Why do you need an immobilizer for a VAZ 2114?

Location of the immobilizer on the VAZ-2114

Location of the APS-4 immobilizer on the car

The fact is that the Tolyatti designers who created the “four” mocked the consumer by installing an ECU and an immobilizer under the pipes of the car’s heater system . Thus, if the tightness of the system is broken, they must be filled with antifreeze.

What is an immobilizer and why is it criticized?

Since the beginning of the 2000s, an automobile anti-theft system (APS) has been installed on all injection engines produced in Tolyatti.

Initially, the first “tens” were equipped with APS-4 , but they were soon replaced by more modern APS-6 .

The standard anti-theft system is otherwise called an immobilizer.

The meaning of the system is as follows: an attempt to steal a car will end in nothing. The attacker will not be able to start the engine, and if he does start it, then after driving a few hundred meters the fuel supply will stop and the engine will stall.

The idea is good, but there are a number of problems that arise during its operation:

  • Software failure . The electronics does not see the update of information supplied by the ignition key or does not recognize it. There were cases when, having stopped and turned off the engine, it was no longer possible to start it.
  • Engine blocking due to low battery . Leaving your car in a parking lot for several days in winter can accidentally activate the system.
  • Serious problems when connecting an alarm system with auto start.
  • Breakdown, contact closure due to poor location .

Interesting! The first injection VAZ-2114 were produced either without APS, or with an unconnected unit dangling inside on its own wiring. Nobody knows what this was due to (savings, lack of equipment or another reason), but the fact remains.


In the case when a car with an active immobilizer does not communicate with the computer, you need to know the following: the K-Line wire connects the diagnostic connector and the APS. Only then does the power enter the electronic control unit.

In the event of a malfunction, you need to make sure that the system is connected to the correct connector. If the result is positive, you can try to disconnect it and bridge the 9th and 18th contacts .

This will result in a direct connection between the ECU and the diagnostic connector, bypassing the anti-theft system.

In case of malfunctions related to the operation of the immobilizer, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this is a complex electronic device. Therefore, to troubleshoot it, it is recommended to contact a professional auto electrician.

Important! In the event of breakdowns associated with its operation, you need to know that restoring functioning after the intervention of unskilled hands can be difficult, and in some cases completely impossible.

Deactivation and activation (pros and cons)

The Bosch ECU on the VAZ-2114 came complete with an APS-4 immoblizer

When deciding whether to deactivate the immobilizer or not, you need to know the following. APS-6 or 4, although it has a number of significant drawbacks, it really counteracts hooligans who may decide to ride in a car parked near the entrance. The alarm does not turn off the engine and fuel system.

The anti-theft system of the 6th series, on the contrary, turns off the power to the fuel injectors (the 4th turns off the fuel pump and glow plugs). Therefore, it’s up to you to decide whether to connect it after the next glitch or not. But at least, if they decide to steal a car, then they will need their own ECU; you can’t take the car with your bare hands.

Immobilizer deactivation video

Manipulations with the ECU controller

Let's see what the controller board looks like from below:

The 24C02 chip is the EEPROM memory. Circle the 5th and 6th taps, B and C, with a marker. These points are intended for connecting the programmer, which is assembled from three transistors.

The programmer circuit in question looks trivial. This means you can quickly assemble it with your own hands:

The wiring of the main ECU connector looks like this:

The Combiset application must be downloaded from the official website (almisoft.ru). Even the Demo version, available in the Download section, is suitable.

In the program itself, you must correctly set the number of the COM port that will be used. The COM-1 port is shown below, but this is not the only option.

A common type of controller in VAZ-2114 cars are the following blocks: January 5.1.X and ITELMA 5.1. They need to be programmed the same way. You need to use an adapter from the COM port to K-Line, but you can easily make it yourself:

The erasing procedure takes several minutes.

Of course, we are talking about the 2114 family, and in other VAZ cars the unit will be more difficult to find. Installation and disconnection can be done as follows:

During installation, the steps are carried out in reverse order. But there is one trick.

After connecting the ECU, power is supplied to the network. And then, oddly enough, you need to turn on the ignition and wait for the Check lamp to come on. And only then, turning off the ignition, can you continue operation.

Note that the immobilizer itself, after flashing the unit, should not even come into contact with the latter. Therefore, having disconnected its terminal block from the immobilizer, they carry out the standard modification:

  1. The wires are cut off from terminals 9 and 18;
  2. The resulting branches coming from the loop side are connected.

You don’t have to change anything, but simply disconnect the connector completely, losing some features:

  1. Polite lighting;
  2. PTF rear headlight control;
  3. Window control.

As you can see, the immobilizer in modern VAZ cars has many functions. And they turn it off for one purpose - to activate the alarm system with auto start.

The immobilizer bypass module in any VAZ car works well in one case - when it is connected to a break in the antenna circuit. But not all factory-produced modules are designed for this connection option in principle.

