Installation of fog lights on Lada Vesta. Tips and tricks from the experts

Fog lights are installed on a car to improve visibility in bad weather conditions.

Lada Vesta is equipped with PTF only in luxury configuration. All others have plastic plugs at the bottom of the buffer.

Installing PTF on Lada Vesta is not a cheap service. Self-installation will save some money, but requires care and experience on the part of the repairman. Incorrect installation of wiring and electrical circuits can lead to negative consequences and a short circuit.

The main steps when installing fog lights on a Lada Vesta

  1. Placing the machine on an inspection pit, roadside overpass, hydraulic lifting mechanism.
  2. Removing the terminal from the battery, since the work involves voltage, contacts, and relays.
  3. Unscrewing the top, middle, bottom row of fasteners and screws.
  4. Removing the sidewalls of the buffer from the grooves, removing the front part.
  5. Removal of plastic inserts, installation of fasteners for PTF.
  6. Laying the wiring from the left PTF to the fuse block.
  7. Installation of a mechanical button in the cabin, to the left of the steering column.
  8. Laying the cable from the button to the fuse box.
  9. Connection of limit switches according to the provided diagram.
  10. Install the buffer in the reverse order.

Installation of PTF on Lada Vesta

This process includes the following steps;

  • removing the bumper;
  • preparation of the seat;
  • installation of headlights;
  • PTF connection.

It seems to be simple, but let’s look at all this in more detail.

Removing the bumper

The front bumper of the Lada Vesta is quite massive and can easily be damaged, so when dismantling, do not forget to be careful.

First, disconnect and remove the battery. Also, be sure to prepare the place where you will put the bumper - just lay a rag so that its surface is not damaged.

The lower part is attached with four bolts to the body and four self-tapping screws to the fender liners. All this needs to be turned out.

On each side, unscrew the two screws securing it to the lockers.

Under the hood, remove the six bolts that secure the top to the body.

Removing the bumper

It remains to remove two bolts under the license plates. Here you already need to hold the bumper by the beam. Gently pull it towards you to disengage it from the side brackets.

Now you have access to the right place, and it's time to move on to the next step.

Preparing seats and attaching headlights

In place of the foglights there are factory plugs. Using a 76 mm crown, you need to cut holes in them. A stationery knife is also suitable for these purposes. If you purchased the trim for the fog lights on the Lada Vesta, then this step is skipped.

Cut holes in the bumper

It won’t take much time to figure out how to install the PTF brackets. They should simply be secured to the bumper using self-tapping screws.

It is also necessary to take care of the hole for the PTF button in the dashboard of the car. To do this, you can choose a place on the center console or next to the trunk release button.

Connecting fog lights

From the right PTF, the wiring is laid inside a metal box. The wiring enters the interior from the engine compartment through a special hole in the area of ​​the pedal assembly.

The easiest way to connect fog lights is using a universal scheme, as when connecting equipment on previous cars in the Lada line. Load power is taken from the battery (M6 bolt) and supplied to the contact relay through a fuse.

Plus comes from the mounting block from the size fuse. Alternatively, you can use the plus of the cigarette lighter.

The relay itself is installed under the hood or directly in the cabin.

This method of connecting the PTF to the Lada Vesta is the most optimal in terms of savings and minimal intervention in the electronic part of the car.

Preparing seats and attaching headlights

With the exception of the luxury version, plastic plugs are installed in place of the PTF. Using a special 76 mm bit, we drill holes.

This stage can be avoided if you purchase ready-made factory-made plastic inserts with cutouts in advance. The brackets are installed using three self-tapping screws.

Buy a mechanical button for the car interior in any shape you like. The standard installation location is to the left of the steering column, closer to the trunk lid opening button.

We prepare the landing niches and attach the headlights

  1. As already mentioned, there are plugs at the locations of future PTFs. Using a crown with a diameter of 76 mm, we cut holes in these products. If the owner of a Lada Vesta purchased headlight trim panels, then this step is skipped.
  2. Let's move on to the brackets. We fix them on the bumper with ordinary self-tapping screws.
  3. We construct a hole for the button. To do this, we examine the front panel in the cabin and determine the optimal location for the switch. Alternatively, the button can be located on the center console near the button responsible for unlocking the luggage compartment.

We connect PTF on a Lada Vesta car

  1. From the right lighting device we lay the wiring inside the box.
  2. Cables are fed into the interior of the LADA Vesta through the hole located near the pedal assembly.
  3. The connection is made according to a simple and universal scheme. We borrow power from the battery, connect it first with the fuse, and then with the contact relay.
  4. The positive contact comes out of the mounting block, or rather the side light fuse. Alternatively, the “plus” can be taken from the cigarette lighter.
  5. The relay should be installed in the engine compartment of the LADA Vesta (can be in the passenger compartment).

