Do-it-yourself replacement of VAZ 2114 engine mounts - instructions with photos and videos

Replacing the front and rear engine mounts of a VAZ 2114

Also, sometimes an additional mount is installed on the VAZ 2114, which is attached to the cross member on one side and to the clutch housing on the other.
It is widely believed that the main task of airbags is to provide ride comfort. This is only partly true. In fact, their main task is to minimize the transmission of engine vibrations to transmission parts. With a rigid connection, the gearbox would become a consumable item; in 30-40 thousand kilometers its “internals” would wear out completely. Therefore, in particular, rubber in silent blocks cannot be replaced with polyurethane.


Before replacing the pillows, it is necessary to diagnose their condition. The condition of any silent blocks is checked with a mount: with its help you need to influence the support, simulating the movements of the engine during operation. If:

the part needs to be replaced. Even if the signs of wear are not so noticeable (for example, the rubber is cracked but not torn), it is better to replace them as a set. Silent blocks lose their elasticity over time and begin to perform their functions poorly.

There are regular and reinforced supports for the VAZ 2114 on sale. The second type uses a harder rubber compound, but they are more durable only in quiet driving mode. Fans of sharp starts and braking will have to change any of them every 15-20 thousand; for other drivers they can last 50 thousand kilometers. This is the answer to the question of how long the supports last.

Front engine support VAZ 2114

On a VAZ 2114, the supports can be replaced independently, without contacting a car service center. It is more convenient to use a pit or overpass, but you can do without them. To do this, the car is jacked up and placed on supports (bricks or tree stumps). If crankcase protection is installed, it must be removed.

Replacing the front support. You need to jack up the oil pan. First, use a 17mm head to unscrew the 4 bolts securing the bracket to the crankcase, then the silent block bolt. To remove the bolt, you need to use a jack to get it into a position where the engine will not put all its weight on it. When installing a spare part, it is important to lubricate the silent block bolt well: not only the threaded part, but also the body. It is in contact with the metal sleeve, so it can stick.

Side engine support VAZ 2114

Replacing the right support is similar, with the difference that it is better to jack the gearbox housing rather than the engine. Another option is to install a jack in the area of ​​the oil filter housing. It is attached to the crankcase with three bolts. Another trick is that the right pillow needs to be changed by two people. Without a side stop, the motor moves up, not down. The jack will not help here, so an assistant must press on it so that the silent block bolt can be secured.

Replacement of the rear support is the most difficult task if done without a pit or lift, requiring some skill in performing auto mechanic work and perseverance. It is located at the connection between the engine and gearbox, so you will have to work in a confined space. In addition, when unscrewing the bolts from the body, the key may rest against the gearbox housing.

Typical faults

If, while driving a car, a characteristic knocking noise has become clearly audible from under the hood, more precisely, from under the lower part of the engine or in the transmission area, if noise and vibration increase during the switching from 2nd to 4th gear, then this may be associated with malfunctions in the suspension or engine operation. Depending on the condition of the road surface, these sounds may become louder.

If the car is operated for a long time under conditions of severe loads or temperature changes, then all this does not have the best effect on the condition of the engine mounts. Over time, rubber loses its elasticity. In addition, the pillow may delaminate or crack, or even collapse.

But it is worth considering that the service life of these parts is quite long - more than 100,000 km. The supports are subjected to high loads when the vehicle starts and during braking. If the car owner likes to drive fast enough, with sharp jerks at the start, then the supports will not last their intended period.

Also among the typical faults is the breakdown of a metal aluminum bracket. This often happens when hitting a different obstacle. If there are oil leaks in the engine, it will definitely get onto the rubber part of the support. This lubricant can corrode the silent block and the support will fail. Coolant also does not have the best effect on the rubber part of the cushion. Breakdowns in the system must be eliminated immediately.

In addition to the cracked cylinder head, antifreeze from the expansion tank will also get onto the rubber parts. This will not have the best effect on their resource. It is important to remember that operating vehicles with broken mounts is not only unpleasant, but in some cases unsafe.

How to check engine mounts?

After reading this article to the very end, you will not have this question left, and you will even have a theoretical understanding of how to make repairs yourself. But first things first. In order to check the integrity of the engine mounts, you will need: a jack and wooden stumps or other support, as well as a pry bar or a thick stick (regular wooden).

After a visual inspection, if the indicated defects are not found, check the play in the fastening of the motor mounts to the body or front beam of the car. To ensure a complete inspection, use a pry bar or stick to tilt the engine mounts to the side.

If you find an unacceptable deviation of play in the places where the support is attached to the body, make the repairs yourself, or assemble the car for further transportation to the station. To do this, place a jack under the wheel, then remove the support that was installed from under the engine sump, while checking whether the motor support is securely screwed on, if necessary, tighten the bolts and nuts with a wrench or ratchet.

Checking and replacing the engine mount

Timely replacement of the VAZ 2114 engine mount is of great practical importance. This is one of the most important components of a car engine suspension.

