Priora car, the window lifter does not work: the problem can be solved

July 29, 2015 Lada.Online 299 455 183

Owners of Lada Priora have to periodically deal with malfunctions of power windows (ESP). In some cases, the problem lies in some small detail that can be easily fixed with your own hands; in other cases, you will have to contact a service center to repair the ESP. We decided to look into the main reasons why power windows do not work.


Power window R153-02 rear right

Power window R153-03 rear left

Car owners of the model of the same name would do well to know what it means to install rear windows on a Lada Priora

– more precisely, to have at least general information about the complex of works united by this concept. We will try to clearly describe the process, noting some related points that will undoubtedly bring practical benefits to domestic motorists.

Installing rear windows on a Priora has a number of specific features. But first things first.

Replacing the window regulator and its motor

This article will consider this type of Priora repair, such as replacing the electric window mechanism assembled with the motor. Of course, if your electric motor has failed, then there is no need to change the entire mechanism. Regarding the motor, it will be shown below how to change it.

Necessary tool for replacing the window regulator on a Priora

  1. 10 mm head
  2. Extension
  3. Ratchet or crank

How to remove the front window lift mechanism assembly

The first step is to perform a procedure such as removing the front door trim. After this, unscrew the two bolts securing the glass to the bracket on the lift. The bolts will only be accessible when the glass is raised up. This is clearly shown in the photo below.

To prevent the glass from falling down during this repair, it is necessary to fix it by placing something between it and the inside of the door. Next, you can unscrew all the power window mounting nuts.

This mechanism is attached in several places:

  • from above, in the place where the glass is fixed, and also a little higher in the very corner of the structure
  • below also in the corner
  • and closer to the center of the door where the motor is installed - there are three nuts

Then disconnect the plug with the power wires by simply pulling both ends to the sides with a little force.

Next, we lower the structure so that the motor appears in a special opening:

It is through this that the entire structure should be removed from the door, which will be clearly shown in the photo.

And we remove it completely out so that further manipulations can be carried out.

Replacing the window lift motor of Lada Priora

As mentioned above, the most common reason is the failure of the electric motor. And in this paragraph we will consider the procedure for replacing it. First, you need to turn the mechanism over so that the pins are facing us.

  • Turn out all three studs
  • Using a flat-head screwdriver, unscrew the screws securing the motor housing to the window regulator.
  • We separate the two parts of the structure and install the new electric motor in place

Video review of replacing front electric windows on a Priora

This video is embedded from my YouTube channel.

I hope that the replacement process is shown in the most accessible and understandable way!

The price of the motor is from 600 rubles, but for the entire assembled mechanism you will have to pay at least 1000 rubles. The Priora has lifts from the VAZ 2110, so you shouldn’t look for “Prior” ones.

Replacing the window lift motor of Lada Priora

As mentioned above, the most common reason is the failure of the electric motor. And in this paragraph we will consider the procedure for replacing it. First, you need to turn the mechanism over so that the pins are facing us.

The sequence of replacing the window regulator on a VAZ 2170 2171 2172 Lada Priora.

1. Disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery.

2. Remove the front door trim (see “Removing and installing the front door trim on a VAZ 2170 2171 2172 Lada Priora”).

3. Lower or raise the glass so that you can access the glass frame mounting bolts through the top hole of the door. Remove the two bolts securing the glass frame to the window lifter slider.

4. Lift the glass with your hands until it stops and secure it with wooden or plastic wedges. 5. Disconnect the power window wiring harness connector.

6. Unscrew the three nuts securing the window regulator motor.

7. Unscrew the four nuts securing the window lift mechanism guide...

8. ...and remove the window regulator from the door through the service window.


This is what the Lada Priora front door window lifter mechanism removed from the car looks like.

Pay attention to the markings of the window regulator so that you can purchase exactly the same one for replacement.

9. Install the window regulator in the reverse order of removal. After installation, check that the glass closes tightly and without distortion. If this is not the case, loosen the screws securing the glass frame to the slider and adjust it to the desired position using the oval holes in the slider.



Instead of introducing

Window lifters (or, to use a more familiar word, “window lifters”), as the name suggests, are designed to raise/lower windows.

The option under consideration refers to the electric window lifter

(although in a number of models only mechanical ones are provided for rear windows), i.e. manipulations with the side windows are carried out using electrical energy.

