How to repair and clean a VAZ-2106 carburetor yourself

Niva 21213 carburetor. How to clean?

For Niva lovers! This section of the auto forum is intended to discuss a variety of models that are produced under the Niva brand (Niva 2121, Niva 2129, Niva 2131, Chevrolet Niva). Here you will find detailed reviews about these models.

Everyone knows that the quality of our gasoline leaves much to be desired! Somehow the traction on my car has disappeared(((I’m sinning with the carburetor! There is an idea to clean it completely! Who has already done such a procedure - tell me how best to do this, where to start and how to finish? Merzkij Messages: 5 Registered: February 17, 2013 , 14:35 Reputation: 0

To clean it well, it will take a lot of time, you need to completely remove it, disassemble it in detail and wash it in gasoline, all the parts need to be washed well, then you need to blow out all the jets and all the holes with a compressor, wait until it dries well and you can put it on the car, that’s how everything...=)

PrizracniyGonshik Posts: 15 Registered: 05 Mar 2013, 13:06 Reputation: 0

Cleaning it is not a problem, as with any carburetor car... The most important thing is to rinse everything thoroughly, then use a compressor to thoroughly blow out all the jets and holes, everything that is unnecessary will fly out =)) Wash only with gasoline, and nothing else...

Shurik Messages: 21 Registered: Mar 10, 2013, 07:37 pm Reputation: 0

Yes, I agree, gasoline and only gasoline will help you) it’s called what we fill it with and clean it))) So I think you won’t have any difficulty disassembling it - blowing and rinsing is also not such an abstruse job. Once done, we put it back and fill it with normal gasoline.

hiler Messages: 9 Registered: May 20, 2013, 12:29 Reputation: 0

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The Importance of Carburetor Cleaning

Experienced owners know where to look for a carburetor. It is located under the hood, and right on the engine intake manifold there is a carburetor injection that constantly interacts with gasoline and air. This important power system component includes several exposed parts that are susceptible to contamination. Read about how to clean the intake manifold here.

When the car is actively used, the internal and external surfaces of the carburetor are covered with a layer consisting of particles of engine oil. Engine temperature changes also negatively affect its operation. All this ultimately leads to the appearance of contamination on both the internal and external surfaces of the carburetor. This manifests itself in the formation of deposits of soot, dust, oil and gasoline film. And the longer this situation persists, the more dust will form on the surfaces of this unit.

Adjusting the carburetor on a VAZ Niva car

Created several decades ago, Niva is still popular among domestic and even foreign motorists. This SUV is in demand due to its unpretentiousness, maintainability and good cross-country ability, which can be the envy of many modern cars of the same class. But proper and uninterrupted operation of even such a durable vehicle can only be ensured with proper and timely maintenance and repair. Therefore, if you are not going to spend money on the services of service station specialists, it is advisable to at least superficially understand the design features of your car. For example, self-adjustment of the carburetor on a VAZ Niva car will allow you to optimize engine performance and reduce consumption at minimal cost.

The VAZ-2121 has become popular due to its cross-country ability, technical reliability and ease of operation and maintenance.

This article will focus on setting up the carburetor on the VAZ-2121 and VAZ-21213 models, as the most prominent representatives of domestic classic SUVs. Niva 21213 replaced its predecessor in 1994, having undergone a number of design changes. First of all, the model acquired a new engine, on which the manufacturer installed a different carburetor. The Niva 2121 used an Ozone carburetor, and owners of the next generation of the SUV were offered a more modern unit called Solex. However, many farmers did not appreciate the innovation due to its increased requirements for the quality of gasoline and often resorted to installing the unit from the previous model themselves. You will learn further about how to set up the carburetor on Niva 21213.

How to adjust the carburetor on a VAZ Niva car

How does the Ozone carburetor work on the Niva 21213 and 2121, as well as other classic cars of the VAZ family? From the fuel tank, gasoline enters the float chamber in the appropriate quantity. Next, passing through the nozzle, the atomizer in the diffuser, the fuel is mixed with air. After this, depending on the degree of opening of the throttle valve, a certain amount of the air-fuel mixture is supplied through the intake manifold to the engine cylinder.

Adjustment of the Niva 21213 carburetor is resorted to in cases where it has been repaired, disassembled/cleaned, and when starting the engine is difficult or its operation is unstable. Some types of adjustments can be made without removing the unit from the machine, but in some cases, for example, when you need to adjust the starting device, dismantling is indispensable.

