Practical recommendations for optimizing fuel consumption in a VAZ 2106 car

In the early 70s of the last century, the VAZ 2106 met all the requirements of the technical regulations for middle-class cars in terms of parameters such as specific power and fuel consumption.
Today, although power units are obsolete, they continue to operate on a huge number of cars that are still in use in our country and abroad. The recent unsatisfying price of liquid automobile fuel forces owners to either switch to gas or look for ways to reduce fuel consumption.

How to reduce fuel consumption! General tips/carburetor modifications/measurements

Video on the topic of fuel consumption in your car. Not the best way to increase engine efficiency.

Another reason for increased gas consumption is another problem: incorrect adjustment of the wheel bearings. Also, all this tire pressure is not influenced by the angles of the front wheels. These factors reduce engine power, because it is spent not on accelerating the car, but on overcoming the rolling resistance of the wheels.

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Fuel consumption of the VAZ 2107: how to reduce consumption But this, as a rule, is almost never taken into account. Especially when planning a long journey, you should check the tire pressure. By the way, if you plan to drive on a good road surface, you can increase it by about 0.2. Fuel consumption of cars of the first VAZ 2101 family is at minimum consumption. As a result, by eliminating malfunctions and correctly adjusting the car’s chassis, you can save about another 0.5 liters of gasoline per 100 km. ways.

The next step will be the gas distribution mechanism. It also plays an important role in the efficiency of the power unit. How to properly adjust the ignition on a VAZ 2109? What are the ways to do it yourself? So, if the valves do not open at the right time or to the required height, the engine loses power.

So, as a result of the actions taken, it is possible to reduce the fuel consumption of your car by an average of 1-1.5 l/100 km. And this, you see, is not bad considering the minimal financial investment!

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Main factors influencing increased fuel consumption

The amount of fuel burned by a car is influenced by many reasons, both independent of the driver and predetermined by his attitude towards his car and the nature of his driving. Let's consider the main reasons causing increased fuel consumption of the VAZ 2106.

Season. It's no secret that in the cold season a considerable amount of fuel is spent on warming up the engine before a trip, as well as during stops and parking. When traveling in winter, the vehicle's heating systems must be turned on at all times, as well as headlights turned on during the daytime in some countries. This increases the load on the generator and, accordingly, on the power unit. Therefore, the fuel consumption of the VAZ 2106 in winter increases significantly. In summer, additional fans are also required to blow the engine radiator and ventilate the cabin.

Car load level. Everything is clear here: the more the car is loaded, the more work needs to be done to move the additional mass. From the physics course we know that all work requires energy. This results in additional waste of fuel. Sometimes you can reduce the fuel consumption of a VAZ 2106 by even emptying the trunk of your car of unnecessary things.

Driving style and road conditions. Prolonged driving in low gears increases gas mileage. This is also affected by sudden acceleration and immediate braking, as well as aggressive driving. And if the driver can influence these factors in the most direct way, then it is impossible to influence the condition of roads. We can only recommend choosing a route based on considerations of the quality of the road surface and traffic safety.

Aerodynamic resistance. It should not be forgotten that even large external rear-view mirrors can increase the fuel consumption of VAZ 2106 cars by up to 0.5 liters per 100 km of vehicle mileage, not to mention a roof rack filled with bulky items.

Condition of automotive systems and assemblies. This is the most important factor influencing the VAZ 2106, whose high fuel consumption worries the owner. After all, it is not news that a properly configured and adjusted engine, as well as serviceable components and assemblies of the car, will allow it to meet the consumption standards established by the factory. It must be recalled that for the VAZ 2106, fuel consumption is 7.4 liters per 100 km when driving along the highway at a speed of 90 km/h.

How to reduce gasoline consumption VAZ-2106: profitable saving options

Gasoline today is not cheap, so it is natural that car owners strive to reduce its consumption.

Here are some smart and effective ways to save fuel:

  1. One of the most effective options is to install gas equipment. Propane and methane are cheaper than gasoline.
  2. Change your driving style. In the city you can drive at a speed of 60 km/h, and on the highway – 90 km/h. You should forget about sudden acceleration and braking. As a rule, this helps reduce fuel consumption by 40%.
  3. Installing a pneumatic drive on a carburetor.
  4. Installation of a 5-speed gearbox.
  5. Use light motor oils. It is advisable to use oils with low viscosity, as they save fuel by 6%.
  6. Check tire pressure periodically. If the ramps are underinflated, they increase rolling resistance, which, in turn, significantly consumes fuel. Please note that the check can only be carried out with cold tires.
  7. Maintain approximately the same speed, even in traffic jams. As we said, you shouldn't brake and start hard if you want to reduce fuel consumption.
  8. Use the pedal carefully. A sudden start consumes a lot of fuel, so you need to start the car slowly.
  9. Rarely turn on the air conditioner. This device burns from 5 to 20% gasoline.
  10. Get rid of anything that increases air resistance. This is mainly due to tuning, extra things in the trunk, cargo on the roof, etc. It is also advisable not to change the serial wheels to wide ones.

