Description of the external air temperature sensor VAZ-2114 and its malfunctions

If the sensor is provided in the car system, then it should work. The reason for incorrect readings of the device responsible for measuring the temperature outside can be either problems with the car’s wiring or a breakdown of the car itself. Let's figure out what the outside air temperature sensor in a VAZ-2114 car affects.

Main characteristics

The ambient temperature is read by an electronic thermistor. The VAZ-2114 is equipped with one of the following types of sensor:

  • 2115-3828210-03;
  • 2115-3828210-02;
  • 2115-3828210.

You can purchase any of these options, as they are interchangeable. They can be made by different manufacturers, the price of this component is about 300 rubles, so it is impractical to repair it. In unclear situations, it is necessary to change the device.

The information from this device is read by an on-board computer, which reads pulses from the sensor and converts them into readings on the instrument panel. If you use a faulty sensor for a long time, the pulse from it may be read with an error, then the “Check” light on the dashboard will light up. A car enthusiast can look for problems for a long time until he notices a difference between the actual air temperature and the one shown by the sensor.

A malfunction in the power supply circuit of this controller is recorded in the memory of the on-board computer in the form of code 23 or 25.

They stand for problems in the electrical circuit, because the device is one of its parts.

What does the ambient temperature sensor affect?

Car enthusiasts believe that the thermistor is a kind of device that only shows the temperature outside.
In fact, this is not a simple thermometer. Since it is connected to the on-board computer, its readings slightly modify engine acceleration. The system has another sensor that measures the mass air intake. In this case, the external sensor does not affect the fuel supply too much; the engine will not stall. If, when the controller is not operating correctly, the resistance in the circuit increases, the ECU will consider this a sign of a decrease in temperature. If there is a large difference in the readings, for example, when in summer the temperature sensor pulses are deciphered by the computer in the form of sub-zero temperatures, the fuel supply to the engine increases and at the same time the air intake decreases. Due to an incorrectly created fuel mixture, the engine will stall. On a VAZ-2114 this happens extremely rarely; usually it only increases fuel consumption, which the car enthusiast attributes to other reasons. Also at such moments, spark plugs flood, which is attributed to improper operation of the engine or other sensors. This makes it difficult to start the engine and leads to the need to change spark plugs.

Ambient air thermistor faults

You need to look for the thermistor in the area of ​​the left headlight, between the bumper and the radiator. Finding this element is the most difficult part of the replacement process, since its installation is as simple as possible - you need to pull out the old sensor from the chip and install a working one in its place. The body of the device is quite fragile, so there is no need to make excessive efforts.

The controller can fail for several reasons:

  • damage from stones or soil while driving;
  • climatic conditions (problems often arise during severe winters);
  • wiring damage;
  • oxidation of contacts due to moisture ingress.

Its malfunctions are related to the readings. This may be an incorrect temperature (7-10 degrees difference compared to the actual one) or sticking on the o. Motorists encounter the latter option even in summer.

How to set up the sensor

First of all, mechanics advise replacing the thermistor with a new one. In most cases, this is enough for the outside temperature to be displayed correctly. If this does not help, you can use one of the following tips:

  1. Check the contacts, if they are not oxidized, then you need to look at the sensor itself. You need to bend the legs on it a little.
  2. If the contacts on the chip oxidize, they need to be wiped with alcohol and dried. The best way to do this is to leave the car in the garage overnight.
  3. To check the wiring you will need a VAZ-2114 electrical circuit diagram. Start by checking the contacts in the X6 block of the mounting block (MB) on the motor side (usually the blue-red wire) in the 7th cell. Next, you need to check the contact in the 15th compartment of the MB block X4, located on the passenger compartment side. In the dashboard, testing is carried out in block X2, most often the conductor occupies 1 cell there (may vary depending on the year of manufacture of the car). According to the diagram, the “ground” is common with the headlight unit, so you need to look for it there. If there is no contact, then look for an open circuit.

If after replacement the sensor shows “-40”, then you need to remove the negative terminal from the battery for half a minute. This resets the computer and removes the error entry.