Throttle Actuator Settings

The main goal of adjusting the VAZ-21213 carburetor by adjusting its drive is to ensure the optimal throttle position for the extreme positions of the gas pedal. So, when the pedal is pressed all the way, the throttle should open completely and, conversely, as soon as you release the gas, it should close. This is achieved by setting the required rod length. To perform the adjustment correctly, follow the steps below:

  1. Disconnect the drive rod from the bracket located on the cylinder head valve cover.
  2. Using a key set to “8”, loosen the lock nut and, by tightening/unscrewing the rod end, set the optimal throttle position.
  3. Now all that remains is to tighten the locknut and install the rod in its place.

Upon completion of the adjustment operations, it is necessary to make sure that the position of the damper actually corresponds to the position of the accelerator pedal. If the desired result is not achieved, repeat the described operations.

Carburetor adjustment begins with adjusting the throttle position

Setting the optimal fuel level in the float chamber

If during maintenance and repair the float or needle valve was replaced, the VAZ-21213 carburetor must be adjusted without fail. Read the step-by-step guide and you can make the necessary settings yourself:

  1. To adjust, remove the carburetor cover and place it in a horizontal position so that the floats are on top.
  2. You will need a caliper to measure the distance between the cap gasket and the highest point of each float. The manufacturer's documentation indicates that the optimal distance is 34–35 millimeters. If deviations are found after measurements, set the optimal position. To do this, bend or bend the tongue.
  3. If, after carrying out control measurements, the obtained values ​​correspond to the norm, you can replace the carburetor cover. But during the process, be careful not to allow the floats to come into contact with the walls of the chamber. If necessary, bend the levers without disrupting the level adjustment height.

This is how the fuel level in the float chamber should be adjusted.

Self-adjustment of the starting device

After disassembly and repairs have been carried out with the replacement of the dampers, it is necessary to adjust the VAZ-2121 carburetor, which involves adjusting the starting device. And also this type of adjustment may be necessary if the engine does not start. To do this, the unit will have to be removed from the intake manifold. Prepare a standard set of tools and follow the procedure described below:

  1. After dismantling the carburetor, you should immediately check how the dampers work. Turn the choke lever counterclockwise until it stops - in this position the damper should close completely.
  2. At the same time, the throttle valve must be slightly open. In this case, the gap formed between it and the chamber wall should be 1.1 mm. This is the starting gap - it is this that is adjusted when setting up the starting device. You can measure the gap using a wire of the appropriate diameter.
  3. Use an "8" wrench to turn the adjusting screw located on the throttle lever. This way you will set the required starting gap.
  4. In addition, with the choke completely closed, press the trigger rod all the way. This will lead to an increase in the starting gap to 3 mm.
  5. If there are deviations from the norm, additional adjustments will have to be made. To do this, loosen the locknut of the adjusting screw located on the starter housing. Turn this screw until the desired clearance is achieved. After completing the adjustment, be sure to tighten the locknut.

In order to correctly configure the starter, be careful and strictly follow the sequence of actions described in the manual.

How to adjust idle speed on a Niva with your own hands

Upon completion of cleaning, repair, or in order to adjust the idle speed, it is necessary to adjust the Niva 2121 carburetor, during which you will need a gas analyzer - it is used to monitor the content of carbon monoxide (CO) in the exhaust gases. After you have prepared everything you need, including a standard set of tools, read the instructions and start setting up:

  1. First of all, before carrying out adjustment operations, warm up the engine and turn on current consumers (for example, headlights).
  2. If the engine is warm, you need to turn it off, then connect the gas analyzer to the exhaust pipe. Restart the engine.
  3. Take a screwdriver and, turning the mixture amount screw, set the crankshaft speed to 800–850 rpm. Speed ​​control is carried out using a tachometer.
  4. Next, using the same screwdriver, you need to turn the mixture quality screw. Based on the gas analyzer data, set the CO content in the exhaust gases within 2.5–3%. Often, after the final adjustment, the engine speed deviates from the norm. You need to make adjustments using the quantity screw.

The blue arrow is the quantity screw, the red arrow is the quality screw.
After properly adjusting the carburetor, your car’s engine will develop the necessary power and operate steadily at idle speed. This will ensure optimal fuel consumption. If, after completing the adjustment, dips are observed at any speed, and starting the engine itself is difficult, then most likely there is a malfunction in the carburetor systems. In this regard, diagnostics and appropriate repairs may be required.