The following actions will also help save fuel consumption:

  • Only when absolutely necessary should you use power windows, heated rear windows and interior lighting. By and large, these devices are rarely needed, so their use can be reduced;
  • replace contact ignition with electronic one. In most cases, this helps reduce fuel consumption;
  • troubleshoot problems in the ignition system in a timely manner. Approximately 30-40% of fuel can be lost if the ignition system operates intermittently;
  • Do not brake suddenly. In particular, this applies to carburetor cars, because during sudden braking, a large amount of fuel is sucked through the jets.

So, we looked at the most effective and popular ways to save gasoline. If you are used to driving at high speeds, you will have to forget about this in order to save money. It is also important to follow a number of other rules in order to reduce fuel consumption in your car. It is very important to act without fanaticism, otherwise saving will not lead to anything good.

Ways to reduce fuel consumption on the VAZ 2106

The very first thing is to reduce the amplitude and frequency when pressing the accelerator pedal. With each press, the carburetor accelerator pump injects about 1 ml of gasoline into the secondary chamber. You should adhere to a smooth ride, with a smooth start from a standstill and leisurely acceleration. It is also necessary to brake gently, assessing and predicting the road situation in advance and slowing down long before the car stops.

It is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's requirements regarding the degree of load of the car and not allow it to be overloaded. When planning your trip, decide whether you need a roof rack and remove it if you don't need it.

If fuel consumption has increased, pay close attention to the following factors regarding the condition and adjustments of the engine:

  • set the ignition timing correctly (an incorrect ignition timing can cause overconsumption of up to 15%);
  • change the air filter in a timely manner (with a clogged filter, the engine will run on a rich mixture);
  • use good oils with minimal viscosity characteristics from trusted manufacturers;
  • change the oil and oil filter promptly;
  • The carburetor has a huge impact on fuel consumption, so adjust it (adjust the fuel level in the float chamber, eliminate the overflow of the accelerator pump, set the opening moment of the secondary chamber flap);
  • adjust the ignition distributor according to the tachometer (ignition timing when increasing engine speed must meet factory requirements);
  • adjust the clearances in the valve mechanism;
  • measure the compression in the engine cylinders and repair it if necessary.

If you correctly adjust the VAZ 2106 engine, fuel consumption should decrease and meet the norm. Additionally, check the wheel alignment angles, tire condition and tire pressure. Love your car, maintain it on time, and drive calmly. Surprise yourself and your friends with low fuel consumption when traveling in this popular car.

We reduce gasoline consumption on VAZ cars

Here are some smart and effective ways to save fuel:

  1. One of the most effective options is to install gas equipment. Propane and methane are cheaper than gasoline.
  2. Change your driving style. In the city you can drive at a speed of 60 km/h, and on the highway – 90 km/h. You should forget about sudden acceleration and braking. As a rule, this helps reduce fuel consumption by 40%.
  3. Installing a pneumatic drive on a carburetor.
  4. Installation of a 5-speed gearbox.
  5. Use light motor oils. It is advisable to use oils with low viscosity, as they save fuel by 6%.
  6. Check tire pressure periodically. If the ramps are underinflated, they increase rolling resistance, which, in turn, significantly consumes fuel. Please note that the check can only be carried out with cold tires.
  7. Maintain approximately the same speed, even in traffic jams. As we said, you shouldn't brake and start hard if you want to reduce fuel consumption.
  8. Use the pedal carefully. A sudden start consumes a lot of fuel, so you need to start the car slowly.
  9. Rarely turn on the air conditioner. This device burns from 5 to 20% gasoline.
  10. Get rid of anything that increases air resistance. This is mainly due to tuning, extra things in the trunk, cargo on the roof, etc. It is also advisable not to change the serial wheels to wide ones.

The following actions will also help save fuel consumption:

  • Only when absolutely necessary should you use power windows, heated rear windows and interior lighting. By and large, these devices are rarely needed, so their use can be reduced;
  • replace contact ignition with electronic one. In most cases, this helps reduce fuel consumption;
  • troubleshoot problems in the ignition system in a timely manner. Approximately 30-40% of fuel can be lost if the ignition system operates intermittently;
  • Do not brake suddenly. In particular, this applies to carburetor cars, because during sudden braking, a large amount of fuel is sucked through the jets.

So, we looked at the most effective and popular ways to save gasoline. If you are used to driving at high speeds, you will have to forget about this in order to save money. It is also important to follow a number of other rules in order to reduce fuel consumption in your car. It is very important to act without fanaticism, otherwise saving will not lead to anything good.

The VAZ “six” was produced by the Volzhsky Automobile Plant for 30 years, from 1976 to 2006. The car was equipped with carburetor engines with a volume of 1.3 liters to 1.6 liters. Various carburetors were used as part of the fuel system, but the most common was Ozone.

One of the most common carburetors for the VAZ 2106 was Ozone

As you use a car with a carburetor, certain problems may arise that require cleaning, adjusting the unit, or replacing any of its parts. Let's look at the most common problems with the mechanism and methods for eliminating them.

