How to track a car via phone

The ERA-GLONASS system is your rescue assistant in the event of an accident or emergency, but at the same time it is also an “invisible spy” who constantly knows where you are and where you are going... How to live with it if you are a beginner paranoid or even a true guru persecution mania and conspiracy theories?

"Under the hood" by the phone

Many people remember an episode from the unforgettable road movie “Boomer”, in which the bandits “went to the bottom”, leaving the city, turning off their phones and taking out their batteries. I must say that the film turned out to be partly prophetic. It was released on screens a decade and a half ago, in the era of primitive push-button mobile phones, but the total use of cellular communications for surveillance of the population has only fully developed in recent years... And this is not only about crime - even completely law-abiding citizens can unexpectedly encounter this . Let's say you were not hired for a position in the civil service. Perhaps the reason is banal and professional, or perhaps somewhere in closed databases you are listed as... a regular at protest rallies, for example.

Madness? Not at all. Law enforcement agencies constantly request logs from cellular companies for certain geographic coordinates, date and time. These logs automatically record which mobile phone numbers were located at the nth time in the nth place. And most of the numbers are linked to the passport data of the owners... Maybe you really were at a dubious (from the point of view of the authorities) street event, or maybe it just happened by chance, but you’re on some list of “dubious” or “unreliable” just in case the case was brought in. For the ways and thoughts of the “relevant services” are inscrutable...

Actually, what is all this for? And besides, if paranoia gets worse, you can turn off your phone for a while if necessary. But what about the “spy” that, willy-nilly, every owner of a new car of recent years of production carries with him? The name of this “spy” block is “ERA-GLONASS”.

How it works?

The ERA-GLONASS block includes two main elements - a GPS/GLONASS receiver, which determines the coordinates of the car, and a GSM transceiver, in other words, a simplified cell phone without a keyboard and display, designed for transmitting coordinates and voice communication with a rescue operator. A cell phone in “Era” does not have a SIM card slot and is not tied to any operator - the operator in it is “virtual”, uniting all Russian mobile networks into one, and when the system is activated, the call to rescuers is simply automatically carried out through the network with the strongest signal.

In a conversation about paranoia and escaping from under the eye of Big Brother, a reasonable question arises: if a person can be tracked by his phone, whose number is linked in the cellular operator’s databases with the owner’s passport data, then how can one track a car owner whose car has an “ERA-” unit? GLONASS without a SIM card?

Very simple! The fact is that, despite the lack of a telephone number on the Era unit, the device, like any mobile phone, has a so-called IMEI identifier - a unique personal code. This code is automatically transmitted to cellular base stations when registering in the network during switching on, as well as when moving - moving from the range of one base station to the radius of the next. In other words, both a mobile phone without a SIM card and the Era module constantly and automatically mark their location and path with an IMEI number. This data is accumulated and stored by mobile operators and can be called upon if necessary.

For mobile phones, the IMEI number is always written on the packaging box, and it is also easy to find out by typing the code *#06# on the keyboard

And the ERA-GLONASS module has an IMEI code written directly on it:

Now let's imagine...

Any automaker has data on the configuration of each car that comes off the production line. And, of course, its databases contain serial numbers and IMEI identifiers of all ERA-GLONASS units that were installed on cars. And if someone vested with authority becomes interested in the movements of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov in his personal car, then he will receive information in three simple steps. First, he will make a request to the traffic police database, finding out the make, model and VIN number of the vehicle registered to Ivan Ivanovich, then he will make a request to the manufacturing plant in order to find out the IMEI number of the ERA-GLONASS unit installed in the car with a specific VIN. After which it will request from cellular operators the logs of the movements of this IMEI - where and when it was... And if you dismissively wave your hand, “Well, who would bother like that!”, then you will be wrong. They will, and easily.

Moreover, it is not even necessary to receive data from the GPS/GLONASS receiver installed in the “Era” (although, probably, you can start requesting them without the knowledge of the car owner). To monitor, the normal daily operation of the GSM module, which is constantly “marked” on the network, is sufficient. This is how the principle of the simplest coarse direction finding works - the LBS method of tracking location by base stations. The same algorithm is used when working with the simplest Chinese trackers, which are deprived of a GPS chip for the sake of economy.

Where are the limits of paranoia?

