Fuel pump VAZ 2107: purpose, malfunctions and repairs

The VAZ 2101 fuel pump rod is the main part of the membrane drive

Now we’ll talk about what a VAZ 2101 fuel pump rod is, and what problems it can cause for a car driver. If you have not yet come across such a detail, then be sure to read it, a lot of interesting things will be told. Moreover, this is worth reading not only for owners of kopecks, but also for nines and tens, with carburetor engines.

The principle of driving the fuel pump is the same for all. And all the breakdowns, accordingly, are also the same, despite the obvious differences between the cars. Of course, the reliability of engines of eights, nines and tens is higher, but the rod still tends to wear out. Let's start with what a fuel pump on a VAZ 2101 is, and how it pumps fuel through itself.

A little about the design of the fuel pump

The inner world of a penny gas pump

The VAZ 2101 fuel pump housing consists of two halves. On the bottom there is a diaphragm drive lever. There are two small valves in the top cover - inlet and outlet. By the way, they are included in the repair kit. But it is better not to use it, since the effectiveness of replacing several components and gaskets is extremely low. As practice shows, even highly professional repairs will not give good results.

The fuel pump will still not work as it should. And if you think that the electric fuel pump on the VAZ 2101 can save the situation, then you are mistaken. These are unnecessary problems that you simply don't need. Such a fuel pump must be installed if an engine with a two- or seven-wheel drive (injection) is being installed. In all other cases, it is useless to do this - there are a lot of costs, there is no effect.

Therefore, the only correct solution is to completely replace the VAZ 2101 fuel pump. Its price in stores is 450-500 rubles, no more. The repair kit is cheaper, but the guarantee that it will pump the pump is small. But if you install a new one, the problem will disappear for several years. According to reviews from car owners, the most reliable fuel pumps for the VAZ 2101 are those produced by DAAZ. But it is worth noting that Pekar and Weber are also praised by drivers. True, it doesn’t happen every once in a while, sometimes a true G (marriage, in the sense) comes across. With repair kits the situation is even worse.

External view of the fuel pump of a VAZ 2101-2107 car

And if there is a chance to purchase a low-quality fuel pump, but it is small, then you can buy a repair kit of a very low grade. From my own experience, I will say that I personally purchased kits in which the valves either did not fit into their grooves at all, or fell into them like a spoon in a mug. I don’t know, it’s quite possible that fate doesn’t like me very much, but this happened not only to me. Therefore, I decided that the best way to fix the VAZ 2101 fuel pump is to purchase a new one. And install a new rod. And gaskets.

Symptoms that clearly indicate a faulty pump and rod

Fuel pump and gasket set

The main sign of a faulty fuel pump is that the engine begins to stall at high temperatures, and after stopping it does not start. It sits for a while, cools down, and only then is it possible to start the engine. Of course, another breakdown has a similar symptom - a violation of valve adjustment. Only in this case does it feel as if the engine is trying with all its might to pull the car, but cannot, it is beyond its capabilities. And when the fuel pump starts to malfunction, the engine simply stalls.

The reason for this is excessive heating. As we said, the VAZ 2101 fuel pump consists of two valves. Well, one or both became warped due to heating and stopped opening. Cool them slightly and you can continue moving. Remember how often you saw a wet rag thrown over a gas pump? Now you know what purpose this is for.

But there is also a VAZ 2101 fuel pump rod, a truly wonderful contraption. It is made of steel. And if in the Soviet years it was hardened, now no one needs it. The price of the stock is at least 25 rubles. Well, who will spend kilowatts of energy on a part whose final cost is 25 rubles? Nobody! What happens then? But an unpleasant picture emerges - the fuel pump lever simply erases the rod, reducing its length.

And if you have gaskets under the fuel pump housing, then you are just lucky! When you pull one out, the rod will protrude from the insert more. And that’s it, the pump will continue to pump gasoline normally. But what if there are no gaskets? Who knows what could happen, for example, they forgot to put them on? And that’s why the rod was worn out. What to do then? Try taking it out and inserting it the other way. You know, this action helped several times.