The performance of the power unit under any operating conditions directly depends on the correct adjustment of the carburetor. This suggests that before you pick up a tool and turn any screws, you need to understand which part is responsible for what. In addition, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • set of screwdrivers (flat, Phillips);
  • set of open-end wrenches;
  • a set of round probes or drills of different diameters;
  • rubber bulb;
  • toothpicks;
  • container for washing the mechanism;
  • calipers
  • tweezers;
  • ruler;
  • rags.

The reasons for removing a unit can be different: replacement with a product of a different modification, repair, cleaning. In any case, you must first remove the air filter. To carry out the replacement work you will need the following tools:

  • open-end wrench 13;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • heads for 8 and 10;
  • knob;
  • small extension cord.

From the functional and technical side, fuel consumption is affected by:

  • condition of the cylinder-piston group - when worn, consumption increases by 20-25%,
  • coolant temperature – when it decreases relative to the optimum, the overconsumption increases by 8-10%,
  • high oil density, especially in winter, when friction in the engine and transmission increases losses,
  • clutch slipping,
  • a jammed brake caliper and an unadjusted brake system as a whole,
  • underinflated tires (a more economical option - slightly overinflated by 0.2 atm.),
  • over-tightened wheel hub bearings add another 10-15% to the consumed volume of fuel.

Next, we will look at what can affect and how to reduce fuel consumption on the VAZ-2106. Here we note that it will not be possible to reduce consumption below certain indicators, since the engine will not operate in air, but minimizing consumption as much as possible is quite possible. Here we will also not consider miracle devices and additives that supposedly can significantly help in this matter and reduce gasoline consumption by almost half. All this is nothing more than another way to lure money from the car owner, but there is no real benefit from it.

VAZ-2106 has high fuel consumption, then you can take some steps that can really have a positive effect on gasoline consumption.

The main criteria that affect consumption are:

  • Technical condition of the car;
  • Features of operation;

As for the technical condition, increased consumption can be caused by the power plant itself, transmission, or chassis. Now about each of them in detail.

If the engine has almost completely exhausted its resource, then you should not expect economical consumption of gasoline from it. Severe wear of the cylinder-piston leads to the fact that the gaps between the cylinder walls and rings increase. As a result, both exhaust gases and the air-fuel mixture penetrate into the sub-piston space in large quantities.

Due to wear due to the same gaps, compression in the cylinders drops, so the conditions for normal combustion in the cylinders are not met. In this case, the air-fuel mixture does not burn fully, and part of it simply flies out into the exhaust pipe.

Wear affects the power performance of the motor itself - they decrease. The car's dynamic and speed performance decreases. Therefore, in order to accelerate the car and maintain speed, the driver has to press the gas pedal harder.

Therefore, if you need fuel economy on a VAZ-2106, first of all you should diagnose the engine - measure the compression, listen to the engine operation for the presence of third-party noise. If the resource of the power plant is almost exhausted, then a major overhaul should be carried out with the replacement of worn-out components.

The gas distribution mechanism also plays an important role. If a layer of carbon has formed on the valve seats and edges, this will lead to the fact that they will not be able to fit tightly, and this will result in a loss of compression. All this can be “treated” by repairing the cylinder head and grinding in the valves.

Violation of valve timing also affects consumption. And these phases are affected by the degree of wear of the elements of the gas distribution mechanism (camshaft, valves, rockers, drive chain), as well as the thermal gap. Therefore, when trying to reduce fuel consumption on a VAZ-2106, you should also pay attention to the timing belt - replace heavily worn elements, correctly adjust the thermal gap, which will ensure that the engine follows the valve timing.

Supply system

Let's go through the systems. Naturally, one of the biggest influences on consumption is the power supply system and its main element – ​​the carburetor. If it is heavily clogged, and even incorrectly adjusted, then the fuel dosage is disrupted. Therefore, you should definitely check the condition of this element and wash it periodically.

Read more: Car tire device and types of tire wear and its causes

The air filter also affects consumption. If it is heavily clogged, then its throughput drops significantly, resulting in a lack of air and an enriched fuel mixture enters the cylinders. Therefore, it is imperative to change the filter element on time.

Now about the adjustment work with the carburetor. Correct flow adjustment is important here. The fact is that by installing jets with a reduced cross-section and certain settings of quality and quantity screws, you can achieve a significant reduction in consumption. But at the same time, the power and dynamics of the car also drop.

This is where you need to adjust the carburetor so as to achieve the optimal middle ground between consumption and power. In this case, no jets need to be changed.

Ignition system

Now about the ignition system, since it also affects consumption. Heavily clogged spark plugs that have almost exhausted their service life and work intermittently, incorrectly installed ignition on the engine, losses due to breakdowns of high-voltage wires and tips - all this can have a significant impact on consumption.

Therefore, you should definitely check the condition of the spark plugs and replace them if necessary. The ignition must also be installed correctly. You can replace the standard distributor with a contactless one, which will reduce voltage losses and also facilitate maintenance and ignition adjustment.

All damaged wiring should be replaced (it’s not difficult to check it - just start the engine in the dark and open the hood. If any wires break through to ground, it will be very clearly visible).

The lubrication system also affects consumption, or more precisely, the lubricant. To reduce friction between engine components, you should use high-quality synthetic oil, which will further facilitate starting the engine in the winter season.