How to extend the life of the controller

The cost of this device is relatively small. If the sensor fails, it is better to replace it with a new one. Experienced mechanics advise doing this. You can try to extend its service life, but there is no guarantee that the DTNV will not fail at the most inopportune moment.

In any case, before replacing the controller, it is best to ensure the following:

  1. If the contacts are oxidized, they should be cleaned.
  2. Oxidized contacts on the chip should be wiped with alcohol and dried.
  3. Check wiring.

If the actions taken do not lead to the desired result, it is best to replace the DTNV. To carry out all the work, you do not need to have the skills of a mechanic; it is enough to arm yourself with a handy item.

When replacing an old sensor with a new one, there should not be any particular difficulties. DTNV must be installed in the same place. If the car was not equipped with such a device, then first of all it is worth deciding on a suitable location for the mechanism.

It is strictly not recommended to install the controller in the rear of the car. Since hot air is directed precisely to this part of the body while the car is moving. Experienced auto mechanics install the sensor mainly in the front of the car. Where is the air temperature sensor located on the VAZ-2114? The manufacturer has already provided space between the front bumper and the radiator.

Car outside air temperature sensor

An outside air temperature sensor is installed on most modern cars. It is an integral part of climate control systems or on-board computer. Ambient temperature data is received and displayed on the instrument panel, on-board computer display panel or climate control system.

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Some vehicles are not equipped with an outside air temperature sensor itself, but there is a connector for its additional connection to the on-board equipment, a standard installation location.

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Purpose of the ambient temperature sensor

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It is intended primarily for drivers who travel long distances or for long periods of time:

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  • truck drivers;
  • couriers:
  • postal services;
  • passenger carriers;
  • travelers, etc.

During a long trip, the outside air temperature can change significantly. If the driver or passengers intend to get out of the car, even for a short time, information about the air temperature will not be superfluous in order to dress accordingly. As an example, you can cite information on airliners like “the temperature outside is minus 45 degrees Celsius,” although no one is going to take a walk there.

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Video - installing an outside air temperature sensor on a Renault MEGAN 2:

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Information about the outside air temperature helps set the optimal operating mode for the vehicle's climate control system. If the temperature outside is, for example, minus 20 degrees Celsius, there is no need to set the temperature in the cabin to plus 25. Firstly, this will lead to increased fuel consumption. Secondly, if you leave the car while refueling too hot, there is a possibility of catching a cold.

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Finally, information about the outside temperature helps make decisions about whether or not to stop along the way. The appearance of the surrounding space is deceiving. Many drivers know that in the morning, when the sun rises, it seems that it is already warm outside. In fact, the air temperature may be low. It is enough to wait half an hour to make a comfortable stop for breakfast.

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Their types and principle of operation

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The operating principle of almost all outdoor air temperature sensors is the same. It is based on the effect of changing the resistance value of a semiconductor element depending on temperature. The temperature dependence of resistance for semiconductors is negative. This means that as the temperature increases, the resistance value decreases. For the VAZ sensor, the dependence table is as follows.

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Temperature, in degreesResistance, Ohm

As can be seen from the table, the values ​​are given with an error. Such great precision is necessary to ensure high reliability of the readings. Temperature measurement belongs to the field of measuring technology, and it should not “lie”. At manufacturing plants, selective verification of devices is carried out. It is doubtful that they do this in China, but Russian sensors accurately check. They “verify”, not “check”. Verification is a term used by surveyors and the military.

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Video - replacing the outside air temperature sensor on a Peugeot 307:

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If the sensor on the car starts to “lie”, you can check it yourself using a thermometer, a source of warm air (fan heater) and a multimeter in resistance measurement mode.

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Original ODB2 scanner Scan Tool Pro Black Edition

Once connected you will be able to:

  1. Read error codes and erase them from the ECU.
  2. Keep a log of your trips and fuel consumption.
  3. Display in real time:
  • engine speed;
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  • coolant temperature;
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The scanner is compatible with devices based on iOS, Android, Windows

The accuracy of measurements depends not only on the sensor itself, but also on its location and design. The less the sensor is blown by oncoming air flows, the less moisture gets on it, the more accurate its measurements will be. For these reasons, the sensors are placed in special housings. This is what the BMW sensor looks like.