A sign that the fuel pump rod has worn out is that the car accelerates to a certain speed. I had such a thing that I drove around the city normally, but as soon as I got on the highway, my maximum speed was 90 km/h, and that’s all. You step on the gas, but the engine stalls, it doesn’t have enough gasoline. I released the pedal a little - it drives calmly and shows no signs of breakdown. Moreover, a pump rod malfunction cannot always be detected when driving around the city or at idle speed. A short-term increase in engine speed will not give the same effect as long-term driving at high speed.

Replacing the fuel pump rod

Installation location of the gasoline pump on a VAZ 2101 car

So, you need two gaskets to replace - thin and thick. To be honest, I don’t remember the exact thickness, but if you say so in a store, the seller will understand you. The fact is that there are usually no other gaskets available J. The main thing is to ensure that the new rod protrudes beyond the spacer by no more than 1.3 mm. But it is unacceptable for the protrusion of the rod to be less than 0.8 mm. Take the average value - one millimeter. This will be quite enough for the normal operation of the fuel system.

The fact is that with a larger rod overhang, the likelihood that the diaphragm in the VAZ 2101 fuel pump will break increases. Well, if the protrusion is smaller than 0.8 millimeters, then all the symptoms described above will appear. Please note that the gaskets are placed between the spacer and the engine block. There is no need to install them under the fuel pump housing. You can easily confuse them; they will easily fit there too.

That’s probably all that can be said about the VAZ 2101 fuel pump rod. All that remains is to mention a few words about increasing reliability. Before installation, heat it red-hot over a fire, this will slightly increase the strength of the metal and make it not so sensitive to the influence of the diaphragm drive lever.

The VAZ 2106 automobile fuel pump is one of the main components of the fuel supply system, which pumps fuel from the tank to the carburetor. Directly in the carburetor unit, an aerosol mixture of fuel and air is formed, which enters the power plant.

What is a fuel pump and what is it for?

So, the first thing I want to talk about is what a fuel pump is and what it is intended for. As you can already understand from the name, the gas pump comes from two words: gasoline and pump, that is, it is a pump that pumps gasoline, everything seems to be clear here, and there is nothing complicated about it. In the fuel system, the fuel pump - if compared with the human body, can be called a heart, since our heart is also a kind of pump or pump that pumps blood, providing the body with everything vital. Life is impossible without a heart (fuel pump), and this also applies to a car with a non-working gas pump. The car turns into a static pile of metal that is incapable of anything.

Design and principle of operation of a fuel pump

The basic design of the VAZ 2106 fuel pump can be seen below.

According to its principle of operation, the “six” gasoline pump is focused on creating excess pressure, which, regardless of the stage of engine operation, must constantly maintain the required level of gasoline in the float-type fuel chamber. The diaphragm is designed and developed such that fuel flow is stopped or reduced when the fuel line reaches a pressure limit.

The standard fuel pump is located on the left on a special boss of the engine block and is secured with studs through a thermal spacer and an adjusting gasket. This spacer also serves as a guide element for the VAZ 2106 fuel pump pusher, driven by an eccentric through the fuel pump drive, powered by the gas distribution mechanism in use. The length of the new fuel pump rod is 82.5 mm, the permissible value for operation is 81.8 mm; if this parameter is reduced, the product must be adjusted by selecting installation spacers or replaced with a new spare part.

For manual supply of gasoline using the pumping method, the product has a special lever, which is recommended to be used after a long period of use of the vehicle to fill the fuel line with fuel. It is capable of creating a pressure of 20-30 kPa with an injection rate of at least 60 l/h at a frequency of 2000 frictions (pumping) per minute.

Our online resource describes the design of the VAZ 2106 fuel pump under the nomenclature number 2101-1106010, produced at DAAZ in Dimitrovgrad. As an alternative, you can use a Pekar gasoline pump manufactured at the Saratov Fuel Equipment Plant. The design and development of the product was carried out by Pekar JSC from St. Petersburg.

By the way, many car enthusiasts praise the so-called. “VAZ 2106 plunger fuel pump”, which improves vehicle starting and operates with a high degree of reliability. A product of this type is nothing more than a Pekar gasoline pump, the top cover of which is made in a high style and resembles 2 cylinders connected to each other, on the end parts of which arrows in the direction of gasoline flow are stamped. The valves inside the product are very similar to plunger pairs, and with the light hand of car enthusiasts they began to be called “six” plunger fuel pumps.