It is convenient and practical, creating additional comfort for the driver and passengers

It is pleasant to note that domestic manufacturers paid due attention to this indicator

Removal and installation instructions

To carry out the work you will need a “10” wrench and plastic or wooden wedges

It is important to know how to remove the window regulator on the front doors; dismantling and installation of the rear window regulators on the Priora is carried out in the same way

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, for safety reasons, it is necessary to de-energize the car by removing the negative terminal from the battery.
  2. Next, the door trim is removed.
  3. Then you need to raise or lower the glass so that there is access through the upper door opening to the bolts with which the glass frame is attached to the device slide. These bolts should be unscrewed.
  4. At the next stage, you should lift the glass up to the end with your hands and secure its position with the help of prepared wedges.
  5. Then you need to disconnect the block with the wiring harness from the window lifting mechanism.
  6. After this, the nuts are unscrewed, thanks to which the gearmotor is held in place.
  7. Then the fastening nuts of the device guide are unscrewed.
  8. When all the nuts are unscrewed, the window regulator is removed through the technological hole. When removing the glass lifting mechanism, you need to ensure that the glass is securely fixed.
  9. Installation of the device is carried out in the reverse order.

1. Window lifting mechanism Lada

2. Front door without trim

3. Unscrewing the gearmotor mounting nuts

Installing a glass closer

The power windows available on the Lada Priora are limited in their functions. They are inconvenient because they raise or lower the windows only when you hold down the security mode button. This creates some inconvenience when you turn off the ignition in a hurry, get out of the car and suddenly remember that you didn’t close the windows in the car.

Again, you need to do all the procedures in reverse order: insert the key into the ignition, press the power window buttons. Or you can completely forget that the windows are left open, and then uninvited guests can get into the car.

First, remove 2 nuts on the door trim near the driver. Then we lift the plastic clips and free the car threshold from the lining. Carefully remove the noise and temperature insulating materials and get to the power window connector shown in the figure. Be sure to ensure that all openings in the car, on the side of the body, are closed. Next, you need to disconnect the existing connector and install the connector of our new device.. Read more: How to replace the fuel filter on a Renault Sandero yourself

Read more: How to replace the fuel filter on a Renault Sandero yourself

This is all that needs to be done to install the power window closer on the Lada Priora. Now you don’t have to worry that when you turn off the ignition in your car, the window glass will remain down. The closer will do his job.

By the way, according to experts, it is not necessary to start replacing the control unit. Simple testing will help determine the real reason:

  1. See if the lock that controls how the power window control unit works in the Lada Priora is functioning correctly. If the lock is acting up, you need to check the plus or minus on the wire.
  2. It would be a good idea to check the condition of the fuse. To do this, connect the adjustment bulb to the body of the Lada Priora and see how the windows move in different directions. The same actions are carried out with a positively charged wire, and then with wiring numbers 1, 5, 11, 13. If the light always lights up, the fault is not in the unit. Most likely, some wire has been crushed or the electric drive has failed.

What does the functional diagram of window regulators look like?

Window regulators in the Lada Priora may be faulty if there are defects in the operation of the relay or the fuse is blown.
Then the window lifters jam on the rear doors or on the side of the seat located on the right. It is also considered incorrect operation of devices when the glass moves jerkily. This option is present in the Lada Priora of the first years of production. A little later, the shortcomings were corrected, and those who purchased the car in the first rows have to tinker with it themselves. By the way, according to experts, it is not necessary to start replacing the control unit. Simple testing will help determine the real reason:

  1. See if the lock that controls how the power window control unit works in the Lada Priora is functioning correctly. If the lock is acting up, you need to check the plus or minus on the wire.
  2. It would be a good idea to check the condition of the fuse. To do this, connect the adjustment bulb to the body of the Lada Priora and see how the windows move in different directions. The same actions are carried out with a positively charged wire, and then with wiring numbers 1, 5, 11, 13. If the light always lights up, the fault is not in the unit. Most likely, some wire has been crushed or the electric drive has failed.

What is the cause of the problem

Sometimes there is no malfunction as such. For example, window regulators may fail in severe frost, but other electrics also suffer from similar problems. Therefore, experts advise not to save on buying/renting and heating a garage. But mechanical failures are much more common.

