Reasons for poor engine starting 2106

Determining the type of fault

First of all, we decide on the following: whether the car was working before the breakdown, and it happened suddenly, or whether the VAZ 2106 engine does not start after intervention in its components. If the car worked perfectly before, then the cause of the malfunction should be sought in the operation of the fuel supply system or in the engine ignition system.

The simplest check of the power system is to remove the cap and pour 5-10 ml of gasoline into the primary chamber of the carburetor. After this, a restart is carried out immediately. Does the VAZ 2106 start and stall? Then we check the fuel supply to the carburetor.

To check the power system you must:

  • Unscrew the screw of the fuel hose clamp going to the carburetor and lower the edge of the hose into a container;
  • By periodically pressing the manual fuel pumping lever, which is located on the fuel pump, check the fuel supply to the carburetor.

If there is no noticeable resistance from the lever when pressing, you need to turn the crankshaft half a turn. If the VAZ 2106 carburetor does not start well and the fuel does not flow through, or the quantity is clearly insufficient, then it is necessary to check the fuel line and fuel pump. Does the VAZ 2106 start poorly after the shortage of gasoline has been eliminated? The next step is to troubleshoot the carburetor. It is necessary to blow out all the jets and channels, and clean the accelerator pump nozzle. Most likely, after such work the engine will start.

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Why does the car stall while driving?

As for the most common malfunctions that many drivers of VAZ cars encounter, the list of common reasons includes those that lead to the fact that the domestic car 2106 stalls while driving. Let's look at them in detail.

  1. Low quality of fuel used. This is where experts recommend starting to look for the source of the problem. If, when draining the old fuel and replacing it with a new one, you are lucky and the car starts, you can confidently say that you should not skimp on the quality of gasoline for your car.
  2. Candles. Often, after changing the fuel and the problem persists, that is, the VAZ still does not start, suspicion falls on the spark plugs. You should check their condition after they are unscrewed and, if necessary, replace them with new ones.
  3. Fuel filter. Very often, a clogged filter can provoke interruptions in the fuel supply, as a result of which the VAZ 2106 stalls while driving. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to replace the fuel filter.
  4. Problems with the air filter are solved using the same method as with the fuel filter. A clogged filter does not allow air to pass through, which leads to engine pressure, that is, a drop in power. This way, the combustion process of the mixture will not take place, and as a result, the engine will stall.
  5. The problem is the fuel pump. A faulty fuel pump causes the VAZ 2106 to stall or not start at all. Treatment is checking the pump followed by repair or replacement.
  6. Battery: oxidation or poor terminal contact. The terminals should be checked, and then the battery should be cleaned or replaced.
  7. If the engine stalls while driving and won't start again, the cause may be the generator, which is not providing a charge. And since the car is powered only by the battery and, as you know, it doesn’t last long, the car starts working on the battery until it is completely empty.
  8. In modern brands, the cause of breakdown can be faulty electrical equipment. With such a problem, it is better to immediately contact specialists, because without experience and knowledge, you can replace half a car, but not get rid of the problem.

This concludes the review of the reasons leading to the VAZ 2106 not starting or stalling while driving. Spare no effort, time and financial resources for the well-being of your car, and it will respond with high-quality and long-term service.

We recommend reading:

  • We treat malfunctions of the VAZ 2106 carburetor
  • Removing the clutch and gearbox on a VAZ 2106
  • Required charging relay for VAZ 2106
  • Introduction of electronic ignition on the VAZ 2106
  • MALFUNCTIONS of the VAZ 2106 brake system
  • Operation and maintenance of the VAZ 2106 car

Checking the power system

The easiest and most reliable way is to remove the air filter cover and pour about 10 ml of fuel into the carburetor. Then you need to try to start the car again. If the VAZ 2106 does not start or the engine starts and immediately stops working, then you need to check the fuel supply system to the carburetor.

If the car won't start

If the VAZ 2106 does not start, you must first identify the true reason. The probable causes of such a problem and possible ways to solve it are as follows.

