Dashboard display: exclamation mark

A significant part of the modern population of the Earth owns some kind of transport. In developed countries, cars are especially common. Consequently, at some point there was an urgent need to create effective regulation of the increasingly intense road traffic. An international sign system was created. Currently, the entire variety of such symbols is divided into several main categories. Let's look at some of them.

Warning signs

This category is distinguished by the fact that a significant part of the designations is framed by a red triangle. In this way, they seem to focus the attention of the road user on a possible danger, which, in turn, is pointed out to them. Of course, the designation system includes the most common options for dangerous sections of the road. Movement along them requires maximum concentration and timely adoption of measures to stabilize the situation. For example, this could be an intersection with a railway, tram tracks, traffic control with traffic lights, dangerous turns, road surface features, permitted pedestrian movement, repair work, the possibility of animals appearing, and so on. If you see an exclamation mark in a red triangle, you should remember that such a designation includes the so-called “other hazards”. These are all kinds of threats to the further successful and stable movement that are not provided for by other symbols.

The recipient's page has been deleted from the social network

The recipient may delete the page without you noticing it right away.

Visit the profile of the person you are writing to. If you see what is in the screenshot below, then the profile has been deleted.

Here you can only try to contact the person through other communication channels or through mutual friends and ask to restore your page.

If the situations described above do not apply to your case, then the problem is not with you, with the social network. There is nothing you can do here, and all you have to do is wait until the administration fixes the problem. As a rule, such problems are resolved quickly. This means that then the exclamation mark that was next to the message will disappear.

Priority signs

It should be remembered that not only in the previous category there is such a symbol as the red triangle. The sign is also included in the priority group. Here, a similar symbol also serves to attract the attention of the driver of the vehicle. A red triangle in the context of this category warns of the intersection of a main road with a secondary one, as well as the junction of the latter. It is important to remember that rapprochement can occur both on the right side and on the left. Let's look at another important question. What does an upside down red triangle mean? This symbol is called “Give way” and means that a traffic participant heading towards the intersection with the main road along a secondary road must take all necessary actions so as not to impede the movement of other drivers.

Is it necessary to install a “Beginner Driver” sign?

It became possible to install the “Beginner Driver” sign on March 1, 2009. The reason for the introduction of the exclamation mark was a significant number of increased traffic accidents among novice drivers. According to statistics, new drivers are 2-3% more likely to get into a car accident than more experienced drivers. It is believed that a person who has completed a driving course, received a driver's license and attached a sign with an exclamation mark to his car warns other road users of his inexperience on the road. Other drivers, seeing such a designation on the car, try to be more loyal to the maneuvers of the novice driver, keep their distance and watch him more closely than the others.

Owning an image with an exclamation mark until April 4, 2021 was voluntary. Starting from this date, the license holder, who has less than 2 years of driving experience, must purchase this plate at any specialized store and install it on his personal vehicle. After 2 years, the marking can be removed.

However, from April 2021, along with the above restriction, several amendments regarding novice drivers came into force. “Persons with less than 2 years of driving experience are prohibited from transporting passengers on two-wheeled vehicles, towing another vehicle, or transporting large and dangerous cargo.”

What does the inexperienced driver sign represent?

It has a fairly simple, memorable, attention-grabbing appearance. Dimensions are standardized in accordance with paragraph 8 of the “Basic provisions for the approval of a vehicle for operation”

Based on the requirements for the design of the sign, its parameters correspond to a square shape, each side of which is 15 cm (150 mm), in the center on a bright yellow background there is a black exclamation mark 11 cm (110 mm) long with a black border in the shape of a plate.

The material that serves as the basis for the manufactured “Beginner Driver” picture will help attach it to the outside of the car. Typically self-adhesive film is used. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to glue the sign on motorcycles, self-propelled vehicles, and agricultural machinery. The operating rules do not stipulate this type of vehicle for applying this type of marking.

It is important to know! When undergoing a technical inspection of a vehicle, the absence of an identifying “yellow square” for novice drivers leads to a ban on operating the vehicle until the cause is eliminated. What to do in a situation where there are several car owners, one of whom is “new” to driving?

What to do in a situation where there are several car owners, one of whom is “new” to driving?

An experienced driver driving a vehicle with a “yellow sticker” does not imply a traffic violation. A person has the right to keep the symbols of an “inexperienced” person for a period of more than two years. Many motorists refuse to remove the badge because they consider it a good helper.