Let's move on to the transmission. First of all, here you should check the condition of all component parts, repair and adjust if necessary. It is also necessary to promptly change technical fluids in the gearbox and rear axle to reduce friction and reduce the load on the engine.

If the VAZ-2106 is equipped with a 4-speed gearbox, then it can be replaced with a 5-speed one. In urban conditions, this will not give any savings, since 5th gear in the city, in fact, is not particularly needed. But on the highway, when 5th speed is used, the consumption decreases, and noticeably.


VAZ 2106 1.3 MT 64hp

Fuel consumption rate per 100 km

The model with this installation went all the way from the very start in 1976 to its removal from the assembly line in 1993. It is worth noting that for that Soviet period, the “six” was the embodiment of fashion. Especially considering the lack of imported competitors. The model consumes only gasoline and works exclusively with a 4-speed manual transmission. At the same time, the consumption cannot be called minimal. In the city, the VAZ consumes 9.5 liters, and on the highway - 7.6 liters. The maximum speed is only 145 km per hour. Naturally, acceleration to hundreds is corresponding - 18 seconds.

Real gas consumption

  • Anton, Kirov. I got a 1992 1.3 liter device. Of course, there were few original spare parts in this “six”, but the engine did not let down. If you don’t tear it along the highway and warm it up every time in the winter, then it will serve faithfully for decades. By the way, consumption in this case will not be brutal either - up to 10 liters in the city and about 7 on the highway.
  • Nikolai, Adler. For a long time there was a VAZ 2106 '85. And even though one and a half liters is more modern, 1.3 also shows good data. I drove this car, and I can tell you its fuel consumption down to hundredths. On average, in a free city I spent about 8.5 liters.
  • Sergey, Ulyanovsk. The ’88 “Six” came to me in 2005 and served for another 5 years before being sold. I didn't particularly complain about the consumption. True, sometimes I had to drive with a stove even in the summer so that the engine would not get hot in traffic jams. So she takes her 10 AI 92.
  • Mikhail, Tomsk. A very warm car. And it doesn’t matter how much volume is under the hood. Personally, I had a 1.3 liter 1994 model. The interior was completely warmed up in winter in just 9 minutes. But consumption in cold weather is about 9.5-10 liters.
  • Oleg, Nizhnekamsk. I bought a new 1.3 MT in 2001. I drove it for almost 6 years and never complained about the engine. But he treated her like a family member. I changed the consumables myself, and sometimes even ahead of schedule. Well, the appetite of the “six” is not the smallest. I rarely left the city, so I filled it with 10 liters. per hundred.

VAZ 2106 1.6 MT 75hp

Since 1976, the car in this configuration has traveled across the vast expanses of the Union, and then the CIS. This unit is the most powerful carburetor unit in the entire line. In terms of bodywork, this version is completely no different from other versions. The motor has a larger volume and, accordingly, better performance. Production of this type stopped in 2006. In terms of consumption, the unit is not much different from the version with a volume of 1.3. In the city, 10.1 liters are consumed, and on the highway – 7.4 liters. The engine is powered by gasoline and works in tandem only with a manual gearbox. Maximum acceleration is up to 150 km per hour.

  • Alexander, Alapaevsk. I recently bought myself a 2002 version 1.6 MT. I accelerated it to 160 km/h, so the official data lies a little. But in terms of consumption everything is accurate. In a mixed cycle, less than 10 liters does not come out. Usually I fill the tank with 20 and for 190-200 km it’s enough for me.
  • Alexey, Ivanovo. I drove a 1.6 1996 for about 3 years. After that I made capital. By the way, consumption dropped slightly after the repair. Now sometimes it’s possible to get even beyond 8 liters per hundred. But this is only on a smooth highway.
  • Evgeniy, Moscow. My “six” ate gasoline and oil in half. I really didn’t want to repair the engine, but apparently the time has come. If you don't take this cap into account. repair, the engine is not capricious and pulls well even when the car is full to capacity. On the highway, according to the passport, it took 7.5 liters.
  • Sergey, Sarov. In the 90s this was my salvation. I took the 1991 model. and always repaired it myself. I didn’t even touch the engine, I only managed to change the oil and spark plugs. And he always thanked me for his precise work, drove the car, and lived on this money. I must say that the 1.6 engine did not rob me. I count 10 liters. per 100 km is a very small figure.
  • Dmitry, Cheboksary. During the time I used (1990-1995) the “six” 1.6 I managed to change two boxes, 2 batteries and many other small things. But the engine withstood the service staunchly. In other words, this is the most reliable unit in the 2106. It didn’t tear on the highway, and it only consumed about 7 liters.

The VAZ 2106 as a car model has lived too long of a life. But these “workhorses” will roam the expanses of Eastern Europe for a long time to come. Although they are outdated, their simplicity and ease of repair allow them to compete with modern and technically advanced competitors.

VAZ-2106 engines and their consumption

First, let's figure out how much gasoline the Six consumes. Let's start with the fact that during production, 3 different engines were installed on this car - from a VAZ-21011 with a 1.3-liter volume (modification 21063), a 1.5-liter unit from a VAZ-2103 (modification 21061) and an engine 1.6 liters (base model VAZ-2106).

