Pinout of diagnostic connector for VAZ 2115 injector

On any vehicle, various problems are possible during operation. Owners of cars with injection engines have the opportunity to carry out diagnostics themselves. For this purpose, a diagnostic connector is installed on vehicles from the factory. The article describes where the diagnostic connector of the VAZ 2114 and VAZ 2115 is installed, when diagnostics are carried out, instructions are given for its implementation.

Connector location and features

On VAZ 2114 and 2115 cars, where a Europanel is installed, the diagnostic connector (DR) is located on the central control panel under the cigarette lighter. It is closed by a decorative plug. To access the connector, just pry off the plug and it can be easily removed.

Location on VAZ 2114

VAZs can be equipped with a 12-pin rectangular connector of the old style OBD 1 (GM-12) or a 16-pin OBD-II connector in the form of a trapezoid USB-KKL. If the adapter is intended for OBD-II AR, you can buy an adapter.

Installing a new adapter

Modern adapters elm 327 with the OBD-II program (puncture) are suitable for the VAZ 2110 . You can also install them yourself. First you need to purchase an elm 327 and a cable for it. You already know the location of the diagnostic connector. Be sure to study the instructions, which indicate the pinout of the block and the location of each connector.

Connection diagram for ELM327 to 12 PIN diagnostic block

The pad can be removed quite easily. Insert your own cable into each connector of the block, making sure that the pinout of the elm 327 complies with the manufacturer’s instructions. Check that each connector is connected correctly and each cable is in the correct place. After this, the block is installed in its place.

When is diagnosis necessary?

Many car enthusiasts are frightened by the “Check Engine” signal appearing on the panel, which reports malfunctions in the operation of the vehicle systems. The easiest way out in this case is to visit a service station. But this is associated with both financial costs and loss of time. Thanks to the DR that has appeared on modern cars, computer diagnostics of the VAZ 2114 and VAZ 2115 has become possible, which you can do yourself. To do this, you need to purchase a diagnostic adapter and have a device to which it can be connected: a computer, laptop or other device.

The ability to independently diagnose a car will allow you to:

  • quickly identify vehicle malfunctions;
  • obtain the necessary information from sensors;
  • change settings;
  • save on visiting a service station.

The need for diagnostics arises primarily when the “Check Engine” sign is displayed, but it is not a bad idea to carry out regular diagnostics for prevention.

"Check Engine" sign

You can carry out additional diagnostics using a compression meter and a multimeter. During an additional check, you should check the level of fluids in the car systems, do a visual inspection of the car body and components for mechanical damage. Next, you need to check the compression in the cylinders, the battery charge, the condition of the valves, high voltages and spark plugs. Having made a preliminary diagnosis, you can begin computer diagnostics.

VAZ diagnostic connectors

HomeVAZ 2110VAZ diagnostic connectors

The owner of every modern car knows what computer diagnostics are and what goals they serve.

Thanks to this type of checking of all systems and components, the motorist has the opportunity to learn about malfunctions of certain mechanisms in a timely manner.

However, as practice shows, not all owners of the “ten” know where the diagnostic connector is located on a VAZ 2110 car and what it is needed for. Read more about this below.

Connector location

If you decide to perform a computer check on a VAZ 2110, you will need not only all the necessary equipment, but also know which connector to use for diagnostics.

Of course, to find the diagnostic block, you need to know where this element is located. In the case of the “ten”, the output is located at the bottom of the steering column, on the right side of the driver’s seat.

In any version of the VAZ 2110, this connector will be located in this exact location.

This output, located under the steering wheel, is also often referred to as OBD. In accordance with this name, the purchase of a tester is also carried out.

Location of the block on the “ten”

In their reviews, dozens of car owners write that the best option for self-diagnosis is the K-line device. As practice shows, almost any testing equipment can be connected to such a device without any problems. If we talk about the main equipment, then in our case its function will be performed by a computer.

Naturally, in a garage environment it is always easier to work with a laptop than with a stationary PC, since in this case the verification procedure can be carried out directly while driving the car. But if you do not have the opportunity to use a laptop, you can also use a regular PC, only for this you will need an extended cable to connect the computer to the tester.

Instructions for performing diagnostics yourself

When the location of the diagnostic connector is known and all the necessary equipment is prepared, you can begin checking.

According to many Russian car enthusiasts, preparing a laptop and a tester will be quite enough to check all components and systems on the “top ten”.

But you should always remember that successful testing is only possible if the person who conducts it understands something about it and has certain knowledge.

Adapter for testing with cable and driver disk

As for the procedure itself, prepare the necessary software in advance for its implementation. The corresponding software can be found on the Internet without any problems.

There are many programs for testing; in practice, most owners of the “ten” use the Motor-Scan utility. This program allows you to identify all faults as much as possible.