DIY installation is complete. The considered switching method is not only simple, but also allows for minimizing interference in the vehicle’s on-board network.

About the standard set of fog lights

If you decide to convert the Lada Vesta with your own hands without visiting a service station, then additionally buy:

Name / catalog articlePrice, rub.)
PTF 261500097From 3000 (kt)
—/— FCR220029—/—
Blocks with wires for PTF 8450006983From 13000
Left bracket 8450006277From 260
Bracket right 8450006276—/—
Steering column switches 8450006924From 6500
Electronics unit 231A08052RFrom 3300
Wiring 8450030715From 20000

*price indicated as of 02/02/2019.

The total cost, excluding payment for services at a service station, is 45–50 thousand rubles. Installation of fog lights in a workshop - from 60,000 rubles.

One of the problems that the master faces during the installation of the basic version of the Lada Vesta is the new electrical equipment circuit. It is different from Lada Granta, Kalina, Priora.

Standard control of fog lights is implemented via the steering wheel paddle. The activation signal does not go directly to the fog lights, but to the EMM control module. After which the unit redirects the signal via the CAN bus. Installing headlights according to the described scheme is complex, costly, and not always understandable for an inexperienced driver. An alternative and simpler option is to install fog lights using a separate circuit using a relay.

Selection of fog lights

The standard PTFs of the luxury Lada Vesta configuration are equipped with H16 lamps with a power of 19 watts, which cannot be called the optimal option. The fog lights listed in the table below have higher performance and, especially Valeo, have proven themselves when installed instead of standard ones.

In addition to headlights, you must purchase the following materials:

  • 4-pin relay – 1;
  • headlight on/off button - 1;
  • protective corrugated cover (tubing) for wire - 5 m;
  • wire - 5 m;
  • 16 A fuse - 1.

Wiring diagram

Preparatory stage:

  • set of automotive tools, screwdrivers;
  • rags, plastic spatula;
  • fog lights, wiring kit, limit switches, 4-pin relay, insulation;
  • elastic clamps – ties for electrical wiring;
  • 16 A fuse for replacement in the fuse box;
  • plastic corrugation of at least 5.0 meters.

Sequence of actions for connecting Lada Vesta fog lights:

  1. We install the car within the perimeter of the repair area, provide safety measures, and secure the rear row of wheels with wheel chocks.
  2. We gradually unscrew the top, middle, bottom row of screws.

  3. We remove the side clamps from the grooves.
  4. We remove the front bumper assembly and fix it on a workbench for ease of work.
  5. Using a crown (diameter 76 mm), we drill the left and right holes for the PTF. If you purchased ready-made brackets, then install them and secure them with three self-tapping screws.
  6. We lay the wiring under the plastic buffer amplifier and clamp it with clamps. Screw the buffer into place.
  7. We lay the cable to the fuse block.
  8. We install a mechanical button in the interior. The location is determined at personal discretion. We bring the limit switches to the fuse and relay block.
  9. We take the load power from a 12 V battery. We connect the control “plus” from the side lights or the cigarette lighter. We install the relay in the cabin under the dashboard above the pedal complex.

  10. As an alternative option, a steering column switch from Renault Duster with a fixed engagement is installed (article 8201167981).

With this scheme, the fog lights are activated when the headlights and low beam are turned on.

There is a third activation method: using a pulse relay, using the steering column switch, which are equipped with the Standard and Comfort versions. Installation work is carried out exclusively in the cabin, outside the engine compartment.

Standard connection diagram

Like on Lada Vesta Luxe

(the idea was submitted by rychagov42). You will need a steering column switch from Renault with fixed PTF activation (part number 8201167981 or QZ8201167988). Its circuit allows you to turn on the PTF when the dimensions are working. In order for the PTF to turn on only with low beam (as in the standard version of the Lada Vesta Luxe), you should solder the black wire to another terminal (see photo). Next, we connect the control wire from the relay to the 12th contact of the steering column switch (you need to pull the white part on the connector and snap it off). As a result, the PTF will work when the dimensions are working.

If you want to use the PTF indicator on the instrument panel, then the TsBKE will participate in the circuit.

The process of installing PTF on Vesta is also shown in the video:

All that remains is to adjust the PTF.

Have you encountered the installation of fog lights on Vesta? Which connection option did you choose and why? Let us remind you that the website provides other instructions for tuning and modifying Vesta, for example, an easy way to install a DVR, eliminating chafing of the VUT hose, or tips for dealing with panel crickets.