Each engine had its own amount of gasoline consumed. Thus, the fuel consumption of the VAZ-2106 1.3 in urban conditions is approximately 10.5 liters, on the highway - 7.7 liters, and in mixed mode - about 11 liters.

Modification 21061 is not far from the indicated indicators. Fuel consumption of the VAZ-2106 1.5 liters is: city - 12.0 liters, highway - 8.0 liters, mixed - 12 liters.

In urban conditions - 8.0 l, on the highway - 10.9 l. and in mixed mode - 12.0 l. – this is the fuel consumption of a VAZ-2106 1.6 carburetor.

Let us immediately note that these are approximate indicators that can vary within a fairly significant range. Some note that after a certain period of operation, consumption increased, and significantly - up to 14-16 liters in city conditions. That is, it turns out that an ordinary passenger car with mediocre engine characteristics, but consumes gasoline like a full-size SUV.

VAZ fuel consumption.

VAZ fuel consumption is always acceptable. The developers are seriously thinking about reducing fuel consumption for different VAZ brands.

VAZ cars are domestically produced cars. VAZ is a Volga automobile plant, it is located in the Samara region in the city of Tolyatti. VAZ cars are distinguished by moderate fuel consumption and affordable prices.

Data on VAZ fuel consumption are described below in the table on fuel consumption of VAZ cars. VAZ cars are not only a means of transportation, but also an integral part of everyday human life.

Fuel consumption of a VAZ depends on its modification (brand), driving style and time of year. The table below shows the average fuel consumption of the VAZ brands of the 2107, 2114, 2110, 2106, 2112, 2109, 2115 family.

Table of fuel costs for VAZ brands.

The table describes the average costs for different VAZ brands . Fuel consumption is presented in three types - city, highway and mixed (average) fuel consumption. All data on fuel costs are from the VAZ car manufacturer. For almost all brands of VAZ cars, fuel consumption does not exceed 10 liters per 100 km, with the exception of the carburetor Niva.

Average fuel consumption VAZ

liter/100 km

120 km/h=10

120 km/h=9.8

Brand VAZPower, hpCityRoute
VAZ 2101 (1.2, carburetor)10.511
VAZ 2102, 2103 (1.5, Carburetor)711111.5
2106 (1.57 engine, carburetor, four-speed gearbox)76.49.510.58.5
2106 (1.45 engine, carburetor, four-speed gearbox)73.59.910.89.0
2106 (engine 1.6, injector)8.49.87
2105 (1.3, carburetor)649.110.28.1
2105 (1.5, carburetor, four-speed gearbox)
2107 (1.6, injector)7.8-9.89-11.56.7-8.2
2107 (1.6, carburetor)8.910.27.5
2107 (1.5, carburetor)
2108, 2109, 21099 (1.5, carburetor)729.110.18.2
21083, 21093, (1.5, injector)727.68.56.7
2110, 2111, 2112 (1.5, carburetor)67.79.510.58.4
2110, 2111, 21124 (1.5, injector)727.98.77.0
2113, 2114, 2115 (1.5, injector)727.68.56.7
Lada Granta (8 valve)807.08.35.8
Lada Granta (8 valve)907.79.36.1
Lada Granta (16 valve)98, 106, 1208.1-10.19.2-11.27-9
Lada Kalina 21117, 21118, 21119 (1.4 engine)
Lada Kalina 21118, 21119 (engine 1.6)
Lada Priora (1.6)907.68.86.5
Lada Priora (1.6, 16 valve)1068.69.57.7
Lada Vesta 21179 (1.8, 16 valve)1238.5-10.59.5-11.57.5-9.5
Lada Vesta 21129 (1.6, 16 valve)1068-109.0-11.07.0-9.0
Lada x-Ray (X-ray, 1.6, 16 valves)1107.98.87.0
Lada x-Ray (X-ray, 1.8, 16 valves)1228.19.17.2
Lada Largus (1.6, 8 valve)908.69.57.7
Lada Largus (1.6, 16 valve)1058.29.07.5
VAZ 21213 (Niva, 1.7, carburetor)11.513.010.0
VAZ 21214 (Niva, 1.7, injector)9.811.08.5
VAZ 2131 (Niva, 1.8, injector)

VAZ has acceptable fuel consumption!

The car is given good dynamics and acceptable fuel consumption thanks to its reliable engine. VAZ has an affordable price for both a new and an old car. Old VAZ brands are acceptable to most people. The new VAZ engine demonstrates extreme efficiency, thanks to which the car has low fuel consumption and a reduced level of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

VAZ - average quality cars, affordable price and acceptable fuel consumption.

What could cause increased consumption at VAZ?

1. Increased VAZ fuel consumption is observed in cars with a worn out engine. High piston wear will increase fuel consumption of any VAZ brand. Wear is determined by measuring compression in the VAZ engine block. If the compression is low, the piston needs to be replaced (rings, piston, block boring).

2. The increased flow rate is influenced by the coolant temperature, throttle position, mass air flow and detonation sensors.

3. High fuel consumption in VAZ cars is observed when the accelerator drive is faulty, the wheel alignment is adjusted correctly, or tire pressure is reduced.