In what cases do you need to clean the VAZ 2109 carburetor?

To deal with various problems and malfunctions, you need to know how to flush a VAZ 2109 carburetor.

It so happens that, even with a normal level in the float chamber, you are faced with a situation where the car does not want to start. After going through the engine and making sure that everything is fine with it, you realize that the problem is in the carburetor. What could be the reason? Usually these are various types of blockages.

For example, in jets, or in carburetor channels. This is unpleasant, but not at all fatal. And it can be completely eliminated with improvised means.

In general, cleaning the carburetor is done using ordinary gasoline, acetone, or compressed air.

How can you tell if the jet is clogged?

The symptoms here are simple and understandable. If your engine instantly stalls at idle, you just need to release the gas pedal - you won’t have to guess for a long time. If such a problem does happen to you, then you need to clean the nozzle.

How to do it?

  • Disassemble the air filter housing.
  • Now you can remove the jet itself.
  • In cases where contamination is obvious, you immediately have no other options.
  • You need to very carefully clean it with a pointed wooden stick dipped in acetone. Never use metal objects for this. This can result in surface damage.

Next comes a process such as flushing the VAZ 2109 carburetor

The channels inside the carburetor are quite narrow. Therefore, it is not surprising that dirty fuel causes such unpleasant processes as clogging. Flushing is a mandatory process to improve the performance of the carburetor and maintain it in good condition.

  • Important! Never, under any circumstances, attempt to flush a carburetor with acetone until you have completely disassembled it. Some parts will simply corrode. They need to be removed and washed separately with gasoline.
  • The sequence of actions when washing is as follows:
  • First you need to carefully unscrew the main air jets from the housing.
  • After this, you can remove the jets and emulsion tubes.
  • Take a screwdriver and very carefully remove the locking plate of the main fuel jet plugs.
  • Now you can remove the plugs. Now you need to check the washers installed under them. If they are damaged, they should be replaced with new ones.
  • Unscrew the main fuel jets.

An important point about how to clean a VAZ 2109 carburetor is that the jets in the first and second chambers are different and it is very easy to confuse them. Therefore, mark them somehow. This is due to the fact that their bandwidth is different.

  • Now you need to start pouring fuel into the float chamber. After which you can begin to blow out the emulsion wells.
  • If the carburetor is very dirty, repeat the procedure two or three times.
  • After carrying out all these procedures, you need to blow out the jets with air under pressure.

This is how the VAZ 2109 carburetor is cleaned. As you can see for yourself, the process, although it requires some knowledge and skills, is quite simple in itself.

Which carburetor is better to install on Niva 21213

The domestic auto industry, after more than fifty years, continues to firmly hold a leading position in the car markets. The VAZ family has a very reasonable price and is quite easy to maintain.

Huge demand has appeared for the Soviet SUV VAZ-21213, as well as its analogues. This type of VAZ car has achieved enormous success in world motorsport, setting unattainable records. This type of car is very actively exported to European countries and beyond.

Car owners who do not have much experience in servicing this type of car quite often encounter various problems associated with the operation and repair of the Niva. One of these common problems is carburetor repair and replacement.

Many drivers do not know which model is better to choose, how they differ from each other and what to follow when choosing one or the other.

VAZ 2109: cleaning carburetors on your own

The main enemy of any carburetor is dirty, low-quality fuel; due to such fuel, malfunctions occur in its operation during the process of mixing fuel with air, either too much fuel and too little air is supplied, or, conversely, too little fuel and too much air. What negatively affects the operation of the engine in both cases, VAZ 2109 cleaning the carburetor helps solve the problem. You should first make sure that it is dirty; if this is the case, you should not hope that by spraying the product on the outside, without removing and disassembling it, you will get rid of the problem; on a VAZ 2109, flushing the carburetor takes more than five minutes.

How to properly adjust the carburetor on a Niva - a step-by-step process

The engine in the VAZ-21213 Niva is equipped with a Solex family carburetor. Many Niva owners complain about the capriciousness of this device. The manufacturer claims that Solex is correctly adjusted at the factory, but this statement is not always true. Problems with the engine power system unit arise not only due to its incorrect configuration, but also due to the negligence of the car owner himself.

