start even after a long period of parking. To measure this parameter, you must disconnect the positive terminal from the battery and connect a multimeter into the open circuit at the current measurement limit, while all consumers must be turned off. If during the test it was revealed that the leakage current is about 0.5 A, then you should look for the cause and eliminate it. In addition, you should not exclude the battery itself from attention - perhaps its service life has come to an end.

Video: measuring battery leakage current

Types of car batteries?

Design of a lead-acid battery The most common type of battery is lead-acid. In such batteries, the usual electrolyte is a mixture of distilled water and sulfuric acid.

AGM battery design
Another type of battery is based on AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) technology. In them, the electrolyte is absorbed in glass fiber.

Maintenance or maintenance-free type – which is better?

Of course, by all criteria, modern models that do not require topping up with distilled water are better. Resistant to deep discharges, cold, and have high electrical performance. These include devices:

  • Calcium;
  • Hybrid (Ca/Sb);
  • EFB (with thicker lead plates housed in fiberglass pockets filled with electrolyte).

Make sure the polarity is correct.

Acceptable battery dimensions are 242x175x190 (length, width, height).

It is not necessary to purchase an imported solution. Russian models provide worthy competition to foreign models. Tyumen Standard car batteries have proven themselves well . Ideal for cars with a minimum set of on-board electronics, reliable and relatively inexpensive, with a charge indicator on the body.


Battery features for different “Seven” models

VAZ 2107 is a sedan with four doors. It began to be produced in 1982 on the basis of the Lada 2105 at the AvtoVAZ plant. The main components and internal structure of the VAZ 2107 have not changed. The “Seven” differs from the VAZ 2105 in its interior trim, plastic bumpers, chrome-plated radiator grille, installation of an oil pressure indicator, tachometer, changing the speedometer to 180 km/h, and the shape of the hood. In 2001, a new model VAZ 2107 - 21074 appeared with a 1.7 liter engine producing 77 hp. With.

The battery capacity depends on the type and size of the engine. Since 1982, the “Seven” has been updated with new types of engines.

Engine volume, cubic meters cm

Manual Transmission

The Semerka car is equipped with a 6ST-55 battery in accordance with the state standard. It is located near the engine, in front of the car on the right. The energy storage device has the following features:

  • rated voltage of the energy storage device, 12 V;
  • nominal capacity, when the discharge mode lasts 20 hours and the electrolyte temperature is +25 ⁰C at the beginning of the discharge, 55Ah;
  • charge current, 5.5A.

The energy storage device consists of 6 batteries with a voltage of 2 V, which are connected in series. The batteries are placed in isolated parts of the energy storage device filled with electrolyte. The energy storage compartments are equipped with holes and are closed with lids. At the edges of the case there are positive and negative terminals to connect the electrical wiring of the “seven”.

Which good battery to choose for VAZ: top 10 rating

The following is a list of the most profitable solutions for installation on domestic cars.

10th place: BOSCH S4 005 Silver

– View in Yandex.Market Price from 5000 rub.

Oddly enough, the Bosch model occupies the last place in the top. The mid-budget modification has sufficient starting current and a capacity of 540A and 60 Ah, respectively. However, the good “on paper” characteristics in practical use are significantly inferior to analogues. The reserve capacity of the unit is inferior to its substitutes and is actually at the level of batteries in the lower price range. The next negative factor is complete uselessness in severe frosts. In the warm climate of the southern regions, starting problems do not arise. However, at -20-25 degrees Celsius, after the first cranking of the starter, a drop in power occurs, which is perceived extremely negatively by domestic cars. The inability to cope with deep discharge modes also stands out. Resuscitating the capacity is extremely problematic. The result is low demand among buyers. Advantages:

  • capacity and starting current;
  • availability of factory warranty.
  • drop in power after the first cycle of starting the internal combustion engine;
  • intolerance to severe frosts.

9th place: ExideExcell EB602

– View in Yandex.Market Price from 4300 rub.

The answer to the question of which battery is best for the VAZ 2107 and other classics will be 9th place in the rating. The presented model stands out among competitors' offerings with average characteristics in all areas. There is a good capacity here - 62 Ah, which is good for older cars where there are problems with the wiring or a lot of additional electrical equipment is installed. A starting current of 540A is also quite sufficient. Good build quality and thoughtful design have a positive effect on operation. A supposedly maintenance-free battery can be “restored” thanks to the presence of hidden caps for refilling electrolyte. The same jars are located under the decorative lids. The next factor is excellent frost resistance. The cheap battery functions properly in temperatures down to -35, which is a good result even for the leaders on the list. There is also a low susceptibility to self-discharge, which has a positive effect on long vehicle downtimes in winter. The likelihood of finding a car with a “dead” battery in the garage is minimal. The low ranking of the top is due to a drop in charging speed and reserve capacity in the cold. Advantages:

  • quality at a reasonable cost;
  • starting current indicators;
  • resistance to freezing;
  • lifetime.
  • performance drops with decreasing temperature.