Signs of fuel pump defects

Many car enthusiasts know that the fuel pump is a component of the V6 fuel system that repeatedly malfunctions or, in simple words, it malfunctions. Reasons: low-quality gasoline, clogged and lately replaced fuel filter, high loads on product parts, exposure to active ingredients due to oil and antifreeze leaks, low-quality rubber components, etc.

The main malfunctions of the fuel pump are a violation of the sealed conditions of the fuel pump, gasoline leakage and “the VAZ 2106 fuel pump does not pump,” i.e. failure of the product membrane. In this case, repairs “in the field” are possible, when drivers have, for example, to install high-density cellophane instead of the standard membrane, which allows them to get to their destination. A more civilized repair of the fuel pump for the “six” is to purchase a repair kit for the fuel pump and replace worn parts.

Signs of a malfunctioning gasoline pump

Interruptions in the fuel supply to the engine or engine failure to start are not always associated with malfunctions of the fuel pump itself. Of course, these signs are a clear fact that there is a failure in the fuel system, but in order to find out their cause, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. However, according to statistics, most often problems arise precisely because of the fuel pump.

The following signs can be identified that indicate a possible pump malfunction:

  • the engine does not start or does not start the first time;
  • the engine “troubles” at high speeds and runs jerkily;
  • humming sound when driving;
  • noticeable loss of vehicle dynamics.

About other causes of engine failure: https://bumper.guru/klassicheskie-modeli-vaz/poleznoe/ne-zavoditsya-vaz-2106.html

What to do if the fuel pump does not pump

The most common sign of a pump failure is a lack of pressure in the fuel system, that is, the fuel pump simply does not pump fuel. The cause of such a breakdown may be:

  • natural wear and tear of pump elements;
  • cracks and ruptures in diaphragms;
  • diaphragm spring extension;
  • clogged valves;
  • severe contamination of filter elements;
  • cracks in the pipes and hoses of the fuel system.

It is quite easy to see damage to hoses during a normal visual inspection. In all other cases, you will need to remove the pump from the machine and disassemble it in order to identify the faulty element and replace it.

In many cases, it is more advisable not to repair the old fuel pump, but to replace it

The pump does not pump when hot

In some cases, the pump on a VAZ 2106 may malfunction only in specific cases - for example, it works properly when starting the engine, but stops supplying fuel when it’s hot.

This is due to the fact that the gasoline in the tank and throughout the fuel system does not have time to cool. As a rule, the problem lies not in the pump itself, but in the drain pipe or fuel receiver. It will be necessary to check these elements so that the pump can operate smoothly.

remove the gas tank, check the blue drain tube for constriction, remove the fuel receiver, and also check if it is clogged

Artificial intelligence


Why does the pump hum but not pump?

VAZ 2106 owners may encounter a different kind of problem: the fuel pump turns on and hums, but does not supply fuel to the engine.

The pressure in the VAZ 2106 fuel system should be equal to 3 atmospheres. You will need a pressure gauge to check this indicator. If the pressure is significantly lower, the fuel pump requires replacement.

Gasoline may not flow into the engine even if the fuel pump is working. The reason in this case lies in the lack of tension. If you do not hear a characteristic buzzing sound when you turn the key in the ignition switch, then the problem lies in the relay, wires or connectors.

A working fuel pump should create a pressure of 3 atmospheres in the fuel line.

For what reasons can the fuel pump on the “six” fail?

As practice shows, the DAAZ fuel pump is more susceptible to wear and tear, and therefore fails much faster than the Pekar brand pump. However, for both models, the following reasons are equally sources of breakdowns:

  1. Gasoline pump rod. During vehicle operation, the pump rod inevitably shortens (natural wear). In this regard, the device stops supplying the required amount of gasoline to the engine. Only VAZ 2106 carburetor models are equipped with rod fuel pumps.
  2. Valve mechanisms. The valve is one of the fastest-wearing components in a pump. In this case, most often the sealing ring on the valve fails, which leads to incorrect operation of the opening mechanism.
  3. Low quality fuel. Gasoline used to power the engine of questionable quality can quickly damage the electric fuel pump. Electric pumps are installed only on injection models of the VAZ 2106.