There are times when a car enthusiast confuses two different signs: “Training transport” and “Newbie driving”. The first means that a driving school student is driving a training vehicle, accompanied by an instructor. It has a triangular shape, with the letter “U” on a white background. The second is interpreted with a person who has a driver’s license with a short period of experience. Installing the first pointer instead of the second is erroneous, based on different purposes.

In foreign road practice, various designations for inexperienced drivers are also used. They differ from each other not only in design, but also in the installation limits. For example, in Italy it is a black letter “P” in a white square, in the United States of America it is a red symbol on a license plate, etc. In addition, some countries have introduced additional restrictions - the novice driver must comply with a strict speed limit, which is prohibited from exceeding. The cars in which beginners are allowed to travel are also regulated.


As mentioned earlier, the red triangle is most often found in warning signs, the main purpose of which is to alert the driver to possible dangerous situations on the road. Consequently, the traffic rules describe the need to install it at a certain distance before the start of the suspicious area. Within a populated area, this value ranges from 50 to 100 meters, and outside it varies from 150 to 300 m. In some cases, additional installation of a special sign called “Distance to object” is provided, where the required value is displayed. In addition, if the dangerous area is quite long, it is also possible to install an “Area of ​​Action” sign, which is installed under the corresponding warning symbol.

Important to remember

If any sign is located on a yellow background, this means that it is temporary. In relation to warning symbols, this may mean that the danger has arisen relatively recently, and road authorities have not yet had time to take measures to eliminate it. If you saw a red triangle on a yellow background and identified it as a priority sign, then it is likely that repair work is being carried out somewhere along your route. They were the reason for the change in movement on this section of the road. Of course, we should not forget that if there are regular and repair signs, it is imperative to comply with the requirements of the latter.

What does the red exclamation mark mean in VK?

The exclamation point symbol intuitively attracts attention, so its meaning is important. In VK it appears in cases where the message was not delivered for some reason. In order to understand why this sign appeared, you should think about why the message you sent might not have reached the recipient. There may be several reasons.

If you click on this exclamation mark, you will see a context menu where you can try to resend the message. It is recommended that you try resubmitting before attempting to resolve the issue using the solutions below. Perhaps it was a short-term glitch.

And if this does not help, then below we will look at the causes of this problem and their elimination, using the example of the VKontakte social network. These tips are also suitable for most other social networks and instant messengers.

Release forms

Currently, all signs included in traffic regulations are made on a metal base, which is coated with a special reflective compound. This makes the sign visible at any time of the day. In some cases, LED contour lighting may be used. It is provided either by miniature incandescent lamps or the more common LEDs.

The display on the dashboard is necessary to inform and warn the driver about the occurrence of various malfunctions, indicate the on/off of various functions, activation of systems, etc. Instrument panel indicator lamps are usually made in the form of icons and inscriptions of various colors (red, yellow, green, blue).

In this case, it often happens that instead of a separate icon, an exclamation mark lights up on the instrument panel. In practice, the exclamation mark icon on the dashboard may light up when you press the brake pedal, and the color of the icon may also change when the background is red or yellow. Let's figure it out.

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Reporting a malfunction

The battery icon lights up if the voltage in the on-board network drops; often this problem is associated with a lack of battery charge from the generator, so it can also be called the “alternator icon”. On vehicles with a hybrid engine, this indicator is supplemented by the inscription “MAIN” at the bottom.

The oil icon , also known as a red oil can, indicates a drop in the oil level in the car engine. This icon lights up when you start the engine, and does not go out after a few seconds or may light up while driving. This fact indicates problems in the lubrication system or a drop in oil level or pressure. The oil icon on the panel may have a droplet or waves at the bottom; on some cars the indicator is supplemented with the inscription min, senso, oil level (yellow inscriptions) or simply the letters L and H (characterizing low and high oil levels).

The airbag icon can light up in several ways: either the red inscription SRS and AIRBAG, or “a red man wearing a seat belt,” with a circle in front of him. When one of these airbag icons lights up on the panel, the on-board computer notifies you of a malfunction in the passive safety system, and in the event of an accident, the airbags will not deploy. Read the article on the website for the reasons why the airbag sign lights up and how to fix the problem.

