Installation of inertial seat belts on a VAZ 2106

09/30/2021 18,599 VAZ 2106

Author: Ivan Baranov

A car is a place where a person is often in danger. Therefore, modern cars are equipped with various systems and means that increase the safety of the driver and passengers. These devices include seat belts. In early versions of VAZ 2106 cars, rear belts were not installed at the factory, although fastenings were provided for them. The article describes: the purpose of rear seat belts, how to install them yourself on a VAZ 2106.


The procedure for dismantling and installing the front belts of the VAZ 2106

You should consider in detail the algorithm for replacing the front seat belts on a VAZ 2106 car. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • flat screwdriver;
  • wrench 17.

Each of these types of front belts must be removed from a VAZ 2106 in the following order:

    Using a flat-head screwdriver, carefully pry and remove the decorative trim located on the top hinge mounting bolt.

New safety devices must be installed in reverse order. Installing a new coil can be somewhat difficult. To do everything correctly when carrying out work, it is necessary to ensure that the slot of the inertial reel releasing the retaining device web is positioned strictly horizontally in relation to it. If you suddenly installed the coil without following the specified rule, then in the future the mechanism may perform poorly.

Video “Design of an inertial seat belt”

This video shows how an inertial RB works.

Replacement of seat belts on a car should be carried out when the belts have already become frayed or in the event of a malfunction of the locking devices. If the belts have already experienced stress as a result of a car accident, then they must be changed without fail.

To replace the seat belts, we need a seventeen-size wrench and a screwdriver.

Seat belts are located on both sides and are attached to the B-pillars. The belts consist of:

Well, now we’ll figure out step by step how to remove belts from a car:

  • First of all, carefully, using a screwdriver, pry up the decorative trim of the upper hinge bolt and remove the trim. Next, unscrew the hinge fastening bolt, remove the hinge along with the spacer sleeve and wave washer and put the whole thing aside so as not to lose it.
  • Now, in the same way, remove the lower decorative cover from the inertial coil and unscrew the bolt securing it, remove the bolt along with the spacer sleeve and wavy washer.
  • Now you can remove the coil.

Replace the old seat belt with a new one and install it back on the car. When installing a new reel, it must be oriented so that the reel slot from which the belt comes out is horizontal, otherwise the belt will jam. After installing the new reel, check its functionality; when the belt is pulled out evenly and slowly, the reel should not operate and stop the belt, and vice versa, with a sharp jerk, the belt should slow down.

This is what the seat belt is all about. Now let's remove the belt buckle located between the front seats.

To remove the lock you need to:

  • Remove the bolt trim.
  • Unscrew the bolt and remove the spacer sleeve, wave washer and remove the lock itself.
  • Install the new lock in the reverse order of removal.

At this point, the repair work to replace the VAZ 2106 seat belt has been completed. When installing new belts, use only seat belt bolts.

Procedure for dismantling and installing rear elements

Rear seat belts are generally more durable than front seat belts. But from time to time you have to replace them too.

When dismantling and installing these mechanisms at the rear, use the tools mentioned above. The procedure for dismantling them is as follows:

  1. First, the rear seat backrest is removed.
  2. Using a flat-head screwdriver, remove the decorative covers of the mounting bolts at the top and bottom.
  3. Then the bolts themselves are unscrewed along with the lower and upper fasteners.
  4. Carefully remove the coil and guide.
  5. To completely dismantle the old device, you need to insert it together with the hinge and guide into the slot in the rear pillar trim panel.

Then you can replace the old lock with a new one. To do this, you need to unscrew the mounting bolts and easily remove the old locks. Please note that this work is performed with the rear seat backrest removed. New rear security devices and locks are installed in exactly the reverse order.

An important stage in carrying out this type of work is checking the correct installation of the mechanisms. When moving smoothly, the belt should move freely, be easily secured in the lock, and when jerked, it should be sharply fixed in a certain position.

Thus, having the necessary tools at hand and following the detailed instructions, you can easily replace the safety mechanisms on your VAZ 2106 yourself.

Types of seat belts in the car

Car seat belts by type of fastening are:

  • point-to-point;
  • three-point;
  • four-point.

Reinforced five- and six-point belts have been developed for racing cars, but they have not yet found use in production cars due to installation difficulties.

There is also a division of seat belts according to the principles of operation. The following types are distinguished:

  • static;
  • dynamic;
  • leading.

Rear seat belt function

The main purpose of seat belts (SB) is to provide reliable protection for the driver and passengers in the event of an accident. You should fasten your seat belt before you start driving, including when moving around the city. Not only the driver, but also the passengers must buckle up.

Unbelted rear passengers create an additional threat to the life of the driver and themselves in the event of emergency braking.

There are rules for using RB:

  1. You cannot fasten several passengers with one seat belt;
  2. It is prohibited to restrain a child sitting in the arms of a rear passenger;
  3. There should be no objects between the person’s body and the belt that could
  4. injure the body in emergency situations;
  5. The RBs should be smooth, without twisted places, and well tensioned.

Large amounts of clothing create bulk, which reduces protection.

For the rear seats, as well as for the front ones, three-point, self-winding RBs are installed. They are mounted on the side of the body. In the middle of the rear seat there is only a two-point lap belt, the length of which can be set manually. You can install rear non-inertial RBs, but they are inconvenient to use, since they have to be wound up manually each time.

Rear seat belts

Do seat belts save you?

