Replacing the thermostat on a VAZ-2112 16 valves with your own hands (+ video)

This article will propose a consideration of replacing the thermostat on a VAZ-2112 car. All issues of interest will be discussed in detail in this work. What is a thermostat? What is it for? How to replace it? Small circle and large circle, differences? All these and other questions will be directly addressed and described in detail in this article.

Video about replacing the thermostat on a VAZ-2112 with your own hands:

The video shows the process of replacing a thermostat, choosing a thermostat and tips for carrying out work to remove it.

What is a thermostat?

This is not a standard 6 "hole" thermostat

The thermostat itself is an important part in the engine cooling system. It is designed to ensure that the engine is cooled according to its needs.

Cooling system diagram

For example, you started the engine “cold”, then at degrees from 80 to 90 a large circle opens and liquid enters the radiator and begins to cool the engine more intensively than in a small circle.

Thermostat operating principle

The thermostat itself consists of:

  1. Frame.
  2. Internal compartment.
  3. 2 pipes with valves.
  4. "Core". Thermoelement (copper powders, a mixture of granulated wax, graphite and aluminum in a special proportion).
  5. Valves.

How to identify a breakdown?

The engine begins to overheat or does not reach operating temperature - these are the main two criteria for a faulty thermostat.

But there are also auxiliary signs: there is no heat in the cabin when it gets cold, a decrease in dynamic performance (power, speed), increased fuel consumption (about the passport consumption standards here).

Types of thermostat breakdowns

  • The valve on the thermostat is stuck.
  • “Stuck” or does not open at all.
  • Incorrect start time.

Replacing Thermostat VAZ 2112 16 Valves

Replacing the thermostat on VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112

Thanks to the thermostat, the engine can heat up very quickly, and also not actually heat up at all, all this happens for the following reasons, in the thermostat itself there is a so-called valve, this valve is filled with a special substance with the help of which the thermostat determines when it needs to open one hundred percent and when it needs to be locked one hundred percent, we all already know that when the engine is running (Maybe we paid attention), the car heats up very quickly to about 80 degrees, and after 80 degrees the engine heats up a little less, and after 94 c° it actually doesn’t heat up at all unless you are stuck in a traffic jam for many hours, the whole point is that the thermostat valve releases coolant into a large circle when it reaches 80 c°, and after 94 c° the liquid goes out to the same circle but only the circulation of water in a small circle stops altogether and as a result the car heats up less.

In order to change the thermostat to a new one, you will need to stock up on: A screwdriver and one hexagon of approximately “5”!

It is located a little lower than the air filter housing, it is not at all difficult to see it; to do this, open the hood of your car , then look for this same air filter housing in the engine compartment and after finding it, look a little lower, so to speak, under it, and that thermostat will be installed there (More precisely its lid, and this unit itself is located inside the lid), for example, the location of the lid is also shown in the photo just below:

When should you change the thermostat?

It is replaced only in this case if he did not open the valve that releases coolant to a large circle, and also if he left the valve in the open position and this valve is jammed.

In the first case, if the thermostat does not release liquid in a large circle, then the car will begin to heat up very much, under no circumstances allow it to overheat and, if possible, change the thermostat recently, especially if your car’s engine operates at elevated temperatures, then your cylinder head gasket will gradually burn out, and the friction in your car’s engine will also increase, since as we all know from the law of physics, the higher the temperature, then the metal expands accordingly, and the larger the metal becomes, the larger it becomes its friction, so watch the engine overheating very closely.

In the second case, if your valve gets stuck in the open position, although this happens occasionally, you still decide for yourself whether you need to replace the thermostat or not, since if the valve is in the open position, then the engine will actually will not heat up, but if it’s winter outside, it would still be better to replace this unit with a new one!

Replacing the thermostat VAZ 2110-11-12


VAZ 2112
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How to check whether the thermostat is working or not?

There are several methods of checking, specifically with this unit removed, as well as directly, you can check it without removing it from the car at all, to do this, just start the car and warm it up to operating temperature and after warming up, get out of the car (By the way, open the hood again before the exit) and look in the engine compartment, there you will find the lower pipe that comes from the thermostat, so feel this pipe well, it should be a little warm at the very beginning, and then warm up evenly (Depending on the temperature of the engine).

In this case, if it turns out that the lower pipe does not heat up at all and remains cool all the time, then this means that the thermostat has become unusable and it is time to change it to a new one, by the way, due to this course of events, the engine will heat up very quickly, because if all the symptoms are obvious, then the thermostat has really become unusable, and by the way, about such a check, look more carefully in the video clip below:

In this case, if you purchased a new thermostat or found an old one in your garage and want to find out whether it works or not, then watch the fascinating video below that carefully explains how to check this unit in a separate state from the motor:

How to replace the thermostat on a VAZ 2110-VAZ 2112?

