We independently modify the VAZ 2110 thermostat or install a replacement

Many VAZ 2110 owners are dissatisfied with the performance of their car's heater. It would seem that the interior has already been insulated, no cold air is coming in from outside, the stove seems to be working, but it is still cold in the cabin.

Therefore, auto craftsmen come to the conclusion that the original stove may be nothing, but modifying the thermostat on the VAZ 2110 will not be superfluous at all. Therefore, someone, having bought a new thermostat, even before installing it on the car, makes modifications: the circuit on the 5-hole one is redone, making it 6-hole.

Factory thermostat

Others believe that it is enough to narrow the canal bypass. Third, it is much better to install a Granta thermostat, since it completely shuts off a large circle of coolant and, accordingly, the heater begins to supply hot air to the cabin much faster.

Let's consider all the options, but first you need to check whether the thermostat is to blame for the fact that there is clearly not enough heat in the cabin.

Modification of the thermostat

On a VAZ 2110, it is quite possible to modify the thermostat by adding another hole to the 5-hole device. Why is this needed and what does it give?


  • In cars, in particular on the VAZ 2110, the injector becomes warmer with the advent of the sixth fitting due to the fact that the bypass channel decreases. For reference: a bypass is a pump for circulating liquid in a parallel pipeline;
  • For the stove to operate, it is necessary for the coolant to circulate in a small circle. This happens through the bypass channel. The smaller its diameter, the more liquid will flow through the stove;
  • An additional fitting, as a rule, prevents the heater return tee from leaking, since such malfunctions are not uncommon on “tens”.

An additional 8 mm hole is drilled in the body of the vehicle (thermostat). Install an additional pipe parallel to the same one going to the stove. It is needed so that the “waste” liquid from the heater enters the thermostat cavity, and there is no overcooling of the engine.

Upgrading a 5-hole thermostat to a 6-hole thermostat

Upgrading a 5-hole thermostat to a 6-hole thermostat

Upgrading a 5-hole thermostat to a 6-hole thermostat

You also need a throttle washer - to increase the flow of fluid through the stove if the small circle is open, and an adjusting bolt resting on the leg of the element in order to regulate the opening temperature of the vehicle from the outside.

By the way, having modified it in this way, you can turn the carburetor TS 82, by drilling and tapping, into an injector suitable for the VAZ 2110.

Installing a thermostat from a VAZ 2110

Along with the drop in temperature due to the gradual arrival of winter, it began to get colder in the car. It began to take more time to warm up the engine, then wait for the coolant temperature to rise to 60 degrees to turn on the heater and warm up. In this regard, I remembered the modification of the cooling system of the VAZ 2109, when instead of the standard thermostat, a 6-hole thermostat from the VAZ 2110 is installed. It is improved in comparison with the standard one and has the following advantages:

— the thermostat has been modified to ensure a more stable coolant temperature; — fewer connections on clamps. The standard thermostat is attached to the outlet pipe through a rubber connecting tube; — the thermostat is made collapsible for the possibility of replacing the thermoelement separately from the body; — the new thermostat is 5 cm shorter than the standard one — there is more space.

Types of thermostats from left to right: old style, 5-hole, 6-hole

To remove the thermostat and not spill antifreeze, you must first release the pipe on the throttle assembly and drain what spills out through it. All you have to do is be careful and not spill antifreeze when disconnecting the return pipe from the heater radiator.

We connect a new thermostat with 6 holes according to the following diagram:

Connecting a 6-hole thermostat according to the standard diagram

It will be necessary to install a new pipe through which the antifreeze is sent back to the pump, the so-called “saxophone” (2110-1303055-10), it is shorter than the standard one from the VAZ-2109. However, newer cars already have this pipe installed from the factory. You may also need hoses, clamps, and a gasket for a new thermostat. It is advisable to try on the thermostat and determine locally whether the hoses will need to be replaced.

Above is a standard connection diagram for a 6-hole thermostat. However, it is recommended to connect such a thermostat using a different, modernized circuit.

Modified thermostat connection diagram for VAZ 2109, VAZ 2108 “injector”

Modified thermostat connection diagram for VAZ 2109, VAZ 2108 “carburetor”

Connecting a 6-hole thermostat

The meaning of this connection is that the coolant, which has given off heat in the heater radiator, is directed back to the temperature-sensitive element of the thermostat (rather than drained into the receiving pipe to the pump), and cools it a little, preventing the large circle from opening until the temperature of the antifreeze coming from the heater won't rise. It turns out that now the thermostat also takes into account the temperature of the coolant from the heater radiator, which makes the engine temperature more stable, and the car will be warmer in winter. To connect you will need a special tee.