Hardly anyone “shepherds” us, ordinary citizens, always and everywhere. In any case, I wouldn’t like to believe in this... However, for example, the fact that phones spontaneously listen to our conversations and send keywords to cloud storage for subsequent delivery of personalized contextual advertising is well known. Why, say, can’t Era do something similar for any purpose? For example, in the future, insurers want to use ERA-GLONASS to automatically receive data about an accident (VIN, location, time, speed), and also control our driving style in order to determine the cost of the policy using this data. Not everyone will like this. In the future - the integration of "Era" with "Plato", and potentially with other similar vile ideas of Big Brother. Someday speed fines will be able to come through this system, because technically this is not difficult to implement. You can’t joke here anymore - “the car, they say, won’t fine itself!” He will be fined, and how...

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Yes, the opportunity to save the life of a driver who is lying unconscious in a car that has flown into a ditch on a deserted road is priceless. But in light of the above, even the obviously beneficial properties of the rescue system do not allow some citizens to overcome prejudice and anarchic sentiments towards it. And it is not surprising that some rebels are itching to neutralize the “spy.” In the forum of almost any online car club you can find a topic like “How to disable ERA-GLONASS?”

How to disable "spy"?

The ERA-GLONASS unit on most cars is an independent module, a “black box”. Its location is quite individual, depending on the car model, but on thematic car forums this issue is usually already discussed. If we talk about budget cars, then access to the Era is most often simple. For example, in our editorial VW Polo it lies openly under the front passenger seat, in the Hyundai Solaris it is located inside the dashboard under the radio, in the Lada Vesta it is secured under the glove box housing.

Typically, a multi-wire connector is suitable for the unit, connecting it to power, speaker, microphone, CAN bus and a number of other points in the car’s electrical system. The banal removal of this connector from the block completely neutralizes the “spy”, but can cause an error symbol to appear on the instrument panel, turn off the microphone in the standard hands-free (it goes through the Era block in some places) or give rise to some other electronic conflicts. Removing a fuse from the circuit powering the Era can also cause glitches. In addition, other important car functions that are in no way connected with “espionage”, but simply hanging on the same fuse, will be disabled.

So how to neutralize ERA-GLONASS without causing problems? To begin with, we submit this request to the repair area of ​​one of the largest VW dealership centers in Moscow.

“This is not the first time we have heard such a request, but we cannot do it,” says the dealer’s master diagnostician.

Well, well... If the dealer doesn’t want to help even for money, let’s try it ourselves!

In addition to the multi-pin connector, two high-frequency antenna sockets are also installed on the body of the Era unit. Two coaxial cables are inserted into them - leading to the GPS/GLONASS antenna and to the GSM antenna, usually located in the “fin” on the roof. Maybe it is enough to remove the cable going to the GSM antenna from the connector? Logically, in this case, the cellular module of the ERA-GLONASS block will no longer see cellular networks, and Era will lose the ability to leave “digital traces”.

We disconnect both antenna cables at once - both GSM and GPS/GLONASS, since their connectors are a single unit. We check by pressing the “SOS” button, and... we hear first beeps, and then a voice: “Operator of the ERA-GLONASS system - what happened to you?”

Damn, the system works without an antenna! Why? Let's try to figure it out and open the case.

Inside we see the main board with an inexpensive Qualcomm MDM6200 telematics chipset and a battery unit based on a 2.6 watt-hour Tadiran TLI-1550A lithium battery with a charging module. And - what a surprise - we find a built-in GSM antenna on the board, almost the same as in most mobile phones!

Why do you need a backup antenna inside if you have the most efficient remote antenna on the roof? In fact, everything is simple, explains the electrician-diagnostician of the dealership.

– The main task of the ERA-GLONASS system and its progenitor, the European E-Call, is to save the lives of drivers and passengers in situations in which they are not able to help themselves. And major accidents with serious injuries often involve the vehicle flipping over and landing on its roof. In this case, the external antenna will most likely be deformed or destroyed, and so that the rescue system does not lose its functionality, the built-in backup antenna will come into play.

Well, since we’ve already started being paranoid, we’re going to be completely paranoid! Disable the built-in antenna by removing it completely:

We return the unit to the car and connect the large comb connector. The antenna on the roof is turned off, the built-in antenna is dismantled - now the system must clearly “blind”. But after pressing the “SOS” button, we again hear: “Operator of the ERA-GLONASS system - what happened to you?” Damn, the “spy” works without antennas at all! How so?

  • The thing is that the current level of density of cellular network base stations in cities and their environs has already reached almost the maximum value, comments an engineer-planner of GSM networks. “The signal strength in the network is so high that GSM modules in phones and telematics devices, which Era is, are able to work using a short copper contact path on the board as an antenna, left after removing the full antenna!”