The exclamation mark icon may look different and its meaning will accordingly be different. So, for example, when the red (!) light is on in the circle, this indicates a malfunction of the brake system and it is advisable not to continue driving until the cause of its occurrence is determined. They can be very different: the handbrake is up, the brake pads are worn out, or the brake fluid level has dropped. A low level is precisely what poses a danger, because the reason may not only be in heavily worn pads, as a result of which, when you press the pedal, the fluid disperses throughout the system, and the float gives a signal about a low level, the brake hose may be damaged somewhere, and this is much more serious. Although, very often the exclamation mark lights up if the float (level sensor) is faulty or shorted, and then it simply lies. On some cars, the exclamation mark is accompanied by the words “BRAKE”, but this does not change the essence of the problem.

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An exclamation mark can also light up in the form of an “attention” sign, both on a red and yellow background. When the yellow “attention” sign lights up, it informs about a malfunction in the electronic stabilization system, and if it is on a red background, it simply warns the driver about something, and, as a rule, explanatory text is displayed on the dashboard display or combined with other informative text designation.

The ABS icon may have several display options on the dashboard, but regardless of this, it means the same thing on all cars - a problem has occurred in the ABS system, and that the anti-lock wheel system is not working at the moment. You can find out the reasons why ABS does not work in our article. In this case, movement can be made, but there is no need to rely on the ABS to activate; the brakes will operate as usual.

The ESP icon may either light up intermittently or stay on constantly. A light with this inscription indicates problems with the stabilization system. The Electronic Stability Program indicator, as a rule, lights up for one of two reasons - either the rotation angle sensor has failed, or the brake light sensor (aka “frog”) has died for a long time. Although, there can be a more serious problem, for example, the brake system pressure sensor is covered.

The engine icon , some drivers may call it the “injector icon” or check, may glow yellow when the engine is running. It informs about the presence of engine errors and malfunctions of its electronic systems. To determine the reason for its appearance on the dashboard display, self-diagnosis or computer diagnostics are performed.

The glow plug icon may light up on the dashboard of a diesel car; the meaning of such an indicator is exactly the same as the “check” icon on gasoline cars. When there are no errors in the electronic unit’s memory, the spiral icon should go out after the engine warms up and the glow plugs are turned off. Read how to check glow plugs here.

This material is informative for most car owners. And although absolutely all possible icons of all existing cars are not presented here, you will be able to independently understand the main symbols of the car’s dashboard, and will not sound the alarm when you see that the icon on the panel is on again.

The display on the dashboard is necessary to inform and warn the driver about the occurrence of various malfunctions, indicate the on/off of various functions, activation of systems, etc. Instrument panel indicator lamps are usually made in the form of icons and inscriptions of various colors (red, yellow, green, blue).

In this case, it often happens that instead of a separate icon, an exclamation mark lights up on the instrument panel. In practice, the exclamation mark icon on the dashboard may light up when you press the brake pedal, and the color of the icon may also change when the background is red or yellow. Let's figure it out.

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Indication of icons on the instrument panel: exclamation point

As a rule, among the main icons it is customary to highlight the engine “check”, the Airbag icon in the form of a man fastened with a belt, the spiral of glow plugs for a diesel engine, the oil pressure drop indicator in the form of an oil can with a drop, as well as the engine overheating icon, which is usually made in the form of a thermometer with waves.

Also on many cars an important indicator is the exclamation mark. Normally, after starting the engine and performing self-diagnosis, all warning and emergency symbols should go out after a few seconds.

Typically, this indicator lights up when the level of brake fluid in the reservoir drops significantly. This indicates that the system is not tight, which is unacceptable. It is not difficult to guess that such problems with brakes require immediate diagnosis. Moreover, operating a car with a glowing red exclamation mark on the dashboard in such a situation is prohibited!

However, the brakes may be fine, although the indicated error on the dashboard may be present. For this reason, you need to know why else the exclamation mark on the instrument panel may be on besides the low brake fluid level.

  • If the sign is in a circle and parentheses, then it is brakes. In the case where the exclamation mark and the ABS sign are lit in parallel, the problem is usually a faulty ABS.
  • If the exclamation point is in the yellow triangle, there is a malfunction in the electronic stabilization system.
  • A red triangle with an exclamation mark may indicate various breakdowns and the need for diagnostics, that is, you need to carefully examine the instrument panel and see if any other icons are lit.