8th place: ToplaEnergy 60

– View in Yandex.Market Price from 4800 rub.

A time-tested modification of the ToplaSlavenskoye company. After analyzing customer reviews, we can establish that the strength of the battery is a good resource and a good starting current of 600 A. The actual capacity is 60 Ah, which is also not bad. Optimistically considering the option when asked which battery is best for a VAZ car, you can safely choose this model. Small-volume gasoline fours go well with the unit. Starting currents easily turn the car starter in winter. Also, long periods of downtime are not a problem - the susceptibility to self-discharge is minimal. However, when installed on diesel engines and impressive power plants, pitfalls are revealed. For example, there is concern about the charge being released too quickly during a cold start. If you cannot start the engine the first 2-3 times, then starting the internal combustion engine will be problematic. The low position of the top is due precisely to the rate of fire of the model. In some regions of Russia this may become a critical factor. Advantages:

  • decent quality;
  • starting current;
  • The capacity reserve is suitable for tuned models;
  • resistance to shaking.
  • charge release and, as a consequence, a limited number of attempts to start the internal combustion engine in winter.

VAZ 2107 battery charging diagram

One of the main electrical circuits of a car is the battery charging circuit. As the owner of a VAZ 2107, you need to have at least a minimal understanding of the principle of charging the power source, what elements are involved in this circuit, which will allow you to take appropriate actions in the event of problems.

Battery charging diagram for VAZ 2107: 1 - battery; 2 - generator; 3 — mounting block; 4 — ignition switch; 5 - voltmeter; 6 - battery charge indicator lamp

The above diagram makes it clear that a malfunction in the battery charging circuit is possible anywhere. This could be, for example, problems with the brushes of the relay regulator or oxidized contact on any part of the electrical circuit. As a result, the generator will not be able to provide a full charge to the battery, which will lead to its gradual discharge.

When choosing a battery for a VAZ 2107, you must adhere to the recommended parameters. This will ensure trouble-free installation and operation of the product for a long time. If you have problems charging the battery, after reading the diagram, you can independently find and fix the problem.


Let's move on to the overall parameters, since they also need to be taken into account. In the engine compartment there is a special area with fasteners for installing the battery. If you choose the wrong battery size, it may simply not fit on this site, which is why the reliability of its fastening will be in question. The required dimensions of the VAZ-2107 battery are as follows: length - 242 mm, width - 175 mm, height - 190 mm. Let us immediately note that most batteries with a capacity of up to 60 Ah have exactly these dimensions.

So, we have determined that for the VAZ-2107, a battery with a capacity of 50-60 Ah, with direct polarity, will be optimal. As for starting currents, we focus on the weather conditions of the region in which the car is used.

As for price categories, it all depends on how much you can spend on the battery. If finances allow, then it is better to take batteries from well-known manufacturers (BOSH, Mutlu, etc.), although they are more expensive. But there will be confidence that the battery characteristics correspond to the declared ones. You can, of course, buy a battery from a little-known manufacturer, but no one will guarantee the quality and compliance of the characteristics.

Gel (maintenance-free) battery device

The third type of battery is called gel. The technology is called GEL; in gel batteries, the electrolyte is thickened to a gel-like state with silica gel. There is no way to check the fluid level in them - it is not serviceable. They have a very high electrolyte level above the plates and a density reserve.

One start of the engine takes as much energy from the battery as it receives from the generator in 10-15 minutes at normal speed. In winter the discharge is greater. The battery may not be fully charged if daily trips are short. The generator does not have time to fully charge the battery, so occasionally it is recommended to charge the battery from a charger at home.

In summer you need to check the electrolyte level because the heat causes water to evaporate. It evaporates even when the car is standing. If necessary (if the design allows), distilled water (and only water) should be added.

Battery selection, cost

When choosing this unit for a VAZ 2107 car, it will be necessary to take into account the overall dimensions:

  • length, mm – 242;
  • width, mm – 175;
  • height, mm – 190.

It should be noted that most batteries have exactly these overall dimensions. When purchasing, you need to focus on batteries with straight polarity with a capacity of 50-60 Ah.

Namevendor codeStarting current, ACost, rubles
Autofan26077470From 2 600
Smart Element25071480From 2 500
Spark25927460From 2 400
Tyumen 559985500From 3 100

There are many different models of rechargeable batteries on sale.

Cars for sale

Lada 2107, 1987

Lada 2107, 2005

Lada 2107, 2007

The best batteries for VAZ 2114, 2115

Reliable and unpretentious domestically produced cars, the VAZ 2114 and its analogue, the VAZ 2115 sedan, are factory equipped with a battery with a capacity of 55 Ah. The on-board network is designed specifically for these parameters. At the same time, when buying a new battery, the owner can safely choose models with 60-62 Ah, the advantage of which will become obvious in winter frosts. In addition, the batteries must have straight polarity (the “+” terminal is on the left) and the appropriate dimensions to easily fit on the battery tray under the hood. The best batteries with the specified parameters are presented in this category.

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