As a result, we were able to completely silence the stubborn “spy” only by wrapping the unit without antennas entirely in foil and grounding it... Yes, in this sense it was definitely easier for the bandits from “Boomer”.

At this stage, we abandoned attempts to disable ERA-GLONASS using simple methods. Next, apparently, you need to look for the block diagram and the wiring of the central connector in order to neutralize the device correctly, without the appearance of error indications or other “glitches”. It may still be possible to deactivate the system through the service diagnostic program. In general, you need to find out in each specific case individually.

True, there is another option, but it will require a certain civic organization. Owners of identical car models can, by agreement... exchange ERA-GLONASS blocks! In this case, the unit's IMEI and vehicle's VIN will no longer be associated with each other, and potential tracking will become impossible. Fans of paranoia can find like-minded people within online car clubs dedicated to their model and organize an exchange. Well, or buy yourself an “Era” block at a disassembly site, as an option. The method is, in principle, workable. We tested it on two editorial VW Polos, swapping the “spies”: no errors or glitches arose, which means there was no code linking the unit to the car.

Numbers and thoughts

If the “fight against the system” has captured you, as they say, in full, and you still decide to get rid of the “spy in the car” once and for all, you need to think hard and decide what is more important to you - your paranoia, real or imaginary, or Is it still possible to get help while unconscious after an accident? After all, according to the ERA-GLONASS operator, at the end of November 2021, more than 2,907,000 cars were already registered in the system and 2,088,350 emergency calls were received. Although 99% of the calls turned out to be false (erroneous, for verification, entertainment, etc.), but 22,766 signals actually required the response of emergency services, and 12,700 of them were received automatically. That is, without human intervention, after an accident with significant damage to the car.

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The automobile market had just begun to come to its senses and gradually get used to stagnation, when it was again twisted into a ram's horn and all manufacturers were obliged to equip the ERA-GLONASS system. Thus, from January 1, 2021, automakers are required to equip all cars entering the Russian market with the ERA-GLONASS system. The first tester of this system was LADA Vesta, and then all serial LADA XRAY. It would seem that automobile companies, together with the government, are implementing such a large-scale, expensive and complex project to save the lives of people involved in road accidents. And from a security point of view, this is the right step and a good deed in itself. But why did the media and the automotive community get so wildly excited, discussing and touching only on the negative aspects of this innovation? Is this panic out of nowhere? We'll figure out.


Enough time has passed since the introduction of this system into operation, but not all car owners yet understand the principles of operation, purpose and prospects.

Let's take the abbreviation ERA verbatim - this is Emergency Response to Accidents. GLONASS is a Russian satellite navigation system. Initially, the system had a military purpose. Analogous to American GPS.

ERA-GLONASS is an emergency response system in case of accidents. In the event of an emergency, it instantly reads the location of the car and promptly transmits data about the incident to emergency services. In addition to coordinates, the system transmits data such as the time of the accident, the severity of the consequences and the VIN number of the vehicle. Also data on the number of seat belts worn in order to determine the number of victims.

In the event of an incident, the driver can independently contact the emergency operator. The first such case was recorded in February, when a tree fell on a motorist in the Moscow region and his mobile phone did not work.

The emergency call button with the inscription SOS is located in the block near the interior rearview mirror. Other elements of the system are placed so that in the event of a serious accident it continues to work uninterruptedly, therefore they are placed in the safest places. In some models, the devices are even duplicated. For example, under the driver's seat of the Nissan Murano you can find an additional speaker.

If you look at GOST R 54620 -2011, you can see the following list of requirements. The system must recognize several types of impacts: frontal impact, rear side impact and rollover. Cars (accommodating up to 9 people) must have an automatic notification function about an accident, and commercial vehicles only need to have a button to communicate with the emergency operator. The emergency call must be located so that it cannot be activated by accidental pressing.

There are high hopes for this system. ERA-GLONASS began to be implemented en masse and quickly in order to significantly reduce the number of victims involved in major accidents. In complex emergency situations, when it comes to saving a human life, every minute counts. Sad statistics show that the number of victims is increasing due to the fact that ambulances arrive at the scene of an accident late, and all they have to do is record the fact of death. And if there was an opportunity to provide first medical treatment a little earlier. help and save victims from blood loss and painful shock...

NIS GLONASS (a system integrator of the largest projects for the implementation of GLONASS technologies in Russia) states that thanks to ERA-GLONASS, the waiting time for help in accidents is significantly reduced by at least 30%, which allows saving more than four thousand people annually.