After all, it is with the help of these elements that reliable fastening of the engine to a non-rigid body and its depreciation are achieved. Such a replacement of the VAZ 2114 engine mount must be carried out on time, preventing the appearance of disturbing noises and knocks when crossing uneven road surfaces. Otherwise, the following malfunctions may occur:

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1. The power plant, due to faulty supports, acquires excessive mobility. This may lead to deformation of the air purification filter housing upon contact with the hood. 2. A cooling system fan with faulty supports can touch the radiator grille, and, as a result, the blades become deformed and the fasteners become loose.

Car enthusiasts often ask the question, how much does a VAZ 2114 engine mount cost? This product is in the price range from 1500 to 1800 rubles.

What is required to replace the engine mount:

  • new support;
  • 2 jacks;
  • car repair stands;
  • locksmith kit;
  • polyethylene bags;
  • colored marker;
  • adhesive composition for threaded connections;
  • scrap.

Pillows always require close attention from the car enthusiast, since if they are defective or aging, they require replacement, otherwise the increased vibration impact can lead to vehicle breakdown, resulting in failure of the vehicle’s transmission system.

In this case, it is important to remove the weight load from the VAZ 2114 engine mounts by lifting the car. To do this you need:

  1. Raise the vehicle on a jack and place it on supports, then place a lifting device under the bottom of the engine crankcase.
  2. Install a wooden beam between the pallet and the vehicle lifting device to evenly redistribute the load force. Carefully lift the engine a little to remove the weight load from the power plant mountings. It is forbidden to work on a car that is hung on jacks!
  3. Visually check the engine mountings for various defects (cracks, delamination or hardening). There are cases when the rubber coating has a defect in the central part of the support.
  4. Determine the wear of the pillow plates at the point of contact with the chassis (frame) using a “mounter” or a large-size screwdriver. If there is play, remove the engine from the jack and tighten the engine mounts, followed by assembly.
  5. To prevent early obsolescence of rubber products of engine mounts, it is necessary to apply a protective component to their surface.

To replace the VAZ 2114 engine mount, the following measures must be taken:

1. Remove the negative cable from the battery terminal. 2. Raise it on a jack and place it on supports. 3. Raise the power unit on a lifting device, being careful not to touch the radiator or fan guard. 4. Loosen the bolt and remove the mounting of the cushion to the chassis. 5. Remove the through-type fasteners and the cushion.

Installation of a new VAZ 2114 engine mount is carried out in the reverse order; in this case, it is necessary to apply adhesive sealant to the threaded segment and tighten the fasteners tightly.

Signs of failure of the Lada Priora engine mount

Often, novice drivers do not know how to diagnose a faulty engine mount. Signs of such a breakdown are often confused with something else. The first signal that a support is broken is unpleasant sounds like clicking or knocking sounds in the front of the car when starting to move or when braking. Another sign is revealed when driving on uneven roads.

Such a ride is necessarily accompanied by characteristic impacts in the front of the car. A sudden vibration can also indicate a malfunction of the airbag. Sometimes, when driving on bad roads, the gearshift lever may feel squeezing. This all indicates that there is a malfunction of the engine mount. These signs must be taken into account and then a diagnosis must be made.

VAZ cars are practically no different structurally from cars of any other manufacturers. The same applies to the design and location of parts such as engine mounts. Signs of a malfunction (including Priora) can be identified by characteristic engine vibrations. This occurs at idle and at higher speeds. The engine will jerk unnaturally.

This is a signal to the owner about the need to check the supports or replace them. The second sign is twitching of the steering wheel. The vibrations of the steering wheel depend on the operating frequency of the power unit. The gearbox can also tell you about failed airbags. When driving, the gears will be knocked out.

Signs of wear

Since the function of the engine mount is to dampen vibrations, if they are noticeable even at idle, this indicates a problem. Among other signs of wear on the airbags on the VAZ 2114:

  1. Vibration of the gearshift lever. This indicates that all motor vibrations are transmitted to the box.
  2. If you open the hood, strong vibrations of the engine are visible.
  3. Uneven car operation. The fact is that when the silent blocks are heavily worn, the crankcase begins to move slightly relative to the clutch. Because of this, the crankshaft position sensor (CPS) constantly produces different signals. The ECU is forced to mistakenly “catch” the revolutions to eliminate the imbalance.

Replacing pillows yourself

Depending on the type and model of your car, purchase a new airbag. If your car is a popular domestic model, just go to your nearest specialized auto store. But if the car is rare or exclusive, then you should be more scrupulous in your purchase; for this it is better to initially remove the part. And with an example of a failed pillow, he will go to the store, or for auto disassembly.

By checking engine mounts in a timely manner and eliminating their malfunction, you will ensure yourself and your passenger comfortable and safe movement, both around the city and beyond. Take good care of your car and it will reciprocate.

Checking the backlash

This option is used if there is a malfunction of the engine mount, all the signs are there, but nothing could be detected visually. It is necessary to check for play in the attachment of the engine mounts to the body.

For a full inspection, experts recommend using a stick or pry bar to rock the pillows from side to side. If you can find a large amount of play in the places where the engine mount is attached to the body, then you can carry out independent repairs. But you can also go to a service station and fix the problem there.