  1. The car may not start due to faulty breaker contacts. To confirm or eliminate the risk of such a malfunction, it is necessary to check the condition of the contacts mentioned for the presence of gap violations or oxidation (burning) of the working surfaces. In the first case, you will need to adjust the gap, in the second, you will need to clean or replace the working surfaces. The compression spring will also need to be replaced if necessary.
  2. The problem may lie in the low voltage wiring of the VAZ 2106 car or in loosening (oxidation) of the wire terminals. You should check the wires going from the ignition coil to the distributor for breakdown and short circuit. There may also be problems with the ignition switch, which needs to be checked, and if it is faulty, it must be replaced or its contact group must be changed.
  3. There is a possibility of failure of the ignition coil, that is, the spark in the VAZ is lost. Perhaps the problem is a short circuit in the primary winding of this coil, which can be corrected by swapping high-voltage wires. If a spark on a VAZ 2106 appears in a place where it was not there before, but disappears on a new one, this indicates a fault in the spark plug wire.
  4. Problems with ignition distribution. The distributor capacitor may be broken; therefore, for normal operation of the car, it must be replaced. It also happens that the distributor is installed incorrectly, this leads to the car jerking during acceleration and then stalling.

Carburetor and fuel line

If the VAZ 2106 does not start and the fuel mixture is not supplied to the carburetor, or there is a supply, but the amount of fuel is not enough to start, then the reasons are a malfunction of the line or the fuel pump. If the engine does not want to start after problems with the fuel supply have been resolved, it is recommended to check the carburetor.

One of the simplest methods

This method consists of connecting wiring according to an existing circuit. This allows you to start the Zhiguli without a key. VAZ-2106 and other similar models are launched according to these instructions.

  1. Remove the steering column cover, which is secured with a pair of screws.
  2. After removing the column, you will have access to the ignition switch, to the wires running from the battery and starter to the ground cord.
  3. The main thing is to know which specific wiring needs to be used. Mostly the ground wire is black or green, but you should still check this so that the on-board system of the machine does not short-circuit. Use a tester to determine if the cord is a grounding cord. To do this, the wire is connected to the metal body of the Zhiguli, the instrument needle must remain at the value “0”. If everything is correct, the wire needs to be insulated.
  4. Connect the remaining two wires to each other, connect to the battery and starter. After this, the latter receives an electric starting current, and the car starts.
  5. Before driving the car, one of the wires must be insulated so that the starter does not start spinning while driving.

It should be said that if the wire is poorly grounded, this can lead to a short circuit of all electronics in a VAZ-2106 car or in other models, so the more electronic equipment is installed, the more expensive it is to make subsequent repairs.

Problems with the fuel line and carburetor

At the next stage, you need to check the fuel line very carefully - it is quite possible that it is damaged, which is why fuel simply does not flow into the engine.
If no damage has been identified, move on to the carburetor. This device ensures the ignition of gasoline and is also responsible for its enrichment. Dismantling a carburetor is a rather complicated procedure, which is best left to experienced professionals. But if you have repaired your car several times, you can do everything yourself. After disassembly, troubleshooting of device parts is carried out, replacement of worn or failed components, as well as installation and adjustment of the carburetor.

Problems with the carburetor also explain the difficulties with starting the engine when hot. The thing is that the needle of this device can move from the required level. This will lead to over-enrichment of the fuel. Symptoms of this breakdown are a constantly disappearing spark, as well as operation of the power unit at low speeds immediately after start-up.

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Starter does not turn

The most common reason why a VAZ 2106 refuses to start is usually related to the starter of this car. Sometimes the starter categorically refuses to rotate after turning the key in the ignition. This is why:

  • The battery has run out. The first thing an experienced V6 owner checks is the condition of the battery. This is very simple to do: you need to turn on the low beam headlights and see if they shine brightly. If the battery is very low, the headlights will shine very dimly or not at all. The solution is obvious: you should remove the battery from the car and charge it using a portable charger;
  • one of the terminals is oxidized or poorly screwed. If there is no contact at the battery terminals or this contact is very weak due to oxidation of the contacting surfaces, the starter will not rotate either. In this case, the low beam headlights can shine normally, and all the lights on the instrument panel will light up properly. But there is not enough charge to crank the starter. Solution: after each unscrewing of the terminals, they should be thoroughly cleaned with fine sandpaper, and then a thin layer of lithol should be applied to the contact surfaces. This will protect the terminals from oxidation, and problems with the starter will no longer arise;