Immobilizer functions on the VAZ-2114

VAZ-2114 automakers consider it their duty to install an anti-theft system, called a standard immobilizer, on every vehicle they produce. This device communicates with the engine (with its injection controller) using certain programs. Thanks to the program, an enabling signal is sent to the controller, which does not independently initiate the engine start. That is, the program of the built-in anti-theft device blocks the start of the engine.

The mechanism of operation of the immobilizer is to break the connection of the vehicle's electrical circuit in one of the significant places. This location may be the ignition or starter electrical circuit. Due to the rupture, the car will not start and will remain stationary. The calculation is that if a thief wants to steal a car, it will be protected by an immobilizer program that will prevent the engine from starting.

So that the owner of the VAZ-2114 can control the standard anti-theft system, electronic code keys are attached to it. According to the instructions, the car driver must use the electronic code key in the following way:

  • insert it into a special socket (for a contact type of device) or bring it to the system status indicator - ISS (for a contactless type of device);
  • The immobilizer system reads the key program code;
  • The vehicle lock will be disabled.

But in addition to the code key, to start the engine (it is called the “working” key), the owner is provided with a second key - the “learning” key.

They differ in standard colors:

  • worker – black;
  • educational - red.

Initially, you should carry out a training procedure for the anti-theft system so that the immobilizer is triggered by a working key, since the new car is in an inactive state. It can only be activated using the red “learning” key. As soon as this happens, the functions of enabling and disabling the anti-theft device will transfer to the working “black” key. Thus, a standard immobilizer is intended to protect the vehicle from unauthorized engine starting. The offender, even after climbing into the car, may try to start its engine. But he won’t be able to go anywhere because the immobilizer system in the VAZ-2114 will block the engine.

Possible problems with the immobilizer on the VAZ-2114

The standard anti-theft device on the VAZ-2114, according to user reviews, can sometimes block the engine so that even the owner of a working key cannot start it. This is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of this device - it draws conclusions about its actions based on the code of the working key of the car owner, and issues commands to start the engine. The driver's problems with the immobilizer begin as soon as the system stops accepting the code. In these cases, the electronic control unit will block the engine and it will not start. You can influence the standard system against vehicle theft by connecting a diagnostic device or a regular computer.

Experts note a number of cases where the immobilizer system malfunctioned when the mobile phone was turned on, which created interference.

Polite lighting and door switches

Any alarm or security system is always equipped with an input connected to the door limit switches. In VAZ cars, the control wire can be connected to one point (A). Diodes are not used in this case:

There are even modern alarm systems that do not allow delaying sensor polling. Installing diodes will help solve the problem.

In theory, pins 7 and 13 of the BSK are the connection points that need to be decoupled by two diodes. But as practice shows, it is better to implement a circuit with three additional diodes (see figure). The alarm is connected to point B, and setting the polling delay in this case is not required. Good luck.

How to disable the immobilizer on a VAZ-2114

Disabling the immobilizer on a VAZ-2114 may be necessary in several cases:

  • there is a need for a more advanced anti-theft system (for example, equipped with auto start);
  • if the immobilizer is full of “software junk,” the control unit fails;
  • the car has a device with an anti-theft function that has a manufacturing defect;
  • the blocking system generates an error as a result of the battery being completely discharged;
  • There was a sudden blocking of the standard anti-theft system.

There are several ways in which you can disable the immobilizer on a VAZ-2114 without any problems.

The first method is to physically disable the immobilizer. To do this, we perform several simple steps:

  • remove the connector from this anti-theft device;
  • We put a jumper for diagnostics.

The second method is to take the engine control unit to a service center or go there by car, and qualified specialists will deal with the control unit. Typically, disabling the standard anti-theft system takes about fifteen minutes.

How to disable the immobilizer on a VAZ-2114 with your own hands

The manufacturer equips basic VAZ-2114 cars with an injector with an anti-theft system such as an immobilizer. But for various reasons, some owners of this vehicle model complain that it is impossible to start the engine (ICE) due to a malfunction of the immobilizer. Solving this problem and disabling the immobilizer on the VAZ-2114 is a task that many car enthusiasts are trying to solve on their own.

Functions and purpose

Domestic manufacturers of the VAZ-2114, addressing the issue of protecting the car from theft, equipped the base model with a fuel-injected internal combustion engine with an anti-theft system - an immobilizer. This is an anti-theft device with a special program that both promotes engine starting and blocks its operation.

The device sends an electrical signal to the engine electronic control unit (ECU), which in turn gives the command to start the internal combustion engine. Thus, the anti-theft system works to block the internal combustion engine in the event of a car theft.