4. An increase in fuel consumption in VAZ cars with carburetor engines is observed when there is a problem with the carburetor. These are holes in the diaphragms, incorrect adjustment of the choke cable, enlarged fuel jets, mixing up of air jets in two working chambers (chamber 1 = 165 mm, chamber 2 = 125 mm).

Timely completion of technical inspection will allow VAZ to maintain fuel consumption at the level declared by the manufacturer.

We reduce gasoline consumption on VAZ cars

Setting up VAZ-2101 car systems to save fuel

The text of the article describes the development of options for machine systems to save fuel

When the financial and economic crisis is raging outside, almost every car owner thinks about how to save a couple of liters. expensive gasoline. Given that the owners of new cars are somewhat limited in their ability to reduce the fuel consumption of their own steel stallions, then the owners of old used cars can effectively configure a set of car accounting programs to meet the requirements for the lowest gas mileage.

Let’s create this using the example of the famous VAZ-2101, since it is one of the favorite “old ladies” on our roads.

What will still be useful, let's start with a set of accounting programs for ignition. For your information, its options play a very important role in the fuel consumption of the car. So, if the spark is untimely or, in other words, low-power, then the engine power is reduced. Fuel consumption of VAZ 2105, 21051 cars. Which, only after this, gasoline consumption increases.

To correct the situation, they begin by cleaning the breaker contacts without adjusting their gaps. An auto tester is perfect for such purposes. what is needed to install the injector on a VAZ How to wash a VAZ 2108-21099 on. As standard, the “penny” is equipped with a contact ignition system. How to adjust the steering column of a VAZ.

VAZ 2101-2107 REPAIR AND VAZ 2101 Coupe on the base. Here the breaker plate bearing often produces its own life. As a result, the contacts do not close and open in the wrong way, and the engine often “fails.” Therefore, in this version, the bearing and not the contact group changes. Then they move on to checking the spark plugs.

How to reduce consumption Fuel consumption is influenced by many factors VAZ-2101 1975 model year. Reasons for the increase in fuel consumption on the VAZ 2106 (1.3, 1.6, 1.5), adjustment and reduction of gasoline consumption on the Zhiguli 2106. It is necessary to clean them, then check the gaps between the electrodes. The latter can be set at 0.7 mm.

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The ignition timing is set in accordance with the marks. Then they conduct tests on the move: on a flat road at a speed of about 50 km/h, they press the gas pedal sharply, “to the floor.” If the advance angle is correct, you should hear small and short knocking sounds. If the detonation is strong, the switch must be turned toward the “minus” side by one division, thereby making the ignition late.

To save money, you should switch to a calm style - with smooth presses on the gas pedal, approaching traffic lights in neutral, and performing maneuvers only when absolutely necessary.

You should also choose the right load on the engine, do not give increased speed, but run the engine a little “pull”.

It has been established that the speed of the VAZ-2106 power plant, at which the flow rate is most optimal, is in the range of 3000-5000 rpm. If you stick to this range as much as possible when driving, you will be able to reduce consumption, and significantly - up to 25%.

Music lovers will have to choose between music and gas mileage, especially for those who use significant audio equipment (subwoofer, large number of speakers). Heavy load on the on-board network affects consumption.

Therefore, to save money while traveling, you should reduce the use of electrical appliances to the maximum (use only the most necessary - headlights, light and sound alarms).

Excess weight in a car means grams of fuel. Therefore, it is worth taking out the unnecessary things from the car and leaving the really useful things - tools, spare tire, etc.

Windows open while driving become a wind tunnel. That is, the air flow enters the cabin at high speed, thereby resisting movement. And the more the windows are open, the stronger the effect of the oncoming flow. Naturally, in the summer it is impossible to drive in a completely closed car (especially since there is no air conditioning in the VAZ-2106), but still, to save money, it is worth using the interior ventilation system (open deflectors), which, in general, are not very useful in the heat, but If you open the windows, then not all and not completely.

All these recommendations will not work a miracle, but they will not only allow you to return gasoline consumption to the established standard values, but also reduce it slightly (in some cases it is possible to reduce consumption to 6 liters on the highway).

Read more: Muffler VAZ 2107 injector and carburetor: malfunctions, replacement and repair, instructions with photos and videos

Finally, we note that consumption is affected not only by the technical condition and operating features. Savings also largely depend on the fuel itself. If it is of poor quality and contains impurities, then much more of it will be consumed (it will not be able to burn fully, hence the drop in power and the need to press the gas pedal more to obtain the necessary driving dynamics). Therefore, refueling with high-quality fuel, even if it is a little more expensive, ultimately results in savings.

  • driving style and speed,
  • aerodynamic factors (roof rack, open windows, air cushion),
  • technical settings of the mechanism and selection of consumables.

The content of the article

Let’s assume that all Zhiguli owners agree that during that period of time we didn’t think about how to save fuel since it cost three kopecks, and everyone could afford at least a hundred liters a month. Only a few years ago, when global cataclysms hit our pockets, and fuel began to cost exorbitant amounts of money, we began to think about how to reduce the fuel consumption of a car, how to at least slightly reduce the appetite of our old VAZ.