If you suspect a breakdown, you first need to check the TsBKE - this is AvtoVAZ’s personal innovation, which operates the electrical package. First you need to make sure the fuse is working. If everything is fine, we disassemble the doors, arm ourselves with a multimeter and measure the voltage at the terminals of the window lift motor. If there is no voltage, then:

  1. There may be a malfunction of the power window control unit (the button for opening and closing the window located on the door).
  2. The problem lies in the connection of the wire connectors.
  3. CBKE refused.
  1. The window lift motor is stuck or stuck.
  2. The window lift cable has already outlived its usefulness and needs to be replaced.
  3. Distortion of the glass itself, while the rest of the system is in full working order.

All of the above breakdowns occur with approximately equal frequency, with the exception of glass distortion, which occurs much less frequently.

Self-detecting a broken power window can be seriously difficult. First, it is difficult to diagnose a CBCE problem. The device is designed in such a way that one of the cables is multifunctional. It could be:

  • X1-4.
  • X1-6.

The essence of multifunctionality lies in the fact that some conductors are capable of independently changing polarity if the appropriate command is received from the CBKE. These pairs can simultaneously control side mirrors, central locking, provide power, etc.

To diagnose a malfunction of the CBKE, it is necessary to perform the X1-4 or X1-6 test, which is multifunctional on a specific vehicle. In this case, you should also press the window up/down button. If the multimeter detects the presence of electricity when the button is activated, then everything is fine. You also need to check sockets No. 1, No. 5, No. 11 and No. 13. If in all cases the presence of current and correct operation of the system are noted, it means that the reason does not lie in the CBKE.

As for the power window control unit, you most likely will not be able to identify the fault yourself. The fact is that it ensures the operation of all such devices in the car, which means you can call it as much as you like, but it will be very difficult to confirm the fact of its failure and find out where exactly it failed. The only real way out in such a situation is to contact specialists at a service station. With a high probability, it will not be possible to do without diagnostic equipment.

Repair is determined by the specific malfunction and is not always possible at home. If we are talking about skewed glass or poor conductor contact, this is not a problem. You can also replace a worn-out window lift cable yourself; you just need to purchase a new one at the nearest car market. If the problem lies in the power window control unit or in the CBKE, then you cannot do without contacting a service center. In this case, independent electronic repair is impossible.

July 29, 2015 219,652

Owners of Lada Priora have to periodically deal with malfunctions of power windows (ESP). In some cases, the problem lies in some small detail that can be easily fixed with your own hands; in other cases, you will have to contact a service center to repair the ESP. We decided to look into the main reasons why power windows do not work.

Why is everything so difficult?

It would seem that we only need to manage the locks. Why then connect to the window lift motors?

The opening of the passenger doors is carried out by the second impulse (relay K1 is activated). And elements K2 and K3 at this moment block the power windows. If they are not blocked, the windows in the doors will lower during the entire control pulse. And even in 0.8 seconds they will open noticeably.

Of course, connecting the signaling system in a Priora is more difficult than in many domestic cars. At the same time, the “Grant” in the “Norma” configuration uses a similar scheme. Be that as it may, the Lada Priora is the flagship of VAZ. And probably, difficulties with the electrical part should not confuse a competent car owner. It is also known that the standard control unit can be reprogrammed, and then unlocking occurs in one step. In this case, the connection is made according to “Scheme 1”.

Priora window lift diagram

Priora window lift diagram, connection features

Despite the fact that the window lifters are controlled in the same way as on previous models, the design of the Priora's window lifters is somewhat different. There is no power window unit on the Priora. The power windows are controlled by the electrical package controller. This was done for ease of control of electric windows.

To completely open and close the glass, you no longer need to hold down the key, but simply press it briefly. If you hold the button for a while, the window lifter will work until the button is released. The buttons in this case do not switch the circuit, as on previous models, but are a kind of sensors for the electronic unit.

Connecting the driver's door power windows is somewhat different from the connection in the passenger doors. This is due to the use of an all control module in the driver's door.

When you turn on any button on the block, a corresponding signal is generated from it, which is transmitted to the electrical package control controller via the wire connecting pin 5 of the driver's door block with pin 5 of block 3 of the double-glazed window control unit.

When troubleshooting without using diagnostic equipment, you can check the integrity or short to ground of the wire through which the signal passes and the presence of power on the driver's door module unit.

In addition to the use of electronic units in the Priora window lifter circuit, there is a feature of supplying power to the electric drive. One of the wires is multifunctional and is involved in supplying power to the heating and mirror control, as well as to the door lock solenoid.

Therefore, this wire can have either a plus or a minus, depending on which consumer is turned on. The value is controlled by the electrical package controller. On the right and left sides of the wire, pins 4 and 6 are connected separately to connector X1, respectively.