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It is not necessary to purchase the sensor assembly if the housing is available. You can only buy the measuring element itself.

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All sensors have different temperature dependence characteristics, so theoretically it is impossible to use sensors from other car models, even within the same model range. Temperature measurements will be taken, but the accuracy of the readings cannot be guaranteed.

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Where is the outside air temperature sensor located in a car?

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The choice of location of the sensor is determined by considerations of minimal exposure to moisture, dust, dirt, water from oncoming air flows, and limiting the influence of the vehicle’s own heat sources. This is usually somewhere just behind the bumper or in the side rearview mirror.

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Video - outside air temperature sensor on PRIOR:

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If you install the outdoor temperature sensor yourself, you must also follow these principles. If there is no housing for the sensor, you must make it yourself. A device installed without a protective housing will not provide accurate readings.

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Signs of malfunction and replacement

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Is it possible to continue driving a car?

A failure of the intake air temperature sensor, which stops providing information or detects it incorrectly, simultaneously leads to several unpleasant consequences. First of all, problems begin with the start of the power unit. This is due to the fact that the thermistor works in conjunction with the coolant temperature sensor. The data received from them allows you to accurately “calculate” the injection time, which is especially important when starting the engine “hot”. Along the way, other problems are identified:

  • drop in engine power, deterioration in its throttle response;
  • Unstable operation of the engine at idle speed.

Depending on the make of the car, there may be other consequences. For example, for cars made in the People's Republic of China Chery, fuel consumption may increase and the rear axle may no longer engage.

What can cause the outside air temperature sensor of a VAZ 2114 to fail?

The mass of sensors in the vehicle operating system facilitates monitoring of various processes, and also supports the correct functioning and proper distribution of resources between various systems.

  • Outside air temperature sensor VAZ 2114
  • What should you know about a device malfunction?
  • Bottom line

Over the years, the inside of a car becomes more and more functional and more and more controllers are required to maintain its functionality.

For example, the outside temperature sensor was not used at all in early car models. In truth, these types of detectors began to be introduced everywhere not so long ago. This is evidenced by the fact that a good part of car enthusiasts to this day are sincerely perplexed when the statement is made that the use of such devices is convenient and even necessary.

The operation of the DTVV is similar in principle to a duct air temperature sensor. The DTVC measures the air in the duct based on readings sent to the head unit from the sensing element. In general, the car device works almost the same. Both of these devices are thermistors - they convert temperature level data into resistance readings.

Outside air temperature sensor VAZ 2114

The model of the temperature sensor that is installed on this VAZ car is 2115-3828210 and its modifications 02 and 03. Some of them are marked VDO - there is an opinion that devices with such markings are more accurate, faster and more modern.

In the most modern car models, the system for measuring the external air temperature allows the owner to start auto-warming of the engine in case of frost.

It is worth noting that early Lada models were not equipped with such devices. Over time, the situation began to improve for the better. For example, VAZ 2110, VAZ 2112 have so-called trip computers, which may not be as informative as the devices of more modern cars such as Samara-2, but could also show the level of air heating outside the car.

What's good about the VAZ 2110? You can install the DTVV on it yourself. It must be taken into account that it should be located so that water and direct sunlight do not fall on it. It is also worth mounting it away from hot parts of the car in order to avoid heating, which may cause incorrect readings.

The best choice would be the space allocated by the manufacturer for the detector. Or - a place near the towing area under the bumper. It is important to install the device under the front bumper, since under the rear bumper, due to warm air from the engine, the readings may be distorted. Not much, but it won’t have the required accuracy.

It is located in the front of the vehicle - between the bumper and radiator.

Like any other sensor in domestic cars, this one can be changed on your own, the main thing is to read the instructions and safety instructions and strictly follow them. You can, of course, take the car to a service station and entrust it to professionals, but if you have some skills, it will be easier and cheaper to change the device yourself.

It is worth noting that the DTVV cannot be repaired - only replaced, but this is not so scary, since the cost of the spare part is very low.

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