    The engine may not start due to oxidation of the battery terminals

  • The ignition switch is faulty. The ignition switches in the “sixes” have never been very reliable. If no problems were identified when inspecting the battery, it is likely that the cause of problems with the starter is in the ignition switch. This is easy to check: you should disconnect a couple of wires going to the ignition and short them directly. If after this the starter starts to rotate, then the source of the problem has been found. Ignition switches cannot be repaired. So the only solution is to unscrew a couple of bolts that hold this lock in place and replace it with a new one;

    Ignition switches on “sixes” have never been reliable

  • The solenoid relay is broken. It is not difficult to find out that the problem is in the relay. After turning the ignition key, the starter does not rotate, but the driver hears quiet, but quite distinct clicks in the cabin. The serviceability of the relay is checked as follows: there is a pair of contacts on the starter (those with nuts). These contacts should be closed with a piece of wire. If the starter then begins to rotate, the solenoid relay should be changed, since it is simply impossible to repair this part in a garage;

    When checking the starter, the contacts with the nuts are closed with a piece of insulated wire

  • The brushes in the starter are worn out. The second option is also possible: the brushes are intact, but the winding on the armature is damaged (usually this occurs due to the short circuit of adjacent turns from which the insulation has fallen off). In both the first and second cases, the starter will not make any sounds or clicks. To determine that the problem is in the brushes or damaged insulation, the starter will have to be removed and disassembled. If the “diagnosis” is confirmed, you will have to go to the nearest auto parts store for a new starter. This device cannot be repaired.

    To check the condition of the brushes, the “six” starter will have to be disassembled

Video: a common problem with the starter on a “classic”

What to do if the VAZ-2106 does not start

Like any technically complex product, machines sometimes break down. Moreover, it often happens that a car that was driving normally yesterday refuses to start today. There are many reasons causing this problem. We will tell you further what problems prevent the VAZ-2106 engine from starting.

The starter does not want to turn

As practice shows, the most obvious reason that prevents the engine of the 2106 model from starting is the starter. The last unit often does not even try to rotate after the ignition is activated.

This usually happens because the battery is low. The malfunction occurs both when the engine is cold and when it is still hot. An easy way to find out if this is the case is to turn on your headlights. Then it remains to see how brightly they glow. When the batteries are discharged, they light up dimly or do not turn on at all. What to do is clear - put the battery on charge.

Sometimes the problem is caused by improper contact at the battery terminals. Over time, they oxidize and stop conducting current normally, which is why they prevent the starter from working. Wherein:

  • instrument lighting is functioning;
  • the headlights are on;
  • The cigarette lighter does not get hot.

Clean the VAZ-2106 battery terminals with fine sandpaper.

The next reason is a breakdown of the ignition switch. Finding out whether it works or not is quite simple. Disconnect the wires from it and short-circuit them. If the starter spins, then the fault has been found.

The solenoid relay may fail on your VAZ-2106. This is indicated by the following sign: when you turn the key, the starter remains motionless, but clicks are heard. Diagnosis is carried out as follows:

  • find the relay;
  • close two contacts equipped with nuts on it;
  • try starting the car.

The engine starts working, which means the problem is solved.

The starter also stops turning due to:

  • abrasion of brushes (replace with new ones);
  • breakdown of winding insulation (buy a new unit).

The starter turns, but the engine does not start

This kind of trouble usually happens due to a broken timing belt. It is this element of the VAZ-2106 that the owner needs to look at first of all. If suspicions are confirmed, then it will have to be replaced with a new one. When the belt is intact, then look further - the reason may be a faulty spark plug or fuel pump.

  • activate the ignition;
  • wait until the starter rotates 7-10 times;
  • Unscrew and inspect the spark plugs.

When they remain completely dry, this means that gasoline is not entering the combustion chamber, and, therefore, the pump is to blame. Confirm your guess - turn on the ignition again and listen: the functioning pump makes a characteristic hum. Silence indicates a node failure - change it.

The pump on 2106 hums, fuel flows, but the car does not start. Do this:

  • touch the spark plug to the engine body;
  • ask someone to turn on the ignition;
  • If there is no spark, change the entire set.

The engine starts and immediately stalls

In the case of the 2106 VAZ model, the power plant may not start if the starter is working properly if the fuel pump does not function as it should. For this reason, too little fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber. The repair is as follows: remove the pump and install a new one.

Line blockage. The pipes supplying fuel to the engine sometimes become clogged - this is due to low-quality gasoline. They will have to be removed and cleaned - kerosene works well to remove plugs.