In May, ERA-GLONASS operators recorded their thousandth anniversary call. In this case, we are talking about real requests that required a prompt response. Experts noted that the number of false calls is gradually decreasing: so, if in 2021 calls that actually required help accounted for only 0.3% of the total number, then since the beginning of 2021 - 0.85%.

MYTH 1 Not everywhere there is cellular communication, so the system is flawed

A large territory of Russia is not provided with cellular communications. No mobile communications - no help. And the introduction of the ERA-GLONASS system is supposedly another rash action of the authorities. First, you need to provide mobile communications, and then gradually switch to an emergency response system.

According to the latest research by Roskomnadzor, more than half of Russia’s territory is covered by cellular networks. For data transmission, cellular communication channels of the “Big Three” operators are used. The number of subscribers of cellular companies has long exceeded the number of citizens of the Russian Federation. In addition, the percentage of accidents in densely populated areas is much higher than, for example, in the taiga or tundra. And often the worst accidents occur at night and in bad weather conditions. And here we are talking about seconds, during which you can save someone’s life.

MYTH 2 Without infrastructure, the implementation of the ERA-GLONASS system is impossible

First responders leave much to be desired. Complete lack of resources. It is impossible to implement this product without expanding resources. If there is no infrastructure, then there is no point in implementing this project. Era-Glonass is already working and helping to reduce deaths on the roads. The number of emergency calls received in the ERA-GLONASS system is growing in proportion to the number of registered vehicles. System 112 unites five emergency response services: ambulance service, emergency response service, fire service, police service, and traffic police service.

So you can spend decades improving communications, infrastructure and taking master classes from Western colleagues, but still not implement anything. It is precisely such large-scale products that need to be implemented quickly. Our country has its own development path. We must be able to exist autonomously and not depend on anyone.

MYTH 3 Total surveillance

Today, the ERA-GLONASS system is at the first stage of its development, but every day it is increasingly acquiring new fantasies and inventions. For example, under the guise of transmitting information about accidents to special centers, the government is introducing total surveillance.

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If you open the requirements of GOST 54620-2011. It says that the device works the moment you press the SOS button or during a serious accident. Working in tracker mode (continuous surveillance) is not provided for by the project specifications. The ERA-GLONASS terminal only receives a navigation signal, calculates coordinates and sends it to the data processing center. So, the responsibilities of the “big brother” do not include surveillance. But those who are truly interesting are still being watched, but only with the help of the same mobile phones.

MYTH 4. The authorities promote the domestic auto industry and block access to foreign automobile companies. (About poor producers and rising car prices).

From now on, it is impossible to obtain OTTS (vehicle type approval) for a car without installing the ERA-GLONASS system. Thus, all new models on the Russian market must be supplied with this system. Manufacturers claim that these are high costs. Therefore, they are forced to increase the prices of cars. Automakers complain that the equipment itself is inexpensive, but to obtain a certificate it is necessary to conduct two crash tests for frontal and side impacts. In the future, a rollover test must also be carried out. This leaves the manufacturer with two cars and the cost of conducting the tests themselves. It turns out that the mass segment will rise in price by 10,000 rubles - 30,000 rubles. But compared to the massive rise in price of all cars over the course of several years, this is a very modest price to pay for saving human lives.

In addition, no one has canceled the system of financial support for the automobile industry. The Russian government constantly supports automakers. For example, the amount of funding for 2021 was increased to 62.3 billion rubles. Still, some worried car companies find it too costly to spend €200,000 to certify a car.

Some representative offices angrily stated that certification was costly for them, and they were forced to refuse to supply models to Russia. Audi announced that it will stop supplying 6 models due to ERA-GLONASS: A3 and A5 convertibles, A1 hatchback, TT and R8 coupes, and A8. And BMW will not bring convertibles to Russia. But other premium segments support the implementation of the ERA-GLONASS system. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars said that all models from 2021 will be equipped with this system. Infiniti, Cadillac, Nissan, Kia, Renault, Hyundai and other manufacturers confirmed their readiness to connect. We think we can somehow cope with the absence of several premium convertibles and coupes. Real prospects for ERA-GLONASS

Metadata from the ERA-GLONASS system will be able to be aggregated and examined in the future. Real recommendations and actions on a) problematic emergency sections of roads in the Russian Federation (lack of traffic lights in the right place, incorrect markings, poor coverage). Statistics are collected, and from the data obtained it becomes clear that adjustments need to be made and the speed limit in the area needs to be reduced. b) problematic vehicles (A new model entered the Russian market with the ERA-GLONASS system, the first 1000 cars were sold. And information appears that 20 accidents were associated with the same technical malfunction of the vehicle. Then this data is sent to the manufacturer for study). c) problematic vehicles drivers...

