Thermostat on a VAZ - how it works, purpose and device


It is needed to control the temperature of the coolant circulating through it. How he does it? – It opens, releasing antifreeze through a large circuit of the cooling system and, when the temperature drops to a certain value, it closes.

In the closed position, the coolant moves in a small circle, bypassing the radiator. So it starts to heat up. Having reached a value, for example, VAZ 2101, the opening temperature of the thermostat is 80 degrees - it opens. In this case, the liquid flows through the main radiator and is cooled. Then it closes. This process occurs repeatedly throughout the engine's operation. This maintains the optimal temperature regime of the vehicle’s internal combustion engine.

Thermostat for VAZ 2109: check, replacement, what to choose?

If the thermostat fails, the engine will take a very long time to heat up to the required operating temperature, and while driving, the engine temperature will drop sharply. This is especially felt in winter due to a poorly heating stove.

Appearance of the device

Scheme and design

In order to promptly determine the malfunction, check or replace the thermostat, you must first understand its circuit and design elements.

The scheme presented above is deciphered as follows.

Item number

What is this?

Check and replacement

If the thermostat fails, it should be replaced immediately. It is impossible to say that the device has failed only on the basis of an initial check.

If the engine overheats during operation or does not warm up to operating temperatures quickly enough, the condition of the unit is checked. Based on the results obtained, replacement or repair is carried out.

The most effective way to check the thermostat is to remove it. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Unscrew the crankcase protection mounting bolts, after which the protection must be removed and placed aside for a while.
  2. Remove the cap from the expansion tank where the coolant is located.
  3. Place a clean container under the drain hole (if you plan to pour the same coolant back into the system), unscrew the drain plug from the cylinder block and remove all coolant from the cylinder block.
  4. Place a container under the drain hole of the cooling radiator, unscrew the plug and drain the antifreeze or antifreeze.
  5. Loosen the clamps holding the hoses.
  6. Disconnect the three hoses that are connected to your thermostat housing.
  7. Loosen the tension on the clamps and remove the thermostat along with the hose. The short hose is disconnected from the thermostat.
  8. Place the dismantled device in a container of water, which must be preheated to 78-80 degrees Celsius.
  9. Start heating the water, stirring the liquid occasionally. The water needs to be heated to approximately 87 degrees Celsius.
  10. If the thermostat is working properly, when the temperature reaches 87 degrees with an error of plus or minus 2 degrees, the main valve should open. If this does not happen, the device is faulty and requires replacement.

Replacement process
To replace the thermostat, it is enough to remove the old one in accordance with the specified dismantling instructions, and reassemble the unit with an already working device in the reverse order.

What to choose?

Many owners of a VAZ 2109 with a carburetor complain that the factory thermostat is insufficiently efficient. Because of this, especially in winter, you have to suffer from slow heating, when it is difficult to achieve even 60 degrees.

To solve this problem, it is recommended to install a thermostat from an injection VAZ 2110 with 8 valves for the winter and for the entire period of operation of the nine. This is an improved element that has obvious advantages compared to the original thermostat for the carburetor VAZ 2109.

  1. You should install an injection thermostat starting from tens, taking into account the fact that we are not talking about the first versions of the VAZ 2110, but later, modernized ones.
  2. On 8-valve engines, dozens of thermostats have become dismountable, unlike the 16-valve VAZ 2110 and those devices that were initially installed from the factory on the VAZ 2109. This allows, in the event of a unit breakdown, to disassemble it and partially repair it without completely replacing the device.
  3. To repair a new thermostat, borrowed from a VAZ 2110 with an injector and 8 valves, it is often enough to disassemble the device and replace the thermoelement there.
  4. The new unit turned out to be 50 millimeters shorter, which allows for more free space.
  5. The new element has lost many of the clamps that are relevant for thermostats from the VAZ 2109.
  6. The component has undergone quite a serious modification, which allows it to effectively maintain a stable temperature inside the engine cooling system.

Device from the tens
When replacing the thermostat on a VAZ 21099, make sure that you choose the device from the 8 valve “tens”. Cars with 16 valve engines use different devices in which the circulation system does not work the same way. Therefore, the elements will simply be incompatible.


To connect a new element from an 8-valve VAZ 2110 to a VAZ 2109, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Remove the old element from its seat according to the instructions given above;
  • Be sure to disconnect the return pipe of the heater radiator, and do not spill the coolant;
  • To install a new device, you will need to connect according to the standard scheme, but with the addition of a new tube. This is the so-called saxophone, through which the coolant can be directed back to the pump;
  • The main nuance of using a thermostat on nine from ten is that when starting a cold engine, the cooling liquid will now circulate through a small circuit. First, the heater radiator will heat up, the interior will warm up as quickly as possible;
  • When the required temperature is reached, the new unit will open and the liquid from the cooling system will begin to move along a large circuit through the main radiator.