Blocked injectors. When previous suspicions are not confirmed, you will have to inspect these engine elements. They are cleaned in the same way as parts of the fuel line.

Short circuit of the power wires leading from the ignition to the spark plugs is another factor leading to the fact that the car will not start. Inspect the insulation - the breakdown areas are always black. If such damage occurs, you need to buy a new set of cables.

Doesn't start in winter

The problems described above mainly occur in the summer, but there are also a number of breakdowns in which the VAZ stops starting in the cold. Here the main reason remains frost. Because of it, in particular, the lubricant thickens, which prevents the crankshaft from rotating normally. A simple trick will help relieve the load - just when you start the engine, squeeze the clutch all the way.

Trouble also arises due to decreased compression in the cylinders. A similar problem is typical for Zhiguli cars with high mileage. This requires a thorough overhaul of the engine under stationary conditions with the obligatory replacement of rings and piston seals.

Other reasons why the VAZ-2106 does not start

Quite often, the car does not want to start immediately after major or routine repairs. Basically, this problem is caused by poor ignition timing adjustment. You can eliminate it in the following way:

  • set the piston of the first cylinder to the highest point of the end of the compression stroke;
  • unscrew the candle, close the hole for its installation with a plug made of fabric;
  • crank the car's crankshaft;
  • After the plug is pushed out of the hole, we fix this position.

In addition, after repairing the car, it is necessary to correctly set the valve timing, for which all indicators are set according to the marks applied at the factory.

Why the VAZ-2106 does not start and what to do

Cars from the Togliatti Automobile Plant are simply extremely popular among domestic consumers. However, the main reasons for the demand for them can only be said to be the relatively low price and availability of spare parts. Otherwise, these vehicles are much inferior to imported cars. Quite often, owners of domestic cars are faced with the fact that the VAZ-2106 does not start. What is the reason for this problem, and what to do if it has happened to you? In this article we will provide answers to these questions, and also give a number of useful tips for repairing the “six”.

Checking the performance of the power system

If your car won't start, we suggest starting with diagnosing the power system. It is quite possible to do it yourself. This requires:

  • open the air filter;
  • pour about 10 milligrams of gasoline directly into the carburetor;
  • turn the ignition key. If the car starts and immediately stalls, it means that there is a serious problem in the fuel supply to the power unit;
  • remove the clamp that tightens the hose connected to the carburetor;
  • lower the other end of the hose into a container. Best of all - in a transparent bottle;
  • press the fuel pump lever to see if fuel is supplied to the carburetor. If the result is negative, we repair the power system.

Most often, in this very system, the fuel pump fails, which is very sensitive to low-quality fuel. Special filters provide its protection, but over time, the filter elements become clogged and substances enter the pump that negatively affect its operation.

If this is the case, you will need to dismantle the device, thoroughly clean it, install new filters, and only then carry out installation.

Another problem with the fuel pump is air getting into it. To eliminate this problem, you need to very carefully check the entire line, and then eliminate any leaks found.

Problems with the fuel line and carburetor

At the next stage, you need to check the fuel line very carefully - it is quite possible that it is damaged, which is why fuel simply does not flow into the engine.
If no damage has been identified, move on to the carburetor. This device ensures the ignition of gasoline and is also responsible for its enrichment. Dismantling a carburetor is a rather complicated procedure, which is best left to experienced professionals. But if you have repaired your car several times, you can do everything yourself. After disassembly, troubleshooting of device parts is carried out, replacement of worn or failed components, as well as installation and adjustment of the carburetor.

Problems with the carburetor also explain the difficulties with starting the engine when hot. The thing is that the needle of this device can move from the required level. This will lead to over-enrichment of the fuel. Symptoms of this breakdown are a constantly disappearing spark, as well as operation of the power unit at low speeds immediately after start-up.

Checking the functionality of the ignition coil

Another part due to which the car does not start, or its engine turns poorly and fires, is the ignition coil. In it, high-voltage wires or the distributor cap usually fail. To prevent short circuits in this unit, you can slightly change its position and fix it at some distance from any other structural elements of the machine.