From this data it will be possible to collect useful statistics and use them to improve the situation on the roads. In addition, with this system we will gain complete independence from GPS navigators and satellite systems of other countries.

In the near future, ERA-GLONASS will be installed on all cars without exception. This will reduce road deaths and improve safety.

GLONASS tracking – monitoring the location of a vehicle via a computer or phone. The company offers inexpensive multifunctional systems that are easy to install and maintain.

Why do you need GLONASS equipment and how does it work?

To improve operational efficiency, logistics and transport companies need to use GLONASS and GPS tracking technologies. This technology will help reduce the cost of maintaining a vehicle fleet, optimize the consumption of fuel, lubricants, spare parts, and track the location of each vehicle in real time. For its operation, an on-board navigation satellite tracker is installed on the vehicle. It receives signals from satellites, is processed and transmitted to the server via GSM communications. The software installed on the server processes the data and provides access to it in an understandable form.

How does the navigation terminal work?

Vehicle tracking via GLONASS is possible using a tracker installed in the car interior or the cab of special equipment. The device is equipped with a satellite signal receiver and two modules for storing and transmitting data from the terminal. A SIM card of any mobile operator is installed in the GPS tracker, through which the information received from satellites is transmitted to the server.

The GPS receiver is quite simply configured to solve many monitoring problems: determining the location and route of vehicles, monitoring fuel and other parameters. To monitor various parameters, additional equipment is connected to the terminal:

  • alarm button;
  • flow meters;
  • camera, headset and microphone for communication with the driver;
  • thermometers that monitor the temperature in the engine or refrigerator and others.

In case of loss of connection with a mobile operator or server, all data is stored in a special module like a “black box”. You will be able to track the car using GLONASS after the connection is restored, and the information will not be distorted or lost.

The terminal is equipped with a built-in backup power supply, thanks to which it will operate for up to 4 hours even without an external (main) power source.

All data received from the navigation terminal is tracked and analyzed in the monitoring system. cooperates with the Wialon service. All you need is to log into the program using your username and password from any device with Internet access (computer, tablet or smartphone).

How to track a car using GLONASS through a computer?

After installing the equipment, Sirius Navigator software is installed on the dispatcher’s computer. It displays movements, fuel consumption, data on the operation of the actuators of all machines in real time. Even if your vehicles move through areas with poor GSM network coverage, the information will be saved in the terminal’s memory and sent to the server when the signal is restored.

We offer a system that monitors transport. Monitoring of vehicles involves the use of GLONASS and GPS terminals. With their help, the location of the vehicle and its route are tracked.

Is it possible to track a car through Glonass era

ERA-GLONASS how to track a car using it? Is it possible to track a car?

How to find out where the car is?

Will ERA-GLONASS help with theft?

Any satnav system does NOT track the vehicle in the truest sense of the word. There is a different operating principle.

Navigation satellites transmit THEIR coordinates, and the navigator chip, based on this data, determines and calculates its location.

And if we add a transmitting system to the chip, we will get a tracker that will transmit the calculated coordinates to the desired address via a radio channel.

About the theft. If a specific car was “ordered” by a buyer from some mountainous republic, it will not help.

A professional can easily jam the signal from the tracker, and then, in a calm environment, find it and turn it off completely. And if the car was stolen by random gopniks, then it will completely help.

In addition to the minimum set of data, the parameters can be supplemented with information about the impact force, the number of seat belts fastened, the type of fuel, and the direction of movement.

Voice of Salvation

Over 13 months of operation, system operators received 557 calls from people who needed real help. Calls that required response from emergency services account for 0.37% of all calls, and each of them is unique. System operators analyze each call, because their main task is to recognize a real threat to life in time and transmit information to rescue services.

However, more than 146 thousand of the remaining calls are false. Some come from car dealers who demonstrate how the system works; some car owners test ERA-GLONASS on their own.

How it works

First, the call reaches the nearest node, then it is registered in any of the mobile networks, and the cellular operator routes it to one of the navigation and information centers located in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Here, data about the car model, its license plate number and color are processed, and the coordinates are used to determine the address of the accident and the regional unit of emergency response services to which the call will need to be redirected. The encoded data goes to the contact center operator, and if the truth of the incident is confirmed, then to the rescuers. In Tatarstan and the Kursk region, the Ministry of Emergency Situations responds, and in other regions - the duty units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It takes only a few seconds to process each such call.