The principle of operation of the anti-theft device is to break the electrical circuit of the vehicle, which serves to start the internal combustion engine. There may be a break in one of the electrical circuits of the ignition or starter system, which makes starting the engine and its operation impossible. Therefore, in the event of a vehicle theft, the anti-theft system will resist the thief, blocking the engine from starting.

Dialogue between immobilizer and injection computer

For APS units, as well as for other standard immobilizers, communication with the injection control unit is simple. At the moment of “training” of the immobilizer, when key codes are written in its memory, the code of the device block itself is simultaneously written in the memory of the injection ECU. After the training procedure, the immobilizer will “accept” only the registered keys, and the injection ECU will “wait” for permission only from “its” device.

If no code is entered into the corresponding memory cells of the injection ECU, then the “brains” will not wait for permission to start at all. Therefore, it is possible to disable the immobilizer without removing the injection computer if the control unit supports flashing via the diagnostic connector. For such cars, car thieves usually took with them spare “brains” - new ones, where the immobilizer had not yet been registered, or “wiped out”.

At the same time, bypassing the standard immobilizer in this way did not cause any problems with the rest of the electronics - in the standard wiring, the APS is embedded in the gap of a single bus between the diagnostic connector and the “brains”. Therefore, deactivating the immobilizer in this way only deprived the subsequent possibility of diagnosing the injection computer, and even then this problem was eliminated by a simple jumper in the connector of the APS unit.

Where is it located and what does it look like

The device looks like a small plastic box. Mobile, it can be placed anywhere in the car, eliminating the possibility of lengthy search and disconnection.

For basic models equipped by the manufacturer with an anti-theft device, it is placed in the instrument panel. The immobilizer is located to the right of the steering shaft, not far from where the ignition switch is located.

To dismantle the system, just disconnect the light bulb and antenna connector on the key fob, find a separate unit attached to the right side of the steering column, and use a screwdriver to remove it.

The marking of the immobilizer unit is APS-4, but the body of this device can also contain electronics from APS-6.

The manufacturer can install devices with different operating principles on the VAZ-2114:

  • engine operation is blocked in the absence of the owner;
  • The engine is blocked after a few seconds of operation;
  • the engine and door locks are blocked, turning into a “trap” for the thief.

According to the principle of operation, the devices can be contact (starting the engine without the original key) and non-contact (the original key must be within the range of the device).

VAZ 2114 wiring diagram: section of the right front door

The cut is a simplified concept due to the minimal amount of equipment. The most budget version is completely absent.

  • 1 – “mother” of the rear harness, suitable for the door wiring;
  • 2 – power supply to the electric motor for the front passenger window;
  • 3 – terminal block to the standard door speaker;
  • 4 – door lock servo motor (part of the central lock);
  • 5 – power switch and power window drive mode switch;
  • A – grounding bus.

Possible problems

On a VAZ-2114, the immobilizer can sometimes block the operation of the internal combustion engine for no apparent reason, so that it cannot even be started again. This is due to the design feature of the system, which, based on the main key code, gives the command to start the internal combustion engine.

Problems with starting the internal combustion engine begin when the anti-theft system stops accepting the code. In this case, the operation of the vehicle’s engine is blocked by the engine control unit.

To eliminate the problem of the anti-theft system, use diagnostic stands, a laptop or a personal computer.

There have been cases where the anti-theft device malfunctioned due to signals from electromagnetic fields, incl. and from interference with a mobile phone.

Main problems and features of immobilizers

Immo can only interact with the ECU, so this anti-theft device is not used in carburetor cars. Immo exchanges information with the control module and, if necessary, prohibits the device from sending signals to certain nodes. This device makes the appropriate conclusions based on the code that is located in the master key chip. When the key falls within the range of the immo, the chip transmits an encrypted signal to the device, which processes it and gives instructions regarding starting the engine or prohibiting it.

What malfunctions are typical for the system:

  1. Since the anti-theft device interacts with the control unit via a diagnostic line, its operation may be impaired as a result of incorrect diagnosis.
  2. Various interference that even a mobile gadget can produce. Interference is usually caused by more powerful equipment and stations, but even a smartphone can be the cause.
  3. A manufacturing defect, due to which the device’s circuitry has “glitched” and can no longer function. As practice has shown, defective systems were often found in the first cars that were equipped with immobilizers and injection engines. In this case, the cause of the malfunction is solved either by repairing or replacing the device.
  4. Also, immo, like the alarm system, may stop working due to a dead car battery. This problem often manifests itself especially in winter, when batteries are more susceptible to discharge as a result of exposure of the electrolyte to low temperatures. In particular, this is true for old batteries that have already reached the end of their service life. In such cases, car owners are required to know how or immo.
  5. Another reason why the immo may stop functioning is a software error. Problems of this kind can be solved by qualified diagnosticians, because there is a possibility that you will have to reflash the control unit (the author of the video about the malfunction of the anti-theft system is the IZO channel))) LENTA).
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