Photo: Russianvodyara in-flight magazine and Lada Vesta group on VK

Keywords: fog lights Lada Vesta | bumper Lada Vesta | external lighting for Lada Vesta | Lada Vesta headlights


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Review of Manufacturer Prices

Name / catalog articlePrice, rub.)
FranceCarFCR220029From 1500
Autostol63261500097RFrom 2300
Valeo 47401From 4300
Valeo 02539From 3300
Bracket for fog lamp 657845163From 250
Facings - framesFrom 1000
DLAAFrom 1300
Tune-auto (body)From 890
WesemFrom 2000
LED bulbs in fog lights—/—
ValeoFrom 4000
LensFrom 5000
Rear fog lamp Lada Vesta 2191-3757010-20, size 223 * 12 mmFrom 650

*prices are as of 02/02/2019.

Recommendations for selection

When purchasing, check the catalog numbers with the actual data specified in the instruction manual. Get advice from service center specialists regarding the compatibility of the PTF with your car model.

Check the presence of the barcode, date, batch number, and integrity of the packaging. Ask managers to provide you with quality certificates for products.


Installing fog lights on a Lada Vesta with your own hands is not difficult. Difficulties most often arise when connecting the electrical component rather than installation.

Before connecting the limit switches, be sure to disconnect the terminals from the battery to prevent a short circuit in case of incorrect connection.

Selection of headlights and necessary materials

PTF Valeo
The highest quality option is the original PTF produced by Valeo (article: FCR220029), costing up to 3000 rubles. for a set of 2 pieces. You can buy fog lights from Dlaa, which will cost half as much. If you decide to install xenon, then you can’t give unambiguous advice - rely on your own experience.


It is better not to take dubious cheap headlights - there are cases when they simply melted.

The next thing you can’t do without is the brackets on which the headlights will be mounted. For two pieces you need to pay about 700 rubles.

Next on the list is a kit for connecting PTF to Vesta. This includes the following:

  • button on/off fog lights;
  • contact relay;
  • wires with plastic corrugation, all necessary connectors and adapters for connection;
  • fuse 16 amp.

PTF connection kit
This kit costs about 600 rubles.

Additionally, PTF lining is purchased (800 rubles for 2 pieces), if there is no desire to cut through the original one.

Thus, the price of fog lights for a Lada Vesta with all the components for their installation will be approximately 5,000 rubles. It is not difficult to purchase all this in online stores.

Reviews are positive and negative

1.Gennady , 32 years old, St. Petersburg: I ​​bought the basic version of Vesta, I installed the PTF myself with a friend. There is nothing difficult about it, we did it in half an hour in total.
2.Kirill , 29 years old, Moscow: I traveled for two years without fog lights, it was very difficult in bad weather. I installed it at a service station, it was expensive, but the cost is worth it.
3.Vasily , 41 years old, Volgograd: bought the car second-hand, the previous owner installed a PTF. They illuminate well, cover the roadside, and visibility is good.
4.Dmitry , 45 years old, Samara: after a year of using Vesta, I realized that it wouldn’t work without additional lighting. I installed it myself and finished it in 20 minutes.
5.Alexander , 42 years old, Saratov: I bought Vesta in its basic configuration a year and a half ago. The car is good, but installing additional accessories is expensive. In particular, the fog lights cost me more than 45,000 rubles.
6.Ivan , 39 years old, Uralsk: my positive review of the PTF Autostol63261500097R, which I bought at a local store. Good price-quality ratio, warranty from the manufacturer.
7.Vyacheslav , 50 years old, Krasnodar: I don’t use the car very often, but I realized that I can’t do without additional headlights. Autumn time, often foggy, visibility is limited. I bought FranceCarFCR220029, my recommendations.
8.Alexey , 32 years old, Sevastopol: I bought a Lada Vesta in the basic version and decided to install fog lights. As it turned out, there was nothing complicated, there was more uncertainty.
9.Vladimir , 32 years old, Moscow: I bought a car in a luxury configuration with PTF. I am dissatisfied with the quality of lighting, I plan to install Valeo 47401. In thick fog, visibility is still limited, despite the low landing.
10.Sergey , 33 years old, Samara: I drove for six months on factory fog lights, the quality is not very good. If possible, I will replace it with foreign analogues.
11.Kirill , 38 years old, St. Petersburg: garage mates recommended installing Autostol63261500097R instead of factory headlights. The cost of Autostol is one and a half thousand more expensive than the factory analogue, but the quality is obvious.
12.Valentin , 42 years old, Rostov-on-Don: I drove Vesta for six months, the car is good. There are not enough fog lights, weather conditions have worsened, visibility has decreased. I have selected several options: Valeo 47401, Autostol63 261500097R, I will choose and consult with specialists.
Video - Installing fog lightsVideo - Installation without intervention in the ECU
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