The system is responsible for switching nodes for collecting and processing initial information located in each subject of the country. These nodes are connected to three operators at once: MTS, Megafon and VimpelCom. In the event of an emergency response from the vehicle's equipment, the signal is identified as a 112 call and is given priority over all other connections. The voice communication channel is so far the most reliable method of data transmission.

It is important that the system is created with redundancy so that a possible failure does not affect the normal operation of ERA-GLONASS and the rescue of people. And due to the growth of the vehicle fleet, it is planned to install additional switching units and other equipment.

What data does the system transmit?

In addition to the minimum set of data, the parameters transmitted by the system can be supplemented with information about the force of the impact, the number of seat belts fastened, the type of fuel, the direction of movement, the activation of electronic systems and other factors. The system can provide data on road accidents in an uncorrected form for insurance companies. On average, a car that is constantly monitored by ERA-GLONASS transmits about 20 MB of information per month.

Is it possible to track a car via GLONASS?

Real help

Interested in the system and the traffic police. If you issue fines only according to traffic police data, there is no need for cameras, inspectors, or patrol cars. Theoretically, ERA can provide the data center with data on the speed and maneuvers of any vehicle equipped with it. However, this requires the creation of an appropriate legislative framework.

The number of cars registered in the ERA-GLONASS system has exceeded one million. Considering that the Russian vehicle fleet includes 50 million vehicles, this is not so much. However, crash response systems are already impacting various areas of the automotive industry.

ERA-GLONASS was put into commercial operation two years ago. From January 1, 2021, all passenger and commercial vehicles put into circulation in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union must be equipped with emergency call devices.

The Russian Automobile Partnership (RAT) provides round-the-clock technical assistance - its specialists will call a tow truck, change tires, start the engine and even deliver a canister of fuel.

Already at the beginning of next year, ERA terminals will be able to transmit information about an accident directly to the insurer, including the VIN of the car, its speed at the time of the collision, the time and location of the accident. Thus, it will become easier for drivers to register an incident according to the European protocol - without calling the traffic police. In addition, data from the terminal can be used in court proceedings.

Using the terminal, you can not only diagnose the car, but also control it remotely - start the pre-heater, turn off the engine, lock the doors.

“The exchange of information is beneficial to everyone: car manufacturers, drivers, ride-hailing services, financial and insurance companies. Instead of an opaque and lengthy process, each participant will receive their own benefits. Data on the operation and condition of cars will be useful to banks and leasing companies. They will issue car loans and insurance based on the car’s performance, and not on one credit history,” said Anton Chirkunov, founder of the premium car calling service Wheely.

At the same time, according to the new certification rules, several cars of each model must be broken down, which has prohibited the import of unpopular models and rare bodies into Russia.

ERA-GLONASS has become an obstacle to the import of used cars, mainly right-hand drive. By the beginning of the year, one and a half thousand foreign cars had accumulated in the parking lots of the Federal Customs Service in Primorye, and rallies of dissatisfied sellers and buyers began. To reduce social tensions, a simplified scheme was developed in which used cars were equipped with the required terminals.

To do this, it was necessary to purchase a simple device for calling emergency services from a certified agent. Then send all the documents to one of the accredited testing laboratories and issue a certificate of safety of the vehicle design. After presenting the certificate and a copy of the contract for the purchase of the subscriber terminal, the customs office issued a PTS. Next, a specialized company installed the terminal and registered it in the system.

Advantages and benefits of equipping a car with GLONASS

Depending on the type of tracking system installed, the user receives information such as:

  • current location, viewing vehicle movement for a certain period;
  • current fuel level in the tank, consumption, refills, drains, their place, time and volume;
  • number, duration and places of parking;
  • number of engine hours worked;
  • compliance with the route, speed limit, control of driving style;
  • information about the condition of the cargo;
  • how long the mechanism worked, how far the vehicle traveled with the mechanism turned on, how much fuel the vehicle with the mechanism turned on consumed;
  • identification of the driver, recording of his work shift;
  • group reports for all vehicles;
  • hierarchy of access to objects;
  • Instant user notifications about events related to vehicle operation.

The tracking function helps prevent theft, eliminates “wrong” flights, helps reduce mileage and fuel consumption, and reduce downtime. If the driver deviates from the route, information is instantly sent to the dispatcher. Considering the advantages that GLONASS provides, it is recommended to install it on commercial and private vehicles.