To decipher the received combinations indicating a malfunction, you will also need the Internet.

The testing procedure itself is carried out in the following order:

  • A tester must be inserted into the diagnostic socket located in the center console to the right of the driver, and the laptop must be turned on in advance.
  • After the tester is connected to the connector, you need to activate the ignition. This must be done, since without power the software will not be able to read error combinations.
  • Then on the computer itself you need to run a utility to check the vehicle systems.
  • If the connector and other elements are fully functional, you will be able to see the location of the “tens” electronics on the computer screen. If this is the case, then you can start testing. Depending on the utility, the car owner can check several components or systems separately or all at once. Click on the "Start" or "Get Started" button to launch the software (the name of the button may change depending on the utility). In accordance with the combinations received, the driver must decipher the codes in order to know exactly where to look for a malfunction.
  • What do you need to know about pinouts?

    Pinout of diagnostic connector contacts in “tens”

    Now let's talk about pinout. If you will be testing the car yourself, it will be useful for you to know what components the connector consists of. The pinout of the block includes the designation of all contacts located inside.

    In this case we are talking about OBD pinout:

  • output A - necessary for connecting ground;
  • output B is intended for connecting an L-Line device; it should be noted that not all diagnostic blocks are equipped with this contact;
  • contact M is necessary to connect the K-Line device;
  • contact G provides safety control during the test;
  • output H is power from the battery.
  • Loading …

    Video “Checking VAZ 2110”

    How computer testing of components of the domestic “ten” is carried out if the vehicle jerks and stalls (the author of the video is Vyacheslav Kravchenko).

    Diagnostic connector VAZ 2110

    The Lada 110-injector is equipped with various electronic devices. This allows you to diagnose faults using computer programs.

    Computer diagnostics are performed by connecting through a special diagnostic connector on the VAZ 2110. You will need a computer with software and a specialized adapter.

    You can carry out electronic troubleshooting of the Lada without the help of service station workers, with your own hands.

    Instructions for performing diagnostics via a laptop with your own hands

    For diagnostics you will need a laptop and a diagnostic adapter. The laptop can be of any power, it does not matter for diagnosis. The adapter is universal and suitable for all VAZ models (the author of the video is KV Avtoservis).

    There may be a mismatch between the diagnostic pads. In this case, you can buy an adapter. A diagnostic program is supplied with the adapter, but the software can be downloaded from the Internet on specialized sites. They have the same set of functions, but may differ in unique features.

    When connecting a laptop, the ignition must be turned off.

    One end of the adapter is inserted into the DR, and the other directly into the USB port of the laptop. After connecting the adapter, turn on the ignition. At the next stage, we launch the program and begin diagnostic work. When the program starts, the computer connects to the electronic control unit.

    Calculation of codes

    Most often, diagnostic program codes are “deciphered” using a special device. However, on VAZs it is not so difficult to do it yourself.

    ECU January 4 for VAZ 2110

    The diagnosis itself goes like this:

    • Connect contact “B”, which has the diagnostic block and “ground”;
    • Turn the ignition key to the third position, do not start the car;
    • First, the aforementioned “CHECK ENGINE” lamp flashes code 12 three times in a row. It, in fact, does not signal any malfunction, but simply shows that the diagnostic programs are working. On the VAZ 2110 this happens in this order: the lamp blinks briefly once (which should be considered the designation of number 1). After a pause of at least two seconds, it flashes twice in a row (two). So we got the number two. And this is repeated three times so that the driver can understand these signs;
    • Now you need to be careful not to miss any faults. After the diagnostic program has declared its serviceability, it will begin to display error codes, if any. In the same way - flashes and pauses.

    Video “Diagnostics on a computer using a KKL adapter”

    This video demonstrates how computer diagnostics of a VAZ 2115 is performed using a KKL adapter (the author of the video is KV Avtoservis).

    Pinout of connectors for connecting the OBD-2 USB-KKL cable to the OBD-1 (GM-12) VAZ connector.

    Pinout of the old-style OBD 1 (GM-12) diagnostic connector for VAZ 2107, VAZ 2110, VAZ 2112, VAZ 2114, VAZ 2115 cars for connection to the USB-KKL cable if there is no adapter.

    Connection (pinout) of the OBD-2 USB-KKL cable for connection to the old-style OBD-1 (GM-12) connector to VAZ 2107, VAZ 2110, VAZ 2112, VAZ 2114, VAZ 2115 cars without an adapter.

    Also, if you wish, you can buy an adapter from OBD2 to OBD1 (GM12) VAZ 16pin here. Then the process of connecting a USB-KKL, ELM327 or other OBD2 adapter with OBD-1 (GM-12) will go much faster

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