To extend the life of the pump, you must:

  • refuel only at proven gas stations;
  • periodically clean the gas tank from dirt and impurities;
  • monitor wear of pump parts;
  • listen to the operation of the pump and carefully monitor the dynamic characteristics of the machine.

Replacing the fuel pump in a VAZ 2106 car

We carry out preparatory work, concentrate in one place the necessary plumbing tools and the new product to be installed. The fuel pump is replaced in the following order:

  1. We loosen the fastening clamps with a figured screwdriver or wrench.
  2. We disconnect the ends of the fuel line from the fittings of the product and then plug them to prevent fuel leakage.
  3. We dismantle the fuel pump using a wrench.
  4. We dismantle the thermal insulation spacer and the installation gasket.
  5. The installation gasket should be changed, and the thermal spacer should be cleaned and placed in its original mounting location.
  6. If repair of the fuel pump is required, it must be disassembled and worn components replaced.
  7. If the product assembly needs to be replaced, then we place the gasket on the mounting studs, then install the “six” fuel pump.

The final installation of the fuel pump on the VAZ 2106 is carried out in the reverse order.

Replacing fuel pump valves on a VAZ 2107

To repair the fuel pump, repair kits are purchased.

To replace a worn valve, you need

  1. Remove cores using a needle file

  2. The old valves are then pressed out using extensions

  3. Instead of the old valves, we install new ones and core them.

Removing and installing the fuel pump.

The fuel pump plays an important role in the car's power system and is an important link in the fuel supply chain from the tank to the carburetor. Removing and installing the fuel pump , as well as adjusting it, will require some plumbing tools. You will need a Phillips screwdriver, two centimeter rulers, an open-end wrench, or better yet, a 13mm spanner.

1. Loosen the clamp and remove the injection hose from the fuel pump nozzle.

2. Loosen the clamp and remove the suction hose from the fuel pump nozzle. 3. Using bolts whose outer diameter matches the inner diameter of the hoses, plug the hoses and tighten the clamps.

4.Unscrew the fastening nuts, and carefully trying not to damage the gasket, remove the fuel pump.

Pay special attention to the fact that each time after removing the fuel pump and replacing the adjusting shims, it is necessary to correctly adjust its position. Incorrect adjustment of the fuel pump can lead to a lack of fuel supply, or, conversely, to an increased supply and, as a consequence, to carburetor malfunction.

The numbers in the image show, under number one, a sealing gasket with a thickness of 0.27-0.33 mm. Under number two is a spacer designed for thermal insulation, that is, the simpleton does not allow the pump to heat up from the engine block. Under the number three an adjusting shim with a thickness of 1.10-1.30 mm or 0.70-0.80 mm is shown.

Install a new gasket before making adjustments.

Install the pusher into the heat-insulating spacer. As shown in the image, install the spacer assembly with the pusher on the studs. Place an adjusting shim 0.70-0.80 mm thick onto the pump mounting studs.

Press the gaskets installed on the studs and the heat-insulating spacer tightly to the cylinder block. Rotate the crankshaft and install the pusher so that it protrudes minimally.

The fuel pump is adjusted based on the diagram and indicators described below. As shown in the image, use rulers to set the protrusion length of the pusher. The length of the protrusion of the pusher is marked with the letter A. If dimension A is less than 0.8 mm, replace the adjusting shim with a thickness of 0.70-0.80 mm with another one with a thickness of 0.27-0.33 mm. If dimension A exceeds 1.3mm, replace the adjusting shim with a size of 0.70-0.80mm with another shim of increased thickness 1.10-1.30mm. Install the pump in the reverse order of removal.

Another version of the VAZ-2101 scheme

Outdoor Lighting

1 – Headlights 2101 2 – engine compartment lamp; 3 – battery; 4 – generator; 5 – reverse light switch; 6 – fuse block; 7 – indicator lamp for external lighting in the instrument cluster; 8 – glove box lighting lamp; 9 – instrument cluster lighting lamp; 10 – plug socket for a portable lamp; 11 – instrument lighting switch; 12 – external lighting switch; 13 – brake light switch; 14 – ignition switch; 15 – lamp switches located in the front door pillars; 16 – lamp switches located in the rear door pillars; 17 – lampshades; 18 – trunk lighting lamp; 19 – rear lights; 20 – license plate light; 21 – reversing lamp

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