Our company offers multifunctional vehicle tracking systems that are easy to install and maintain with round-the-clock technical support 24/7.

How to bypass GLONASS in a car: impact on navigation equipment

There are two ways to block the transfer of information to the dispatcher’s computer: mechanical impact on the device or its components or by using additional equipment.

  1. Disabling the antenna
    It is not possible to disable the element - the nodes are sealed. Therefore, in the event of damage to cables or violation of insulation, it is quite easy to record the violation and hold the employee accountable for damage to property. In addition, there are terminals that can receive a signal without an antenna.
  2. Shielding the device for wave emission
    This option allows you to bypass breaking the seal or any other mechanical damage to the equipment. Its idea is to jam the outgoing signal - communication with the satellite is interrupted, the device is deprived of functionality. For this purpose, the device is covered with various insulating elements. However, not all so simple. Modern receivers are highly sensitive. Therefore, the only thing that can be achieved in this way is to reduce the number of satellites. But even three will be enough for correct data transfer. In addition, the navigation equipment has a storage memory. When communication is resumed, all data will be sent to the server.
  3. Turning off power to the terminal
    Some employees believe that this is the safest way to get rid of surveillance and not be subject to liability due to mechanical damage to the device. However, it is also ineffective: the navigation terminal can be equipped with a secondary power source and accumulate information after being disconnected from the on-board power supply. Once a power outage has been detected, power will be restored.
  4. Damage to the subscriber identification module
    If the SIM card is damaged or removed, the signal transmission will be interrupted. At the same time, information about the track will accumulate and can be easily restored.
  5. Using additional devices
    This is an “advanced” method that requires investment in purchasing a device, so not many drivers resort to it. When such a device is activated, the signal is interrupted and the vehicle falls out of surveillance. There is no direct contact with the tracker, which means there will be no mechanical damage or breaches of the seal - the driver protects himself from management claims. However, even special means will not help hide your movement history: when the device resumes operation, the route map will be transferred to the server.

Prices for tachograph cards can be found here!

Our tariffs


from 3,000 rub.

Subscriber pay:

250 rub./month*

In a year:

3,000 rub. *subject to prepayment for 1 year

Subscriber fee includes:

  • 24/7 TP (telephone consultations)
  • Server storage
  • Software Update


from 8,000 rub.

Subscriber pay:

320 rub./month.

In a year:

RUB 3,850


950 rub.

Subscriber fee includes:

  • 24/7 TP (telephone consultations)
  • Server storage
  • Software Update
  • Free warranty visits

Top manufacturers

There are criteria for choosing a company. It is important what equipment the company uses - open or closed. The first implies a further free transition to other software, since there is no strict binding of devices to any one system. With closed equipment, it is not so easy to go to another company, since all equipment is configured for a specific system.

It is important to find out what program is used for control. Before purchasing, you should inquire about its functionality, the possibility of independent modification, and the amount of equipment that can be attached to it.


This is the leader in Russia and the CIS countries in GPS-GLONASS. The company has been on the market since 2008, and in 2021 it was the first among integrators to connect 100 thousand objects to its system.

Vialon offers both a comprehensive solution for transport monitoring and separate equipment. For an additional fee you can buy sensors and trackers with an installation service.

Login to your personal account in the Wialon system


Uniqueness of Wialon:

  1. The program is compatible with more than 2200 types of beacons and other equipment.
  2. In addition to the system, the kit includes applications for monitoring transport, delivery services, driving quality, employee work hours, as well as for planning equipment maintenance.
  3. Monitoring can be done anywhere in the world from various devices. Information is transmitted not only via SMS, but also by email.
  4. The ability to modernize and refine the program to suit your needs.

In addition, users praise the 24-hour technical support.


The exact amount is not indicated on the official website, since the price is determined individually, depending on the user’s needs. It is impossible to know in advance how much the complex will cost. The range is very wide - from 350 rubles/month and above. For clarification, you need to contact the company manager.


The instructions are on the manufacturer's website. To start working with the system, install the Vialon application through the Play Market or App Store. After adding objects in the program, open the “Monitoring” tab.

A map with all vehicles will be displayed. On the left is a list of cars. Clicking on each of them will help you track your route online.


Moscow company offering monitoring services for water and road transport. It has developed its own monitoring software and installed numerous sensors.