You can also diagnose the coil using a multimeter or ohmmeter. Your task will be to check the resistance of the primary and secondary windings. If the readings obtained turn out to be significantly higher than normal parameters, then it is better to replace the part, since it will be very difficult to restore its functionality;

Other reasons why the VAZ-2106 does not start

Quite often, the car does not want to start immediately after major or routine repairs. Basically, this problem is caused by poor ignition timing adjustment. You can eliminate it in the following way:

  • set the piston of the first cylinder to the highest point of the end of the compression stroke;
  • unscrew the candle, close the hole for its installation with a plug made of fabric;
  • crank the car's crankshaft;
  • After the plug is pushed out of the hole, we fix this position.

In addition, after repairing the car, it is necessary to correctly set the valve timing, for which all indicators are set according to the marks applied at the factory.

Checking the spark plugs and spark

If the engine does not start within five seconds, there is no use turning the starter. You can try to start it again, but it’s unlikely to help. Moreover, operating the starter for too long can lead to overheating and even fire.

If you try to start a carburetor engine for a long time, gasoline will flood the spark plugs and make further starting attempts impossible in principle. The injectors have a purge mode, so the spark plugs can be dried without removing them from the car - you just need to press the gas pedal to the floor and turn the starter.

But these are half measures. First of all, you should unscrew at least one spark plug, put the wire back on it and position the spark plug on the engine so that there is a distance of about three millimeters between the metal part of the spark plug and the metal of the engine. Turn on the starter and make sure that there is a uniform spark between the spark plug contacts. Do this check for each candle. If there is no spark on any spark plug, then there are global problems in the ignition system.

It can be:

General faults:

  • Faulty spark plugs (carbon deposits, destruction of insulator)
  • The high-voltage wires are faulty (the insulation is broken, the current flows “to the left”, not reaching the spark plug)

For injectors:

  • Ignition module is faulty
  • There is no power to the ignition module. Power is supplied from the engine control unit, but the signal to the unit comes from the ignition switch. Therefore, there may be a malfunction of the ignition switch contact group.
  • Engine control unit faulty

Errors in the ignition control system are usually visible during diagnostics and cause the Check Engine light to turn on.

For carburetors:

  • Contact carbon stuck in the ignition distributor cap (distributor)
  • Resistor burnout in the distributor rotor (in the distributor runner)
  • Burning or play of the contact group (for contact ignition)
  • Switch malfunction (for contactless ignition)
  • Ignition coil malfunction
  • No power to the coil. Power is supplied to the coil through the ignition switch, so it is worth checking its contact group

When there is no spark on only one spark plug, you need to replace this spark plug with a new one or change its high-voltage wire. Spark plugs that are too wet should also be replaced with new ones or at least dried in a flame. This is necessary because current will not be able to pass through wet contacts and there will be no spark.

If there is a spark on all spark plugs, check the fuel supply.

Signs of a fuel pump malfunction

The VAZ 2106 is equipped as standard with a mechanical fuel pump. Moreover, it fails relatively often. The reasons may be different:

  • the pusher or drive cam is worn down;
  • The intake valve is stuck.

Regardless of the causes of the malfunction, you can always use manual pumping of gasoline. For these purposes, there is a special lever on the fuel pump body - it is located on the reverse side. By pressing it several times you can supply fuel to the carburetor. Checking the functionality of the fuel pump is very simple - just remove the fuel hose from the filter and make sure that there is gasoline in the line.

VAZ car does not start after repair

Often, one of the reasons is incorrectly set ignition timing. The phases in the gas distribution mechanism may be out of whack. In this case, the engine may not start at all, or work intermittently - the process of engine operation may be accompanied by sneezing.

To eliminate this, the piston of the first cylinder is placed at the top point of the end of the compression stroke. In this case, you should not set it in accordance with the labels. This is a four-stroke unit, and the marks in it coincide twice during the cycle. There is an old but effective method - unscrew the spark plug of the first cylinder, and cover the hole with a piece of rags. Then turn the crankshaft. The moment when the fabric plug is pushed out is just needed for ignition.

If the valve timing is out of order, the breakdown can be eliminated by setting all parameters to the factory marks.

VAZ 2106 won't start

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    VAZ 2106 won't start

    Good day, dear Dromovites! I ran into this problem today. I started to start my VAZ 2106 and in response I heard only the clicks of the starter. I looked at all the contacts and the wires are all connected normally! Good contact everywhere! New battery! The starter is almost new too! Worked for 1.5 seasons! Who knows what the reason is?

    either the new battery is discharged, or the terminals are not tightened, or something like this.

    Oh, how sternly I reassured him.

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