Vibrations on the car body at idle and while driving indicate that the engine mounts are out of order or damaged. Signs of malfunction (Ford Focus 2 as well) may be different. Ford Focus cars use two supports. The right one is hydraulic, the left one is the gearbox support. In case of damage, it is recommended to replace both elements.

Naturally, you can replace only the damaged one and the vibrations will go away, but the new support will be subjected to significantly greater loads and will fail much earlier than its intended life. As a replacement, it is worth purchasing original parts. Inexpensive analogues last less than 20 thousand kilometers.

Replacing engine mounts on VAZ-2113, 2114, 2115

Most likely, the engine fasteners are broken, which means it’s time to look under the hood. And if the knocking is accompanied by strong vibration of the body, there is a problem with the engine mounts. What are they and what are they for?

The VAZ 2114 car is equipped with three rubber cushions, two of which support the gearbox, and one serves as a support for the engine.

The direct purpose of rubber supports is to reduce vibrations. When the car moves, strong vibrations occur, transmitted from the engine to the body. To make the ride as comfortable as possible, and the driver not to be distracted by extraneous noise and jolts, airbags are installed.

Without rubber softeners, driving a car would be like riding a cart, just as noisy and shaking.

What is this?

If we talk about the VAZ 2114 model, then there are three supports, two of which are intended directly for the gearbox, and another one for the engine itself.

The main purpose of pillows is to reduce vibrations.

When the car drives, serious vibrations occur, which are transmitted to the body from the power unit. To ensure the necessary level of comfort while driving and not to be distracted by extraneous noise or shaking, special supports are mounted on the car. If you remove them, driving a VAZ 2114 can be compared to riding an old wooden cart.

Causes of malfunctions

The most important problem that pillows face is the loss of elasticity of the material. This is due to the fact that the supports are made of rubber. Over time and with use, these elements lose their original characteristics. Various factors accelerate the wear process of bearings:

If elasticity decreases, this entails the formation of cracks and delamination of the material.

Replacement is purely a matter of time. But the procedure for changing the front and all other pillows should be carried out on time. If you drive for a long time with worn out bearings, this will result in a negative impact on engine performance. Then the repair will cost much more than the cost of new supports.

The main advice is to periodically check the condition of the supports for wear. If you detect a fault in a timely manner, you can replace it yourself and significantly save on car repairs.

Price issue

If you do everything correctly and in a timely manner, then your costs will be insignificant. You will have to purchase new supports and contact a car service. Of course, it is quite possible to do it on your own. This is a matter of desire and availability of appropriate skills.

How much will it cost to replace engine mounts? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the current prices for the VAZ 2114.


Minimum cost

average price

Set of three supports

There is no need to pay someone, since the replacement can be done by yourself.

Engine mount malfunctions

The main damage to a pillow is loss of elasticity. The support is made of rubber, which loses its properties with prolonged use.

This is due to constant loads accompanied by changing weather conditions (cold, heat). In the future, the pillow will begin to deteriorate: it will crack and delaminate.

To prevent destruction of the rubber support, it is necessary to inspect it regularly. If damage is detected, the part should be replaced, otherwise strong vibration and extraneous knocking will be felt in the cabin, which will soon affect the operation of the engine.

It is better to replace the airbags in a timely manner than to later spend money on expensive repairs or purchasing a new engine.

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The cost of engine mounts depends on the manufacturer, the minimum price for the front support is from 600 rubles, the rear and left ones are 500 rubles each. Average prices start at 1,200 rubles for the front, and 900 rubles for the rear and left.

It is possible to buy a set of three pillows from 3,500 rubles.

To replace engine mounts at a car service center, you will be asked for 1,500 rubles, but you can replace them yourself.


We have already noted that there are a total of three supports on the VAZ 2114. But it’s not uncommon for car owners to decide to install a fourth—an additional airbag. It serves to connect the crankcase and transverse the front suspension. This reduces wear and vibration and increases the level of comfort. But keep in mind that with such a modification you will have to look for a new place for the ignition module.

Now let's talk in more detail about the three standard pillows. Replacement of each of them is carried out in a certain sequence and according to the appropriate algorithm.


To change the front engine mount, follow the instructions.

Engine pad


Here, in addition to the standard set of tools, you will also need a cable.

Path to the left pillow

Replacing the front support

  1. Place the car on a level surface. Be sure to raise the handbrake or engage first gear. For safety, you can support the rear wheels.
  2. Remove the engine protection to gain access to the mounts.
  3. To remove the load from the support, place a jack under the oil pan and raise the engine. It is imperative to place a spacer between these elements in the form of a board.
  4. When the engine is supported by the jack, we inspect the mounting location of the cushion. We unscrew the bolt that connects the bracket to the support.

  5. After this, you can disconnect the pillow from the motor unit.

  6. We clean the fixation points and install the new part in the reverse order.

It is possible that in order to replace the front cushion, you will need to further lift the engine, since the mounting location of the old one has been worn out.

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