The company's solution helps:

  • find out where the vehicle is parked or driving;
  • record your movement on the map online;
  • control downtime;
  • protect equipment from theft;
  • control the operation of the vehicle fleet;
  • find out fuel consumption.

The exact list of tasks depends on the user's needs.


There is no price on the website. Order a “Call Back” to clarify the data.

How to use

You need to install the AutoGRAPH GSM program. After opening it, a work area will appear, including both a map with moving objects and a control panel with control points, lists of groups and flights. Selecting a driver will display its current position on the screen and movement.


The company was founded in 2005 and offers a full range of monitoring services for all types of special equipment and vehicles. There are both comprehensive control solutions with a set of sensors and programs, as well as separate equipment.


With SCOUT you can:

  • see the history of the movement;
  • find out the current position of the vehicle and its path;
  • view graphical and tabular reports;
  • receive notifications about scheduled events.

The MT-700 monitoring module is installed on the vehicle. Software available for download: “Studio”, “Online” and “Kernel”. The fuel control sensor is purchased separately.


Reference. The company offers a demo mode that allows you to find out the capabilities of the program without paying.


The cost is not indicated on the website. To find out exactly how much a comprehensive satellite monitoring kit costs, you need to fill out an application. The manager, having ascertained the needs, will provide price information.


The Scout Studio program is used for tracking. After installation on the computer and opening it, the user immediately sees the map. It shows all the cars, and at the bottom of the panel there is information for each of them. The user sees information about location, engine operation, fuel level, address and SIM number.


Novosibirsk company specializing in the installation of trackers and other equipment. The company uses the Vialon program for monitoring. After concluding the agreement, a login and password are sent to enter your personal account.

Login to the Vialon system


Thanks to the monitoring system it is possible:

  • set geofences;
  • take into account fuel consumption;
  • generate a flexible individual report;
  • create daily tasks;
  • analyze vehicle management and calculate its depreciation.

Avtonaviks does not offer its own tracking platform.

What is the price

This company also does not have cost information on its website. The price is specified through the manager. There is no data even for individual equipment (tachographs, beacons, etc.).

User manual

After installing and opening the program from Avtonaviks, the user is immediately taken to the screen with the map. It needs to be updated so that all registered objects are displayed. To do this, click on the “All” button at the top of the list. Then all that remains is to select the desired car to see its movement.

Navigation systems

The Rostov company has been on the market since 2009. It deals with all types of transport - from land to water and air. It specializes in both individual supplies of equipment and installation of complex systems for monitoring the operation of an enterprise.


. It allows you to control:

  • travel history;
  • vehicle downtime;
  • fuel consumption and drainage;
  • going beyond established geofences;
  • sensor readings;
  • gas station and parking places;
  • compliance with speed limits and routes.


There are 3 tariffs, each with different costs:

  1. Economy Terminal – from 3,000 rubles, annual fee is also 3,000 rubles.
  2. Standard. Terminal – from 8,000 rubles, annual price – 3,850 rubles.
  3. Premium Terminal – from 18,000 rubles, per year – from 30,000 rubles.

The subscription fee includes a different set of services, the exact list of which is clarified with the company manager.


To control your movement, you need to download and install the Sirius Navigator program on your computer, then log into your personal account and add objects to the software. Then you should select: “View” - “Maps”. Information about the terrain and vehicles will appear. Clicking on each of the objects will allow you to see the vehicle’s movements.

Reference. The “Reports” tab will help you find out the history of movements for a specific time interval, for example, a month.

Requirements for equipping vehicles with operable satellite navigation equipment

According to the new decree, satellite navigation equipment must meet the following requirements:


complies with the requirements of technical regulations;


ensures determination by signals of at least 2 operating global navigation satellite systems, one of which is the GLONASS global navigation satellite system, transmission of information about the geographic latitude and longitude of the vehicle’s location, its track angle and speed, time and date of fixing the vehicle’s location at intervals transmissions of no more than 30 seconds through the State Automated Information System "ERA-GLONASS" (hereinafter referred to as the system):

— to the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport;

— to regional, municipal and other information systems (by decision of the owner (possessor) of the vehicle and if such transfer is technically possible);


provides for the presence of a personal universal multi-profile subscriber identification card containing a profile of the mobile radiotelephone communication network that ensures the functioning of the system.

The list of information about the owner of the vehicle posted in the ERA-GLONASS system includes an INN.

Based on the results of identification of satellite navigation equipment, the system provides for the issuance of a certificate in electronic form, which is sent to the e-mail address of the vehicle owner within 24 hours after identification.

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