We decided to install gas installations of unknown origin, because a high-quality branded one costs almost as much as our VAZ. At the same time, increasing the level of explosion hazard and reducing the engine life of the car, they also began to pour AI 92-93, 80 or, much worse, AI-76 instead of gasoline, deciding that since gasoline is cheaper, the savings in small bills remain in the pocket .

We can definitely say that this is not savings, but additional expenses that we are accustomed to not noticing, since this is hardware and it does not last forever.

Example: a VAZ 2101 engine lasts on average 220-250 thousand km. Between major renovations, think about where? Savings and how they happen. But that's not what this is about.

Average fuel consumption by car {amp}gt; at a speed of 100 - 120 km per hour, 8.5 - 9.7 liters per hundred kilometers, but this is not the limit, there is, and moreover, it exceeds 12 in the city, {amp}gt;.

In fact, your car's appetite can be reduced to 78l. There are a hundred ways, but as statistics say, not all of them are effective.

5mm, a combustion chamber and having delayed the ignition a couple of millimeters, they unanimously shout that now you can drive an AI76 and everything will be fine, is this saving? As a result, we have poor traction of the car with increased fuel consumption.

And the most important thing is that this is not an absurd misconception: a large number of car enthusiasts who believe that fuel consumption can be reduced by reducing the cross-section of the main fuel and air jets.

It can be said for sure that fuel consumption increases, this can be explained this way: the engine running on a lean mixture of fuel requires a larger opening of the throttle valve, also the lean mixture burns poorly and flies out through the muffler, as a result we have failures in engine operation when the throttle is opened, intermittent operation of the cylinders, engine detonation at idle, plus loss of power with a decrease in engine life, as well as an increase in vehicle toxicity due to (CH) and (NO). Car enthusiasts who don't believe it, check it out in your own cars.

As proof, carburetors produced for cars 2101 2103 until 1974 provided excellent engine dynamics, but were discontinued because they did not meet the requirements of existing toxicity standards.

Save fuel

First of all, good gas savings occur when the car’s chassis is well adjusted, the bearings are not overtightened and the car rolls slightly, the wheels are inflated to normal and the wheel alignment is adjusted, the ignition is set, the fuel system is adjusted and the valves are adjusted. Engine compression plays an even greater role; when the engine is worn to the limit, only repairs will help.

It should be added that there are special modifications of carburetors that save fuel consumption, while increasing some of the fuel metering elements, and improve the dynamics of the engine, but slightly increase toxicity. Example: carburetors.

Example: urban driving style, in a Zhiguli car there should be no jerking or sudden braking, the car should be accelerated smoothly, adhere to working standards, you should not press the gas in front of a traffic light to brake sharply, smoothly release the gas pedal and coast, do not make race. Remember: every press of the accelerator pedal is your money.

  1. The most economical revolutions of the VAZ engine are from 3,000 to 5,000 per minute; these are the revolutions that provide the engine with the best dynamics, maximum power, increased motor life, and save fuel by 25/30%.
  2. If you install a five-speed gearbox, the car will become a little slower to accelerate, and in urban driving you won’t be able to save money; you’ll save fuel only on the highway.
  3. {amp}gt; so even at 6 liters per hundred, you can meet it)).

The aerodynamics of your car, and everything that interferes with it, wide tires not provided by the factory, decorative spoilers, muzzles, so-called fly swatters, top trunk. You can also remember: power supply, it costs money, do not turn on the lights unless necessary, this is a load on the engine, of course, except in those areas where you are supposed to drive with it.

Principles of fuel consumption for a VAZ 2106 car

In standard VAZ 2106 models, fuel consumption is carried out according to the classical scheme. The main part in the fuel supply system is the carburetor. The “six” can be considered one of the typical representatives of carburetor cars.

One of the indicators of stable operation of a machine is fuel consumption. Car enthusiasts note different indicators of this value, depending on the season, driving characteristics, and load on the car. But these are deviations within the normal range, acceptable and understandable. An increase in fuel consumption entails additional costs for maintaining the car. What are the reasons for the increase in fuel consumption by the VAZ “six” and whether they can be significantly reduced - these questions are pressing for owners of cars of this brand.

Fuel supply diagram

To find out the reasons for the excessive consumption of the fuel mixture, you should understand how the fuel supply system of the 2106 car is designed. The gas tank in the six is ​​located in the luggage compartment, fixed and separated by a plastic partition. The tank is equipped with a neck for filling gasoline; it is brought out through the hatch of the rear right wing and sealed to prevent the penetration of dust and dirt particles into the tank.

To regulate the pressure of gasoline and air vapors, the gas tank is equipped with a plastic ventilation pipeline laid in a loop. The gasoline level indicator is fixed through a rubber gasket. This rheostat-type sensor is located on a flange, which is welded to the top of the tank. The sensor is a block element with a tube (fuel intake) with a mesh filter at the end. Changing the level of the fuel mixture causes the float-shaped sensor to start moving, changing the resistance of the rheostat. Because of this, the current that the sensor-pointer system passes through changes, and, accordingly, the pointer (arrow) moves.