We will give you one piece of advice, it is recommended to replace this part only when the engine is cool, because if you decide to change it on a hot engine, you will most likely get burned because when the engine heats up too much, the liquid also heats up and if it gets on your skin, this can even cause burns, so be careful!

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1) At the very beginning of the operation, drain all the coolant from the engine of your car; otherwise, it will not be possible to replace the thermostat normally, because you will have to disconnect the pipes from which the liquid is located. (For information on how to drain the liquid, see the article entitled: “Replacing cooling water on a VAZ”)

2) Then remove the air filter housing itself so that it does not interfere with the upcoming work. (For information on how to remove the housing, see the article: “Replacing the air filter housing”)

3) After this, when the liquid is drained and the body is removed from the car, pick up a screwdriver or a wrench (Depending on what type of hose clamps are attached that are connected to the thermostat) and use them to loosen the clamps of all hoses (There should be only two, namely the radiator hose and the cooling water pump hose) which are connected to the thermostat and then disconnect them, by the way, you can also see both of these hoses in the photo below, they are shown with arrows.

4) Next, take the hexagon in your hands and use it to unscrew the three bolts that secure the thermostat cover itself, and after unscrewing, carefully remove it.

The thermostat itself will be installed inside this cover; in the photo below it is indicated by a reddish arrow, so you remove it from the cover and thereby replace it with a new one!

By the way, there will also be a sealing ring installed on the thermostat cover (indicated by a blue arrow), if it is very compressed or cracked, or simply damaged or broken, for example, then in this case replace this ring with a new one!

Installation of the new thermostat and all previously removed parts is carried out in reverse order.

If you need some advice on how to remove the thermostat and little about the expansion tank, then watch below that describes all the aspects that you will encounter when replacing this unit:


How to Install a New Thermostat

If the best device for the VAZ-2110 has already been purchased, it’s time to start installation, especially since you can carry out the procedure yourself. You will need:

  • gasket former - cost about 300 rubles;
  • Cooling system cleaner – 150 rubles;
  • pipes going to the stove radiator - 230 rubles;
  • thermostat (in our case it’s Pramo) – 12,000 rubles;
  • green antifreeze with a volume of 10 liters - up to 900 rubles;
  • hairpin M8 at 70 m.

First you need to drain the used antifreeze. Place a 7-liter container under the drain hole and wait until the liquid is completely drained into the container. After this, you should clean the cooling system; for this it is best to use a special cleaning agent. Acids, soda and vinegar do not give such a good result, and lactic acid can ruin the internal parts of the car.

After pouring in the cleaning agent, add water inside and turn on the VAZ-2110 for 20 minutes. This promotes rapid detachment of contaminants and scale from the pipeline walls. The expansion tank should also be thoroughly rinsed. Now loosen the clamps of the hose coming from the radiator, then do the same with the clamps of the supply hose of the pump pipe and the hose that serves as the connecting element between the outlet pipe and the thermostat.

Remove the thermostat, install a new sample and repeat everything in reverse order. Don't forget to add coolant.

Which thermostat is better to install on a VAZ 2110 injector

Until 2003, thermostats of the old design were installed on all VAZ 2110 engines. Its catalog number is 2110-1306010. After 2003, the thermostat was replaced and minor changes were made to the cooling system. In this regard, in dozens of later years of production, thermostats with article numbers 21082-1306010-11 and 21082-1306010-14 . The latter have a higher thermoelement response rate, so preference should be given to them. In addition, there are a huge number of non-original valves and thermostat assemblies on sale. Judging by the reviews of the owners, the valves and thermostats of these companies are considered to be of the highest quality:

  • 92C 21082-1306010 , manufactured by LUZAR , the quality is unstable, but if you’re lucky, it will work well;
  • assembled housing of the same company with five outlets with catalog number 92C 2190-1306010, LT 01081, without expansion tank fitting or LT 01084 with fitting;
  • TN-LA21082 from AURORA;
  • Pekar , article 21082-1306030 , good quality and average prices;
  • Vernet , article number TH6595.85, one of the most inexpensive on the market;
  • STARNER , article number S40 2112 ;
  • Finwhale , T111 ;
  • BAUTLER, 21082-1306010-11;
  • MAHLE / KNECHT , catalog number TH 37 80 ;
  • STARLINE , TS T035.92T, one of the best replacements for the original;
  • Gates , proven quality, stable temperature, TH21992G1 .