Replacing the thermostat is a useful solution for those who do not want to suffer from the long warm-up of the interior in the winter. Plus, a new element, borrowed from the VAZ 2110 on the VAZ 2109, will allow the engine to warm up faster, and therefore hit the road faster, even in severe frost.

What does it consist of

  1. Frame. It is made of stainless steel
  2. Main valve - circulates coolant through the radiator
  3. Small circuit valve - its name speaks for itself
  4. Spring. Due to the elastic force, it returns the valves to their original position, closing them
  5. Cylinder with technical wax and rod. The rod pushes the valves, opening them

Cylinder with wax

It occupies an important place in the design. It contains wax, which expands when heated. There is a rubber coupling in the cylinder cavity, and the inner end of the rod is located inside. Its outer part is located outside the cylinder.

When wax is heated to a certain temperature, it expands. In domestic VAZ models it is 80 degrees. The coupling with the rod is squeezed out, resting against the body.


The design includes two springs. They help the valves “return” to their original position after the coolant has cooled, reliably isolating the two circulation circuits of the system from each other.

The thermostat itself is placed in a cylindrical housing with three pipes. Two are connected to different circulation circuits, the third to a water pump (pump).

Video showing how a thermostat works and is made:

Thermostat operating principle

It is the same for all models, both for the domestic automobile industry and foreign-made cars. The difference is in the opening temperature of the thermostat and design features. For example, there are electric ones, where the opening temperature is regulated by a special heating element. Now we will talk only about mechanical ones installed in most cars.

In the initial position, the valve of the large circle is closed, only the small one is open. Coolant flows from the cylinder block into the housing. Through an open valve, it circulates along a small circuit - from the cylinder block and engine head, passes through the thermostat, pump and returns back to the engine.

When the opening temperature reaches 80 degrees, the wax in the cylinder expands. Squeezes out the movable rod, which rests against the body. Further heating of the antifreeze leads to a greater output of the rod from the cylinder. Since it has already rested against the body, it has nowhere else to move out; it pushes the cylinder itself in the opposite direction.

Remember, there are two valves attached to the wax cylinder. They begin to move with him. At the same time, the valve of the large circle opens slightly, and the small one closes. Circulation begins through two cooling circuits.

With a further increase in temperature, the rod extends to its full length. Which leads to the complete closure of the small circle valve and the opening of the large one. In this case, all the liquid “flows” through the radiator and returns to the engine.

The liquid cools, the wax contracts, and the rod is partially immersed deep into the cylinder. Due to the return springs, the valves try to return to their original position.

Thermostat VAZ 2101

“Kopeykas,” like other representatives of classic VAZs, were equipped with domestically produced thermostats, produced under catalog number 2101–1306010. The same parts were installed on cars of the Niva family.

The thermostat is used to maintain optimal engine temperature

Why do you need a thermostat?

The thermostat is designed to maintain optimal engine thermal conditions. In essence, it is an automatic temperature regulator that allows you to quickly warm up a cold engine and cool it when it heats up to the limit value.

For the VAZ 2101 engine, the optimal temperature is considered to be in the range of 90–115 oC. Exceeding these values ​​is fraught with overheating, which can cause the cylinder head gasket to burn out, followed by depressurization of the cooling system. Moreover, the engine may simply seize due to an increase in the size of the pistons caused by high temperatures.

If the cylinder head gasket is damaged, the cooling system depressurizes.

This, of course, will not happen with a cold engine, but it will not be able to operate stably until it warms up to the optimal temperature. All calculated characteristics of the power unit regarding power, compression ratio and torque directly depend on the thermal conditions. In other words, a cold engine is not able to produce the performance declared by the manufacturer.


Structurally, the VAZ 2101 thermostat consists of three blocks:

  • non-separable body with three pipes. It is made of metal that has good chemical resistance. It can be copper, brass or aluminum;
  • thermocouple This is the main part of the device, which is located in the central part of the thermostat. The thermoelement consists of a metal body, made in the shape of a cylinder, and a piston. The internal space of the part is filled with special technical wax, which has the property of actively expanding when heated. Increasing in volume, this wax pushes a spring-loaded piston, which, in turn, actuates the valve mechanism;
  • valve mechanism. It includes two valves: bypass and main. The first serves to ensure that the coolant has the opportunity to circulate through the thermostat when the engine is cold, bypassing the radiator, and the second opens the way for it to get there when heated to a certain temperature.

    The bypass valve opens at low temperatures and allows coolant to pass directly into the engine, and the main valve opens when heated to a certain temperature, directing the liquid through a large circuit to the radiator

The internal structure of each unit is of only theoretical interest, because the thermostat is a non-separable part that can be changed entirely.