This property can be used to troubleshoot a circuit.

Priora power window diagram troubleshooting

How to find a fault in the Priora power window diagram if the passenger door power windows do not work? A malfunction of the power windows of all doors is unlikely and the reason for this will most likely be a malfunction of the electronic control unit for the power accessories.

A malfunction of the electric lifter in one of the doors is a very common breakdown, especially on early cars. And it is again associated with a malfunction of the unit, and in particular the burnout of the microcircuits that control the operation of the electric drive. The reason was a flaw in the circuit design by the manufacturer.

For the same reason, the window lifts could work jerkily. Subsequently, the block manufacturer corrected the defect, but failure of the block is still the main malfunction at the moment.

It is best to start troubleshooting by checking the functionality of the door lock on which the lift does not work. If the lock also does not work, then you need to check the presence of power or negative on the wire from the glass unit control unit, connector X1, pin 4 or 6, depending on which side you are looking for the fault.

To do this, connect the test lamp to the car body and turn on the power window in one direction or the other. Then connect the test lamp to the positive wire and repeat the operation. It is also worth checking conclusions 1, 5, 11, 13.

If the control lamp lights up in all cases, then the control unit is working properly and most likely there is a broken wire on the door or a malfunction of the electric drive. To check, you need to remove the door trim and connect a test lamp between the wires going to the electric drive.

If the foot lights up when you turn on the lift, then the electric drive is faulty, otherwise the wire is broken. If the unit malfunctions, it is necessary to find out the cause. This could be not only a manufacturing defect, but also a short circuit between the wires or to the housing.

Design and types of window lifters

The Lada Priora has tempered glass on the front and rear doors. A window lifting mechanism is used to raise and lower them. The power windows are controlled using a button on the car door module. The driver can control the movement of the glass of all doors, and the passenger can only control the glass of his door. According to the principle of operation, the devices are divided into rack and cable.

Despite the fact that the Priora's window lifting mechanism is similar to other models, its difference lies in the absence of a window lifter block. Its function is performed by the built-in electrical package control controller (CBKE), located near the ECU.

In addition, power is supplied to the drive in a specific way. One of the wires is multifunctional. It changes polarity depending on the function performed: it controls the central locking, mirrors, and power supply. This makes it difficult to troubleshoot and repair the window regulator.

Replacing power windows on a Priora

Why doesn't the power window work on the Priora? In fact, there are many reasons for this malfunction, ranging from a blown fuse to failure of the electric motor itself. In some cases it can be repaired, but everything must be dismantled first. Do you know how to remove the window regulator on a Priora with your own hands?

Removing the front power windows

You will need: remove the door trim and prepare the head “at 10”. Procedure:

  1. Fix the glass so that you can access the glass fastening bolts through the top hole of the door. Unscrew these two bolts with a 10mm socket.
  2. Disconnect the block with the Priora ESP wires.
  3. Unscrew the seven nuts securing the window regulator to the door using a 10mm socket.
  4. Remove the power window through the upper access hole.

Installation of window regulators on Priora is carried out in the reverse order.

Removing rear power windows

You will need: remove the door trims and prepare the “10” and “8” heads. Procedure:

  1. Fix the glass so that you can access the glass fastening bolts through the top hole of the door. Unscrew these two bolts with a 10mm socket.
  2. Unscrew the three nuts securing the window regulator to the door using a 8mm socket.
  3. Unscrew the two nuts securing the window lifter guide using a 10mm socket.
  4. Remove the Priora window regulator through the technological hole.

Installation of the rear window regulators is carried out in the reverse order. By the way, do you know how to install a window closer on a Priora?


  • priors doors
  • Priors window regulators

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Repair of window motor and components

One of the main reasons for the breakdown of the Priora window lifter may be a breakdown of the motor and wear of the electric window lift cable.

You can replace both the cable and the motor. When replacing the motor, you will need to tighten the cable; this procedure is quite difficult and takes a lot of time and effort. The window lift mechanism can also be purchased assembled, along with the motor. This design was popularly nicknamed “trapezoid” for its characteristic shape. When purchasing a complete mechanism, all that remains is to install it in place of the failed one.