Checking the thermostat in operating mode is carried out only with the valve removed from the vehicle. In principle, if the thermostat is visually coked, shows signs of wear or physical damage, it is better to replace it immediately. And to check it is necessary to remove the thermostat housing from the engine. To do this we do the following:

  1. With the engine cooled down, drain several liters of antifreeze through the drain hole in the bottom can of the radiator. It is not necessary to drain all the liquid; it is enough to lower its level to the level of the thermostat connector.
  2. Now we move the container with the drained antifreeze under the thermostat and unscrew it with a 13 key from the cylinder head (on engines manufactured after 2003) or loosen the clamps on older engines.

  3. We take out the insert with the thermostat valve and place it in a vessel with water.

  4. The water temperature should be monitored with a thermometer. If the valve opens at a temperature of 90 degrees, it is working. In any other case, the thermostat retires and is replaced with a new insert or assembled with the housing.

  5. Before installing a new thermostat, we clean the mating surfaces of the thermostat housing and the block head, remove the remnants of the old gasket, degrease the surface and apply a very thin layer of sealant to both surfaces.

  6. Install the gasket and install the thermostat housing. Depending on the instructions for using the sealant, tighten the bolts immediately or after the specified time. The same applies to adding antifreeze. The instructions for using the sealant may indicate that operation is possible only after a certain time has passed.
  7. We check the tightness of the bolts/clamps and fill the system with antifreeze.

Functionality check

First of all, let’s not rush to remove the thermostat, because this requires a lot of fiddling. It may turn out that we are sinning against him in vain, but the issue is something else:

  1. Heat. We take hold of the lower radiator pipe and let someone start the engine. If there is no assistant, then start it yourself, you will have time to hold on to the hose. Please note that the car must be cold before this. At first the pipe is naturally cold, but when the engine is running it heats up very quickly. If this happens, it means that the thermostat is working properly, installing a new one is not required yet;
  2. Thermocouple. If doubts remain, you will have to disassemble. From the thermostat that has already been removed, it is necessary to remove the thermoelement - it is this element that is responsible for starting the cooler in a large circle, and it is this element that needs to be checked. This happens by lowering the thermoelement into fairly hot water (about 75'C) and then heating it. Naturally, you need to lower a thermometer into the water and monitor changes in temperature and the device itself. As it approaches 90°C, the thermoelement rod must extend. That did not happen? This means that this part needs to be changed. Most often, on a VAZ 2110, replacing the entire thermostat is not necessary - it is more expensive, and moreover, it is most often necessary only if some changes are detected in the “appearance” - such as a crack, chip, etc. ;
  3. Replacement. If we find problems or need to change the thermostat, we go to the car market or to the store where we buy a new one. Here, too, “pitfalls” may await us - the replacement will not bring the desired result if the new thermostat is, as they say, “flawed.” You need to blow hard into the fitting. If air does not pass anywhere, then the small circuit does not allow it to pass through, and its installation on a VAZ 2110 is possible.

Before replacing a broken thermostat, you need to remove it:

  1. Unscrew the cap from the expansion tank; this is necessary so that antifreeze flows normally out of the system;
  2. Remove the plug from the drain hole at the bottom of the radiator tank, first replace it with a clean container and drain the antifreeze;
  3. Remove the entire thermostat assembly. Or, if you prefer, just its thermocouple.

In the latter case:

  • Remove the hoses located on the thermostat cover pipes;
  • Remove the cover with the thermocouple. Now you can check it, as already described.

The thermostat is not working. Signs and symptoms

Only the most irresponsible motorist can fail to pay attention to the incorrect operation of the VAZ 2110 engine cooling system. Constant overheating or, conversely, operation at a low coolant temperature threatens not only a high level of wear of rings, pistons and liners. In critical cases, overheating can cause the piston to stick or seize, rotate the main or connecting rod bearings, bend the valves, destroy the camshaft and many other unexpected troubles.

Old and new thermostat valves. Wear is obvious

How does the VAZ 2110 thermostat work?

Theoretically, a tens thermostat is a regular valve that is controlled by a temperature-sensitive element.

Depending on the temperature of the coolant, it either closes the gate and sends antifreeze in a small circle, bypassing the main radiator, or opens it and forces the liquid to circulate in a full circle, including the cooling radiator, heater, engine water jacket, and throttle heating system.

As shown in the diagram, the thermostat is designed as a spring-loaded bypass valve. Under the influence of a spring, it is in the open position and passes liquid in a full circle through the radiator of the cooling system. In this case, the liquid cools faster, but, naturally, warms up very slowly, especially in winter.

Since we know that the engine can normally operate only at a temperature in the range of 97-105 degrees, then in the case of constant circulation of fluid in a large circle in the cold season, warming up the engine occurs very slowly. This causes increased fuel consumption and severe wear of rubbing engine parts.

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