The thermostat consists of the following elements: 1 - inlet pipe (from the engine), 2 - bypass valve, 3 - bypass valve spring, 4 - glass, 5 - rubber insert, 6 - outlet pipe, 7 - main valve spring, 8 - main valve seat valve, 9 - main valve, 10 - holder, 11 - adjusting nut, 12 - piston, 13 - inlet pipe from the radiator, 14 - filler, 15 - holder, D - fluid inlet from the engine, R - fluid inlet from the radiator, N - liquid outlet to the pump

Operating principle

The VAZ 2101 engine cooling system is divided into two circles through which coolant can circulate: small and large. When starting a cold engine, liquid from the cooling jacket enters the thermostat, the main valve of which is closed. Passing through the bypass valve, it goes directly to the water pump (pump), and from it back to the engine. Circulating in a small circle, the liquid does not have time to cool, but only heats up. When it reaches a temperature of 80–85 oC, the wax inside the thermoelement begins to melt, increasing in volume and pushing the piston. At the first stage, the piston only slightly opens the main valve and part of the coolant enters the large circle. Through it, it moves to the radiator, where it cools down, passing through the heat exchanger tubes, and, already cooled, is sent back to the engine cooling jacket.

The degree of opening of the main valve depends on the coolant temperature

The main part of the liquid continues to circulate in a small circle, but when its temperature reaches 93–95 oC, the thermoelement piston leaves the housing as much as possible, completely opening the main valve. In this position, all the coolant moves in a large circle through the cooling radiator.

Video: how the thermostat works

Which thermostat is better

There are only two parameters by which a car thermostat is usually selected: the temperature at which the main valve begins to open and the quality of the part itself. Car owners have different opinions regarding temperature. Some want it to be higher, i.e. the engine takes less time to warm up, others, on the contrary, prefer to warm up the engine longer. The climatic factor must be taken into account here. When operating a car in normal temperature conditions, a standard thermostat that opens at 80 oC is suitable. If we are talking about cold regions, then it is better to choose a model with a higher opening temperature.

As for the manufacturers and quality of thermostats, according to reviews from owners of “kopecks” and other classic VAZs, the most popular are parts made in Poland (KRONER, WEEN, METAL-INKA), as well as in Russia with Polish thermoelements (“Pramo”). Temperature controllers made in China should not be considered as a cheap alternative.

Polish-made WEEN thermostats have proven themselves to be excellent among VAZ 2101 owners

Where is the thermostat located

In the VAZ 2101, the thermostat is located in the front part of the engine compartment on the right side. You can easily find it by the thick cooling system hoses that go to it.

In a VAZ 2101 car, the thermostat is located in the engine compartment on the right

Malfunctions and how they manifest themselves

There are three types of breakdowns:

  1. The small circle valve is constantly open, regardless of the coolant temperature. This happens when it becomes jammed or a foreign object gets into it: scale, dirt, etc. In this position, the engine will always overheat, its temperature will rise until the antifreeze in the system boils. Because it does not circulate in a large circle, does not pass through honeycomb radiators, and is not cooled.

How does this manifest itself? In motion, air passing through the radiator cools its cells, through which the liquid passes, it gives off heat. She's cooling down. If the thermostat is stuck in the closed position, then there will be no circulation in a large circle, the radiator will not participate in the engine cooling system, which means the temperature will constantly rise. This is indicated by the engine temperature indicator. If nothing is done, the liquid will boil in the system and you may end up with expensive engine repairs.

  1. The large circuit valve is always open. This is the opposite situation. The fluid will constantly circulate through the radiator. The engine will not be able to warm up to the required temperatures. This will lead to increased wear of its parts and excessive fuel consumption.

How does it manifest? The engine idles, but its temperature does not rise. It will fall as it moves. This is especially noticeable in the cold season.

  1. Valves are stuck in the middle position. The liquid circulates through two circuits. If the car is stationary and the engine is idling, then such a malfunction will be difficult to notice. The engine warms up, but not at the same speed as usual. As the vehicle moves, the coolant temperature will drop quickly.

Which thermostats to choose for VAZ (Lada) 2101/2103/2106?

Last month, PartReview users preferred LUZAR. 60% of positive votes belong to this manufacturer.

Gates thermostats came in second place with 20%.

Vernet closes the top three with 20% of the votes.

In the general rating of thermostats, which takes into account the opinions of owners of different brands and models of cars, these brands occupy the following positions:

  1. LUZAR received 8th place, PR score - 66. Data from 72 reviews and 229 votes are taken into account.
  2. Gates is ranked 10th with a PR score of 56 based on 72 reviews and 89 votes.
  3. Vernet is ranked 6th with a PR score of 70. Data from 66 reviews and 202 votes are taken into account.