With such a system for connecting a 6-hole thermostat, there is no need to install cardboard boxes so familiar to all owners of domestic cars in front of the radiator. In summer, there are no differences in the operation of all types of thermostats.

For comparison and understanding of the nuances of operation, below are the standard cooling systems of the VAZ 2109, VAZ-2108.

  • Author: Roman
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We install the instrument cluster of VAZ 2110 in VAZ 2109

Installing power steering, part 1: Pump

Narrowing of the bypass channel

If you decide that it is the bypass channel on the VAZ 2110 that needs to be adjusted, then the 6-hole thermostat should not have any problems. But with a 5-hole one, malfunctions may occur due to the fact that the cold pipe of the stove (outlet) will not be washed. Therefore, think about whether you need such a modification; maybe it’s better to immediately install a Granta thermostat or a six-hole one.

To reduce the bypass, you need to do the following:

  1. Cut a plate out of sheet aluminum so that it fits exactly inside the vehicle;
  2. Secure the plate with a rivet or cold welding, but so that the fastening does not interfere with the flow of coolant in a small circle;
  3. In this plate you need to drill a new hole of 5 or 6 mm (instead of the standard 8 mm);
  4. In addition to the steps described above, on a 6-hole heater, the stove return is connected to a thermostat.

Standard bypass channel in thermostat

Aluminum plate to reduce bypass channel

Installed plate with reduced bypass channel

Self-tapping screws are made flush

After this modification, you will notice that the interior will warm up better and faster, but engine warming up will slow down somewhat.

Six-hole thermostat for VAZ 2110

A 5-hole thermostat is installed at the manufacturing plant; if you replace it with a 6-hole thermostat, the coolant temperature will be maintained in a more stable mode, plus it will be much warmer inside the car.

In this article we will install a six-hole thermostat on a VAZ 2110. The greater effect from using the modernized system is noticeable on cars with low power and displacement.

During installation, it is not necessary to resort to radical alterations of the cooling system; it can be installed in two ways: conventional and alternative. In any case, we need to stock up on three liters of antifreeze, a 6-hole thermostat, its gasket, a filler hose, a hose for connecting to the heater radiator and 15-28 mm clamps.

Let's try to remove the thermostat without spilling coolant. First, we disconnect the pipe from the throttle assembly, it is through it that we will drain the antifreeze. As a result, a small amount of antifreeze will only leave when removing the radiator return pipe.

Why should we replace a standard thermostat with an upgraded one? A conventional thermostat pumps coolant through itself, which comes from the power unit and the main radiator. Alternatively, the liquid will also come from the heater. That is, in the standard connection the thermostat is open for additional cooling.

Its main responsibility is to measure the temperature at the engine outlet, while the temperature of the already cooled antifreeze remains unknown. In the modified version, the thermostat measures a lower temperature from the bypass, in which the heater outlet temperature is already mixed. However, the lowest liquid temperature is observed immediately after leaving the thermostat and at the pump inlet; it is still not measured.

In the modified version, in winter the thermostat will start to operate later than in normal mode, which means that the liquid circulates in the outer circle at a higher temperature of the power unit. It turns out that the modified thermostat has an automatically variable opening point, it all depends on how the stove will work. For example, in frosty weather the heater operates at maximum mode, and the thermostat starts to work later.

But this mode of operation can cause engine overheating, is this true? There is a possibility, but it is negligible, because the rate of circulation of the coolant in the heater radiator remains the same as before, in addition, the heat capacity of the cooling system and the efficiency of the power unit remain unchanged.

If you have installed something like this and connected it according to the modified diagram, then now you don’t have to think about how to insulate the radiator in the winter; you no longer need covers and cardboard.

In the summer there is no particular difference in the operation of the thermostat. So the upgraded cooling system works equally in both summer and winter.



Prices for VAZ-2110 components

One of the features of VAZ-2110 cars is that it is extremely rare to completely replace thermostats on it. If desired, you can only get by by replacing the starting element, which will be somewhat cheaper. The price of an assembled thermostat ranges around 1,000 rubles, while its trigger mechanism can be purchased for 400.

Please note: this VAZ model produces two types of components (new and old). It’s not scary if your car previously had an old-style thermostat, and you purchased its updated version

In this case, you will need to cut off part of the pipe (leading from the pump) with a hacksaw and disconnect the piece from the old spare part. After this, it will be possible to install the unsuitable spare part into the vehicle's cooling system.


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When purchasing a new spare part directly from the store, check it for functionality. To do this, you will need to blow forcefully into the fitting. The air should remain inside the housing, which is evidence of the tightness of the small circuit.

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