Information icons

The machine icon may light up differently; it happens that the “car with a wrench” icon, the “car with a lock” icon, or an exclamation mark are lit. About all these notations in order:

When such an indicator lights up ( a car with a key ), it informs about malfunctions in the engine (often a malfunction of a sensor) or the electronic part of the transmission. To find out the exact cause, you will need to perform diagnostics.

A red car with a lock lights up , which means that problems have arisen in the operation of the standard anti-theft system and it will be impossible to start the car, but if this icon blinks when the car is locked, then everything is normal - the car is locked.

A yellow vehicle indicator with an exclamation mark notifies the driver of a hybrid vehicle that there is a problem with the electric drive. Resetting the error by disconnecting the battery terminal will not solve the problem - diagnostics are needed.

the open door icon lit when a door or trunk lid is open, but if all the doors are closed and the light on one or four doors continues to shine, then often the problem should be looked for in the door terminals (wire contacts).

The slippery road icon begins to flash when the stability control system detects a section of slippery road and is activated to prevent slipping by reducing engine power and braking the slipping wheel. There is no need to worry in such a situation. But when a key, a triangle, or a crossed out skid icon appears near such an indicator, the stabilization system is faulty.

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The wrench icon pops up on the display when it’s time to perform vehicle maintenance. It is an information indicator and is reset after maintenance.

An exclamation mark is lit on the dashboard: what should the driver do?

Taking into account the fact that there may be several reasons, with the brakes being the most serious, let us dwell on this problem in more detail. If the exclamation mark is on on the panel, the first step is to check the brake fluid level in the reservoir.

To do this, just put the car on a level surface, unscrew the tank cap and make sure that the level is between o and “max”. If the level is below the minimum mark, then the exclamation mark on the panel lights up based on a signal from the sensor.

It also happens that the indicator lights up while driving over bumps, and then goes out on a smooth road. This means that there is little liquid in the tank, but the level has not yet dropped to a critical level. When the car rocks, the sensor is triggered, while on a flat surface the level of brake fluid is still sufficient for the indicator to go out.

It should be remembered that during operation it is important to periodically monitor the fluid level, use only recommended fluids for topping up, and also promptly change the fluid and bleed the brakes.

Let's move on. It may happen that after setting the level, the problem does not disappear. In such a situation, you need to check the fuel oil level sensor itself. The sensor is located in the master cylinder reservoir. To check the sensor, you need to do the following:

  • We turn on the ignition, the exclamation mark lights up, which indicates a low fuel fluid level. Normally, the icon should go out if the level is normal and the sensor is operating normally. If this does not happen, and the liquid level in the tank is normal, then you need to “throw off” the power from the sensor. If the light goes out, the problem is often in the sensor. The float often breaks and lies at the bottom, although there is enough liquid in the tank.
  • In the case where the exclamation mark is lit and no power is supplied to the sensor, this situation may indicate problems with the wiring, and the sensor is most likely in working order. The wiring may short out, damage, breaks, etc. may occur.

Reasons for the light indication

Each vehicle is equipped with a feedback system that helps the driver quickly receive information about the occurrence of problems. An exclamation mark on the car panel indicates the presence of breakdowns or errors of the following nature:

  • Drop in brake fluid quantity. Often the icon starts blinking, indicating that when moving, the remaining consumables are splashing and the level changes as you go. You need to check whether there is a leak and what condition the pads are in. According to the regulations, the fluid needs to be replaced every two years.
  • Decrease in pressure in the vehicle. Occurs due to problems with the vacuum booster. It is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis to determine the exact problem.
  • Damage to the warning system. When sensors fail, a lamp appears on the display, which may light or flash.
  • Problems with the handbrake. The parked vehicle may not be completely turned off, or the handbrake position sensor may be faulty.

The combination of an exclamation and the ABS icon indicates that the wheels need to be checked for damage.

Flashing exclamation point

Express diagnostics, which modern built-in computers allow a car to undergo, helps to collect information about the condition of the vehicle. This way you can identify the reason why the exclamation mark is lit on the dashboard in the car. A description of the fault will appear on the display.

The BMW brand is characterized by display problems. A lit icon on a BMW X1, E60 or E90 shows the owner that:

  • tire damaged;
  • the stability control system or ABS has failed;
  • The battery is dead;
  • the lubricant in the crankcase has overheated;
  • the oil level has dropped;
  • the brake line has failed;
  • The electrical part of the handbrake needs repair.

Accurate decoding is possible only after computer diagnostics in the service.

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