How to check the thermostat of a VAZ 2106 without removing it from the car

We start the engine. After a few minutes, we feel with our hand the hose that goes from the cylinder block to the upper part of the thermostat housing. If it is cold and the lower radiator hose is warm, it means that the valve of the large circle is stuck in the open position and the small one is closed.

The opposite situation. The engine has warmed up to operating temperature. We try to touch the upper and lower radiator hoses. If they and the radiator cells are cold, then the valve of the large circle is closed, and the small circle is open and jammed. A secondary sign of a malfunction in such a situation is that the radiator forced cooling fan does not turn on, if one is installed.

And the last option is to determine if the thermostat is malfunctioning - the engine has been running for several minutes, according to the sensor, its temperature has begun to rise, but has not yet reached the green zone. We put our hand on the radiator hoses and at the outlet of the cylinder block. If their temperature is the same, then the valves are in the middle position and antifreeze “flows” through both cooling circuits.

Having decided on possible breakdowns, you need to change the thermostat; we’ll talk about how to do this in the following articles. Good luck to everyone on the roads!

Video on the topic:

A visual demonstration of the operating principle of the thermostat:

Replacing the thermostat on a VAZ 2107

The operation of the thermostat is based on switching the circulation modes of the vehicle's coolant in a large or small circle. Distillation in a small circle warms up the engine soon after it starts, and when the antifreeze reaches the extreme temperature mark (85-90 degrees), a special valve opens, directing the liquid into a large circle and allowing it to cool. Replacing the VAZ 2107 thermostat may be necessary in case of interruptions during operation, leading to prolonged warm-up of the engine or its accelerated boiling.

Thermostat Specifications

The cylindrical thermostat is equipped with three outlets for pipes - from the engine, from the radiator and to the circulation pump. You can get acquainted with the design in more detail by looking at the cross-section of the thermostat:

Thermostat VAZ 2107 cross-section

When the engine starts, coolant flows through the cylinder block and pump, once above 80 degrees is reached, the main valve shutter begins to allow antifreeze through the radiator. As the liquid temperature rises, the throughput of the valve increases, while at the same time the bypass valve closes the flow of antifreeze from the engine. The mark of 94 degrees is considered the maximum at which the liquid moves exclusively in a large circle (the main valve is open, the bypass valve is pressed tightly).

Features of checking the thermostat

Testing the thermostat can be done without special equipment. To determine the quality of the thermostat, you need to open the hood of the car and start the engine in a cool state. Within a few minutes, the radiator pipe should maintain its initial temperature; it can be determined tactilely by placing your hand on the hose. When the operating range of 80-90 C is reached, part of the device and the nozzle area will quickly heat up. It is this sequence that characterizes the proper operation of the thermostat. The operating temperature of the VAZ 2107 injection engine can reach 95 degrees in summer weather.

The main malfunctions of the thermostat leading to the need for thermostat replacement:

  1. the engine is “boiling”, the valve is stuck closed;
  2. the engine takes a long time to warm up, the valve is stuck open. In winter, this leads to weak heating and poor heating of the interior;
  3. The valve does not close or open completely. In the summer it will boil, and in the winter it will be difficult to warm up.

Before replacing, you can check the thermostat in one more way. In this case, take a pan, add water and bring to a boil. In a cold state, the thermostat bypasses through holes 1 and 3; if it is heated in boiling water, it will bypass through 3 and 6.

If there is a need to replace a part, then which thermostat is better for the VAZ 2107 , of course, everyone chooses from their own experience, but we can recommend some manufacturers. The preference of the majority is given to PRAMO - a Russian development with a Polish thermoelement due to accelerated heating and long service life. Also worthy of attention are the Chinese BAUTLER and the Polish WEEN, a good option from.

You can consult with car service workers who are familiar with the quality of their work. From practice, perhaps the worst is the Chelyabinsk one from.

How to change a thermostat

Before replacing the thermostat, check the rigidity of the pipes. The fact is that if these parts have been standing for a long time, they become rigid and crack at the most inopportune moment, so it is better to replace them in advance. To replace the thermostat on a VAZ 2107 you will need:

Thermostat VAZ 2107

The replacement process is not complicated and can be done independently. Dismantling is carried out both with the help of an inspection hole and without it. Depending on the type of engine, carburetor or injection, the necessary stages of work are selected. Installing the latter is somewhat more complicated and requires additional tools.

The coolant is drained from the engine, the latter must cool completely after previous operation. For convenient operation, remove the battery. The heater tap is opened and the radiator filler cap is removed. After preliminary installation of the container, the drain of the cylinder block and radiator opens. Next, you need to remove the old clamps and carefully release the thermostat from the pipes.

For reliability, lubricate the pipes with sealant. After stable fixation of the working part, it is securely secured with clamps, and the battery is also returned to its original place. If the pipes are unsuitable, they can also be replaced with new ones. Next, add antifreeze and test the thermostat using the above method or using a pyrometer.

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