The pipeline, consisting of special rubber in a fabric weave, is fastened and fixed to the fuel line. All holes for hoses or tubes are hermetically sealed with rubber bushings. To gently clean gasoline, a filter is placed in front of the pump. The power system cannot do without this filter, which retains mechanical particles and cleans the mixture to the required level. Other filters that contain the pump, gas tank or carburetor cannot cope with such tiny fragments. A mechanically driven fuel pump (diaphragm type) creates excess pressure and injects the fuel mixture into the carburetor.

Located to the left of the engine cylinder block, it also has a manual fuel pumping lever. The carburetor produces the desired composition of the air-fuel mixture and regulates its intake into the engine cylinders. The carburetor is controlled from the driver's seat using the accelerator pedal; it is connected to the drive lever of the first carburetor chamber by a system of rods and hinges.

Carburetors on VAZ models are of two types - “ozone” and “weber”.

The main reasons for the increase in fuel mixture consumption

When increasing gasoline consumption when driving, the VAZ owner needs to pay attention to the following points.

  1. Possible fuel leaks - check the fuel system, the fuel line under the car, the condition of the clamps, whether the gas tank is sealed.
  2. Clean the carburetor jets.
  3. Check (and if necessary, change) the filter element on the carburetor air filter.
  4. Monitor the correct idle speed control and adjust the mixture quality screw.
  5. Check the tank: the fuel level sensor (indicator) may be incorrectly adjusted or misaligned.
  6. The engine is running on choke due to a malfunction of the air damper.
  7. The cylinders of the piston group are worn out, which forces the car owner to use lower gears; which also entails overspending.
  8. The power of the VAZ 2106 engine is reduced due to incorrectly set ignition timing.
  9. The ignition distributor is broken (the vacuum regulator does not function).
  10. The engine overheats - there is a reduced filling of the cylinders with a mixture and a decrease in power. In case of poor warm-up, there is also excessive consumption of gasoline, which is not completely burned in the engine, and loss of power.
  11. Check the fuel pump, there is a possibility of a broken diaphragm.

The driver's driving style also causes increased gasoline costs: sharp and too frequent pressing of the brake pedal, constant driving in lower gears (for various reasons).

VAZ 2106 how to reduce fuel consumption

Fuel consumption VAZ 2106

Engine 2106, 56.3 kW/76.4 hp, volume – 1.57 l, four-speed gearbox.

Highway – 90 km/h – 7.4 l/100 km

120 km/h – 10.1 l/100 km

How to reduce

Consumption can be reduced, but this will affect the dynamics of the car. I did this on a VAZ-2106 with a 2107 carburetor: I replaced the fuel nozzle in the first chamber with 105, and in the second with 146. I set both air jets to 170. I also replaced the accelerator pump nozzle from 0.5 to 0.4. As a result of all the alterations, it was possible to significantly reduce gasoline consumption.

If you solve the problem of dosed addition of water into the combustion chamber, bypassing the carburetor, you will reduce gasoline consumption by 50% and can qualify for the Nobel Prize. This issue was acutely addressed in the 80s and until the end of the 90s.

The starter does not turn on the link.

Why the high consumption?

If fuel consumption increases, then:

First of all, you need to check the fuel system for leaks, check the fuel wire under the car, the clamp connection, check the fuel tank for leaks.

After checking the fuel line, clean the carburetor jets.

Check and, if necessary, replace the carburetor air filter element.

Check that the engine idle speed is adjusted correctly and adjust the mixture quality screw.

As a result of incorrect adjustment or misadjustment of the float, the fuel level in the carburetor is too high.

The air damper is malfunctioning or is not fully open, causing the engine to choke.

As the piston group and cylinders wear out, fuel consumption increases, due to the fact that a “weak” engine forces the driver to press the gas pedal harder or use lower gears, and driving in lower gears, as is known, also contributes to an increase in consumption.

Troubleshooting Gasoline Meter Problems

When driving a car on the highway, instrument indicators are the main thing the driver focuses on. Therefore, problems with the tank full indicator can lead to serious problems. To control the gasoline level, the tank has a fuel mixture level indicator. The gas tank of any VAZ car has a float indicator. It measures the voltage, and the indicator changes the value depending on the value of the fuel mixture.

When the gas tank is only five liters full, the light on the indicator turns on. If there is a malfunction or breakdown, the tank-indicator system does not work or fails. The initial stage of diagnosis consists of assessing the disorders.

Typical breakdowns are unstable readings of the instrument needle.A constant minimum or maximum, or a “floating” position is possible.
Pay attention to the indicator lamp.It may blink, stay on all the time, or not light at all.
Simultaneous failure of the named devices.Sometimes such phenomena are observed, although the reason lies in the sensor.

To carry out diagnostics, remove the device and inspect it. If it is broken, you can replace it with a new one, or heat the broken area with a soldering iron. Sealant or epoxy will not help - gasoline corrodes these materials. Then they check the rheostat and the slider: if it is closed, then a new one is installed. Perhaps it is not pressed tightly, then it is shifted to the edge of the track, in this place the production of the rheostat is reduced.

To ensure that the device is working properly after these manipulations, check the resistance using an ohmmeter. If the indicators differ significantly from 345 Ohms, then you should simply replace the element with a new one.

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