Ignoring recommendations on the frequency of replacing air and fuel filters leads to the fact that the most important mechanism in the engine power system refuses to work correctly. The goal to which all carburetor adjustment processes come down is to ensure stable operation of the power unit over the entire speed range. Adjusting the Solex carburetor on the VAZ 21213 Niva is an essential condition for trouble-free operation of the engine.

Step-by-step adjustment of the Solex carburetor on the VAZ 21213

Adjusting the Solex carburetor comes down to part of the adjustment processes in the float chamber and adjusting the idle system. This is quite painstaking work that requires certain knowledge. Correctly setting up Solex in the future will allow you to enjoy an economical, hassle-free and comfortable ride in a VAZ 21213 Niva.

All work should begin with establishing the optimal amount of fuel in the chamber:

  • Start the engine for a few minutes; while the engine is running, you must also periodically press the gas pedal;
  • After running the engine for five minutes, it must be turned off;
  • The fuel supply hose is disconnected;
  • The screws securing the carburetor cover are unscrewed;
  • In a horizontal position, the upper part of the power system mechanism rises;
  • A ruler measures the distance from the surface of the carburetor cover to the fuel level.

The level should be within 25 mm in the chambers, but this may vary since the collector is not horizontal, so you should measure the value in the chambers and average it. If the level exceeds the norm, then use the float tongue to remove some of the gasoline and reassemble the mechanism in the reverse order. Then start the engine again and make observations. Gasoline should not leak from small diffusers, otherwise the appearance of fuel will indicate an overflow. There is no need to press the gas during the adjustment!

Adjusting the starting system

You can adjust the Solex starting system both on an installed carburetor and on a dismantled one. In the first case, the adjustment comes down to determining the number of crankshaft revolutions, but with the carburetor removed, it is possible to adjust the starting system due to the gaps at the edge of the dampers. On the engine power system device removed from the vehicle, adjust the gap between the damper and the chamber wall - the gap should be 1.1 mm. Adjustment work is carried out using a wrench or screwdriver.

More experienced and advanced car owners prefer to adjust the Solex by determining and setting the crankshaft speed. This method is faster, but also requires certain specific knowledge. This technique consists of the following:

  • Air filters are dismantled;
  • The choke is disconnected, the engine starts;
  • Using available tools, the air damper is opened by a third;
  • The lever sets 3200 rpm of the crankshaft;
  • The air damper should be closed, loosen the lock nut, and use the adjusting screw to reduce the rotation speed to 3000 rpm;
  • Tighten the locknut.

Using a gas analyzer, you can also configure the starting system. The device measures the amount of carbon monoxide in gases. If the value is 8%, then there is no need to configure the launch system. If the value is below 8%, then the screw on the diaphragm mechanism cover should be tightened, and if the value is higher than normal, the screw should be loosened and the measurement taken again.

Adjusting idle speed

This procedure is necessary to ensure that the power unit operates stably and that the exhaust gases contain as few harmful substances as possible. In the garage, using your own efforts, all the work can be done using a tachometer. The motor is first brought to operating temperature, after which the adjustment itself is carried out directly. Using the mixture quantity screw, the crankshaft rotation speed is set at 850-900 rpm, after which the quality screw is tightened with a screwdriver until the speed is set at around 800 rpm. A similar procedure must be carried out several times until the engine begins to operate stably, and a minimum amount of vacuum in the tube is observed.

Correct tuning of Solex will allow the car owner to enjoy high-quality, and most importantly, trouble-free engine operation. Experts recommend adjusting the idle speed twice a year. Thus, it is possible to achieve significant fuel savings and the emission of a minimum amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere, plus, a properly adjusted mechanism of the engine power system will significantly save personal funds on the services of service stations.

Setting up the DAAZ 21083 carburetor choke. Video

The carburetor idle speed control valve controls the idle speed of the engine. People often ask why I change or remove the wire from the solenoid valve, but the idle speed works. It’s simple, it means the carburetor idle system is clogged, the engine maintains idle speed thanks to the tightened bolt 3 in the photo above. Usually when the idle system is clogged, but the engine is running, taking fuel for idle from the main carburetor system, or the idle system is not clogged and bolts 1 and 2 are tightened. Usually the engine running at idle, taking fuel from the main carburetor system, does not hold idle speed well, they then increase, then decrease.

It also happens that the idle speeds disappear, usually an unknowing driver increases the idle speeds, and it turns out that the idle speeds start working from the main carburetor system.

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