Causes of malfunction

Minor malfunctions or breakdowns can occur for various reasons:

  1. After an accident. If the blow hit the side door. It can manifest itself either in the incorrect operation of the window regulator or in the complete failure of this unit.
  2. If exposed to moisture or dampness. Of course, the car door is sufficiently sealed. But in some cases, the electrical components of the power window short out due to condensation or the car being in deep water for a long time.
  3. Installation of low-quality or defective components.

Let's look at the most common problems.

Electrical faults

Electrical faults are the simplest because they are the easiest to fix. Electrical failures can occur due to:

  1. Poor contact on the opening control button/relay. Most often this is observed when there is insufficient contact in the switching device. Oxidized or erased power pads on the board do not conduct current in the circuit. The window regulator begins to twitch or fails altogether.
  2. Wire shorts. The door has moving elements. The wiring in these places may fray or break. The power goes out and the glass stops going up and down.
  3. Fuse blown. If there is a sudden jump in the car's circuit, the fuse located in the window regulator circuit may burn out.
  4. Motor/gearbox malfunction. There can be many reasons for this: from burnout and sticking of the brushes, to oxidation of the contact group on the motor.

For any type of malfunction, it is worth carrying out diagnostics at a specialized service station. But first you should check the power window fuses. Most often, the cause of the breakdown lies in this place.

Mechanical defects of the mechanism

Mechanical defects occur much more often than electrical ones. They can also cause the window regulator to break. The most common mechanical failures:

  1. Broken cable. A rare malfunction. With such a defect, the glass “falls” into the door frame and does not rise from the button.
  2. Bent arms or guides. In this case, the work jams or the button is completely ignored.
  3. Reducer gear failure. Modern cars are often equipped with plastic gears that quickly wear out, crack or crumble. The teeth begin to slip. The glass jerks or rises jerkily.
  4. Sticking or jamming of the mechanism due to lack of lubrication. A common “sore” on old cars. The resource of mechanics is not infinite; it also requires careful treatment and timely maintenance. Over the years of operation, machine lubricant on moving parts dries out. The parts begin to rub against each other and jam together.

The listed defects can only be repaired on a disassembled door. In this case, you will need to purchase additional damaged or broken components.

Other causes of power window failure

Sometimes the glass stops opening normally for reasons that are unclear at first glance. This may happen due to:

  1. Severe frost. Condensation forms in a warm interior. At night the car cools down, and in frosty weather the accumulated moisture forms ice where the glass meets the door. An ice crust may also form inside the lifting mechanism. All this leads to difficulties in the operation of the window regulators.
  2. A foreign object gets into the gap between the glass and the door. In this case, the window regulator becomes stuck.

In 80% of cases, any mechanical or electrical malfunction is eliminated with a disassembled door.

Causes of failure

Priora window lifts break down due to the car being in conditions of regular low temperatures for a long time, problems with the electronic control unit, failure of fuses, wear of the motor and other lift components, as well as skewed glass.

Before carrying out repairs, it is necessary to diagnose those car systems in which the cause of the breakdown of this element may be hidden. Diagnostics are best carried out using tools and devices, for example, a tester will allow you to understand whether voltage is supplied to the window lift motor.

Once the cause of the problem has been identified, repairs can begin.

Wiring diagram of power windows of Lada Priora

The search for the problem should begin by checking the correct operation of the door lock, inside which the lift has stopped working. If the lock also refuses to work, you need to check whether there is a minus or power from the glass unit control module, connector X1, pin 4 and (or) 6, depending on the malfunction of the board. Connect the warning lamp to the car body while simultaneously pressing any button on the power window. Repeat the operation again, but with the positive wire. Make sure that pins 1, 13, 5 and 11 are working correctly. If the control lamp lights up in all cases, it means there are no problems with the operation of the control unit. Most likely, there is a problem in the electric drive, or a break in the wiring. After removing the casing, connect the control ramp between the two wires that go to the electric drive. If the lamp starts to light when the up/down button is turned on, this means that there is a problem with the electric drive. Otherwise, you are dealing with a broken wire.

Compared to the passenger windows, the driver's window uses a slightly different scheme. This is due to the fact that the driver can control all modules in the cabin at once. Without using diagnostic equipment, the driver can check the short or continuity to ground of the wire that supplies the signal, as well as power to the driver's door module.

The control panel is located on the interior handle

The window regulator on the Priora is used to raise or lower the windows in the car. The mechanism is installed inside the car doors either in a special subframe or by attaching it to the car body.

The design of the window regulator includes:

  • drive (combined electric motor unit, worm, gear);
  • window lifting mechanism;
  • Control block.
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