“There is nothing more terrible than the fate of a driver who was not wearing a seat belt at the time of a traffic accident. This is how events develop when a driver hits a stationary obstacle at a speed of 80 km/h. 0.026 seconds after the impact, the bumper is pressed in; a force thirty times the weight of the car stops it moving in the line of the front seats, while its passengers - if they are not wearing seat belts - continue to move inside the car at a speed of 80 km/h. After 0.039 seconds, the driver and the seat rapidly move forward by 15 centimeters. After 0.044 seconds, he breaks the steering wheel with his chest. After 0.050 seconds, the speed drops so much that the car and all passengers begin to experience a force of gravity 80 times greater than their own weight. After 0.068 seconds, the driver hits the dashboard with a force of 9 tons. After 0.092 seconds, the driver and the passenger sitting next to him simultaneously crash their heads into the front windshield of the car and suffer fatal injuries to the skull. After 0.100 seconds, the driver hanging on the steering wheel is thrown back; he's already dead. After 0.110 seconds the car begins to roll back slightly. After 0.113 seconds, the passenger sitting behind the driver - if he is also not fastened - finds himself on the same line with him, inflicts a new blow on him and at the same time receives fatal injuries. After 0.150 seconds there is complete silence; shards of glass and pieces of iron fall to the ground. The collision site is shrouded in a cloud of dust. Everything happened in less than two tenths of a second.”

Every time we re-read these lines from the book of the famous French traffic safety expert Christian Gerondeau “La Mort Inutile”, we catch ourselves thinking that this nightmare can be completely avoided if we use an essentially primitive device - a seat belt . The idea of ​​such belts is far from new. The first patent for such a device was issued in the USA back in 1885. 15 years later, the belts were tested on one of the American Air Force airplanes. In the Old World, designers also worked to solve this problem. In 1909, a unique device was created in England, consisting of a large diameter spiral spring and straps. The purpose of the device is to keep the passenger in the car seat. In the early 20s, racing cars began to be equipped with seat belts. It seemed that there was only one step left before their widespread distribution, because much of what began to be used on sports cars soon appeared on production cars. Seat belts were not affected. It took them three decades to migrate to production cars, because only in the 50s certain car models from America and Sweden began to be equipped with them.

We change it ourselves

If the RBs experienced a shock load during an accident, they must be replaced along with the winding device. The service life of these products on the VAZ 2106 is 10 years. During operation, belts rub, fray and stretch, so it is necessary to monitor their condition. They must be clean, elastic, without damage or abrasions. If defects are found, parts should be replaced.

A set of necessary tools

To install the RB on a VAZ 2106, you need to prepare:

  1. a set of keys:
  2. screwdriver;
  3. inertial RB;
  4. fastenings;
  5. fasteners.

You should buy RB in a vertical version. True, you will have to suffer a little with their installation.

Replacing front and rear seat belts on a VAZ 2106

If you are involved in an accident, then after it you will not only have to carry out body repairs, but also change the deployed airbags along with the belts, or only the latter, since your car may not have airbags. But even if you have never been in an accident in your entire driving experience, seat belts (SB) can become unusable, simply wearing out and losing strength over many years of service, after which they need to be replaced with new ones. Below you will learn how to do this on a VAZ-2106 car.


You will need a minimum of tools: a flat-head screwdriver and a 17mm wrench or socket wrench. Well, a new belt and its lock, of course.

Replacing front seat belts on a VAZ 2106

The diagram shows the location of the belt: number 1 is the reel, number 2 is the belt itself, 3 is the latch, and 4 is the loop.

1) Take a screwdriver and use it to carefully pry the cover on the hinge mounting bolt.

2) Remove the trim, being careful not to damage its clips.

3) Take the key and unscrew the bolt that secures the RB hinge.

4) After removing the hinge, try to put it somewhere in a visible place so that the small parts associated with it do not get lost.

5) Arm yourself with a screwdriver again and remove the cover, but this time on the coil.

6) Unscrew its mounting bolt, being careful not to lose the washer and spacer.

7) Remove the coil.

8) Take the new belt and install it in place of the old one.

After installation, it is important to check the smooth movement of the belt so that it can be pulled out and retracted without hindrance. If there are problems with this, you need to adjust the position of the reel so that the slot in it is horizontal in relation to the belt, and not at an angle.

You also need to check whether the reel is defective: normally, when jerking, the belt should not move, but when pulling smoothly, on the contrary, it should. If the coil does not work normally, it should be exchanged for another one at the store.

Usually, along with the belt, its lock, located between the front seats, also changes.

To replace it you should:

  • Remove the cover on the mounting bolt.
  • Unscrew the bolt, removing the sleeve and washer, after which the lock will be removed.
  • Install a new lock.

How to change rear belts and their locks on a VAZ 2106

Rear belts usually last longer than front ones, but they don’t last forever. The tools are the same, but to replace it you will first have to remove the back of the rear sofa. Further:

1) Use a screwdriver to pry up the cover and then remove it.

2) Unscrew the mounting bolt located at the bottom.

3) Repeat step 1 for the top fastening, exactly like step 3.

6) Then unscrew the bolt securing the hinge, and then remove it with its associated small parts.

7) Now it's the turn of the coil bolt.

8) Next you need to pry up and remove the RB guide.

9) Pass the belt assembly with guide and loop through the slot in the rear pillar trim panel.

10) Dismantle it, after which you can install a new RB.

Replacing locks is done as follows:

  • The back row of the back row is removed (if you have not done this earlier).
  • The mounting bolts are unscrewed
  • After which the locks can be easily removed and replaced with new ones.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if you also want to change all the bolts securing the hinges, locks and coils, then you should buy new ones only at a car dealership, since these are specialized parts that can withstand high loads. It is strictly forbidden to install ordinary bolts, since in the event of an accident they will be cut off, which will lead to a sad outcome.

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